Citation Generator Template



Citation Generator

Citations for an Academic Paper

Prepared by [Your Name]

APA Citations

  1. [Author Last Name], [First Initial]. ([Year]). [Title of the Book]. [Publisher].

  2. [Author Last Name], [First Initial]. ([Year]). [Title of the Article]. [Title of the Journal], [Volume]([Issue]), [Page Range].[DOI]

  3. [Author Last Name], [First Initial]. ([Year]). [Title of the Webpage]. Retrieved from [URL]

  4. [Author Last Name], [First Initial]. ([Year]). [Title of the Report] (Report No. [Number]). [Publisher].

  5. ...

  6. ...

  7. ...

MLA Citations

  1. [Author Last Name], [First Name]. [Title of the Book]. [Publisher], [Year].

  2. [Author Last Name], [First Name]. “[Title of the Article].” [Title of the Journal], vol. [Volume], no. [Issue], [Year], pp. [Page Range].

  3. [Author Last Name], [First Name]. “[Title of the Webpage].” [Title of the Website], [URL]. Accessed [Day] [Month] [Year].

  4. [Author Last Name], [First Name]. [Title of the Report]. [Publisher], [Year].

  5. ...

  6. ...

  7. ...