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How to Edit Text in Adobe Illustrator

Do you want to make customized texts for your designs? Changing the appearance of your text is a great way to show your personal style in your digital artwork or illustrations. In this article, learn some simple ways to edit your text in Adobe Illustrator.

How to Edit Text in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a graphic design software that helps you create your own designs. Transform a standard text into a whole new typography art while using the right tools in this software.

  • Step 1: Add the Text

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    Select the Type Tool (T) to add text. Choose the Font you will use for the text you want to edit in the Character panel.

  • Step 2: Use the Direct Selection Tool

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    Go to your left toolbar. Use the black arrow tool called the Direct Selection Tool located at the top left to select your text.

  • Step 3: Create Outlines in Your Text

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    Look for the Type option and select Create Outlines. This will turn your text into a path.

  • Step 4: Separate Individual Letters

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    Go to the Object option. Look for Ungroup in order to separate individual letters in your text.

  • Step 5: Take the White Selection Tool

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    Take the White selection tool to edit each letter individually. Hold down the shift and then, click the points you want to modify.

  • Step 6: Modify the Thickness or Shape of the Letter

    how to edit text in adobe illustrator step
    By holding the shift and clicking the points along the edge of the letter, you can modify the thickness of the letter. You may also drag and hold the points to alter the shape of your text.


What is Typeface in Adobe Illustrator?

Typeface is a custom font where you put the words that you use that stands out on the page and the screen.

Where to find missing fonts in Illustrator?

If you want to search for missing fonts in your system, the Missing Fonts dialog box appears when you open a document. Another way to open this is go to Type > Resolve Missing Fonts.

How to edit existing text in Adobe Illustrator?

Use the Selection Tool to select the text, change the font, style or spacing in the Character panel, and choose a color from the Swatches panel. Then, apply text effects and reshape the text when you outline, and ungroup the text so that you can click and drag the points.

How to remove specific parts of the text?

Click and drag the mouse across the text and then delete the parts you want to remove.

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