According to the data, "The horse industry has a direct economic effect on the U.S.of $39 billion annually," and the fact that 4.6 million Americas are involved in this industry. With those numbers, and as horse owners and service providers, it is indeed important to prepare agreements to help you structure the terms and conditions for your buyer to know the requisites and responsibilities of owning a horse. brings you a comprehensive collection of Horse Agreement Templates made accessible to you anytime. We have all the agreements you need for your business to have a smooth transaction flow, whether you need a Sale Agreement for the selling of your horse or a Loan Agreement to secure your horse's good future. You can freely customize the content and fill in the payment or purchase details, and add more specifications and conditions of the responsibilities of taking care of the horse. Having well-written agreements will save you time and money, avoid legal disputes and provide clear obligations and policies you want the buyers to adhere to for your horses to be in good hands. knows that protecting your horse's future is your ultimate goal; that's why we provide you with Sample Agreements that you can use to safeguard the safety of your horse and for legal protections as well. These templates are available in different file formats such as MS Word, Adobe PDF, and Apple Pages. So, don't waste time on generic agreements and subscribe to any of our plans to secure yourself with the best templates!