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Employee Warning Notice

Subject: Notice of Written Warning due to Excessive Unexcused Absences


Dear Mr. Tom Anderson,


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you regarding your recent attendance record. It has come to the attention of the Human Resources Department that you have exceeded the permissible number of unexcused absences as defined in the MapTech Corp.'s attendance policy.


Your regular attendance at work is essential not only to perform your duties efficiently but also to contribute to our team's overall performance. As you are aware, our company takes its policies very seriously. Therefore, we are issuing you a written warning due to your consistent non-compliance with our attendance policy. This warning is made as per our company's protocol to address such issue.


We count on our employees’ commitment and diligence to support MapTech Corp.'s mission of creating imaginative and unique food experiences for people of all ages. We hope that you take this notice as support for improving your attendance. If you require any assistance or want to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us at 222 555 7777 or [email protected].