Writing Prompt Template



Writing Prompt


Author: [Your Name]

  1. Imagine you wake up one day with the ability to understand every language spoken on Earth. Describe your day and the challenges or opportunities you encounter.

  2. Write about a place you have never visited but have always dreamed about. What do you see, hear, smell, and feel as you explore it for the first time?

  3. Think about a significant historical event. Rewrite it, adding a twist that completely changes the outcome. How does this altered event affect the world today?

  4. Create a story around the discovery of a mysterious object at the bottom of the ocean. What is its origin, and what implications does it have for humanity?

  5. Describe a futuristic world where humans have found a way to communicate with animals. How does society change, and what new challenges arise?

  6. Write a short story from the perspective of your favorite fictional villain. Explore their motivations, backstory, and what makes them who they are.

  7. Think of a popular proverb and create a story that illustrates its message in an unexpected way.

  8. Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Write an alternate scenario where you made a different choice. How does it change your life?

  9. Imagine a world where time travel is possible. Write about the ethics of changing historical events and the rules society puts in place to govern time travelers.

  10. Craft a story that begins with the line, "It was a routine day until the doorbell rang, and everything changed."