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Performance Review Form

Performance Review Form


Employee Information

Name: Lisa Smith
Date of Review:


Performance Evaluation

The focus of this review is Job Knowledge. Please fill out the following questions to the best of your ability.

1. Does Lisa demonstrate an understanding of her role and responsibilities?
2. Has Lisa shown proficiency in the skills and knowledge needed to perform her job?
3. Is Lisa able to adapt her knowledge to handle new or complex tasks?
4. Does Lisa stay updated with trends, developments, and changes related to her job?
5. How would you rate Lisa's overall job knowledge on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)?


6. Please provide specific examples where Lisa demonstrated strong job knowledge:

7. Please suggest areas of improvement or training for Lisa to enhance her job knowledge:


Employee Self-Assessment

Instructions: Ask the employee to assess their own job knowledge and performance in the following areas.

Please rate your own job knowledge in the following areas on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being exceptional.

Criteria Self-Rating (1-5) Comments
Knowledge of job responsibilities
Understanding of company policies and procedures
Ability to apply job-related knowledge effectively


Employee's Goals for Improvement

Instructions: Discuss the employee's goals for improving their job knowledge and specify any support they may need.

Employee's Goals



Reviewer Information




Additional Comments

Instructions: Use this space for any additional comments or notes related to the performance review.




Instructions: Employee acknowledges the receipt of this performance review form.

I acknowledge that I have received and discussed this performance review form.

Employee Name: _________________________________

Date: _______________________

Signatue: _____________________________