Payment Agreement Generator
This Payment Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date] between [Your Name] ("Provider"), representing [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], and [Client’s Name] (“Client”), located at [Client’s Address]. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions regarding the payment for services rendered by [Your Company Name] to the Client.
I. Payment Terms
The Client agrees to pay the Provider a total of [Total Amount] for the services provided. The payment schedule is as follows:
Initial Payment: [Amount] due on [Date]
Subsequent Payment(s): [Amount] due on [Date(s)]
Final Payment: [Amount] due on [Date]
[Date 1]: [Amount 1]
[Date 2]: [Amount 2]
[Date 3]: [Amount 3]
II. Payment Method
Payments will be made via [Payment Method] to the Provider at [Bank Name/Payment Platform], account number [Account Number], or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties.
III. Late Payments
Any payment not made by the agreed-upon date will be considered late. A late fee of [Late Fee Percentage]% will be applied for each [Number of Days] days the payment is overdue.
IV. Termination
This Agreement may be terminated by either party with [Number] days' written notice. In the event of termination, the Client will be responsible for any payments due for services already rendered by the Provider.
V. Amendments
Any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.
VI. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country].
By signing below, both parties agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Payment Agreement signed this [Number] day of [Month] [Year].