APA Citation Generator Template



APA Citation Generator

APA Citations

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. ([Year]). Title of book. [Publisher].

Author, C. C., Author, D. D., & Author, E. E. ([Year]). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), pages. [DOI/URL]

Author, F. F. ([Year]). Title of webpage. [Website Name]. [URL]

Author, G. G., Author, H. H., & Institution, I. ([Year]). Title of report ([Report Number]). [Publisher]. [URL]

Editor, J. J. (Ed.). ([Year]). Title of edited book. [Publisher].

Organization, K. K. ([Year]). Title of specific entry. In Title of encyclopedia or dictionary. [Publisher]. [URL]

Producer, L. L., & Director, M. M. (Producers), & Author, N. N. (Writer). ([Year]). Title of motion picture [Film]. [Production Company].

Speaker, O. O. ([Year], [Month] [Day]). Title of speech. [Conference Name]. [Location].

Writer, P. P. ([Year], [Month]). Title of article. Title of Magazine. Retrieved from [URL]

Writer, Q. Q. ([Year], [Month]). Title of blog post. [Blog Name]. URL

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