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Project Timeline

Project Timeline


Project Overview

The SmartDesk Pro project aims to successfully launch a cutting-edge software-controlled desk, encompassing an adjustable mechanism, touchscreen control panel, and a feature-rich mobile app. The project duration is from September 1, 2050, to November 30, 2050, with a focus on development tasks.



Milestone 1: Adjustable Mechanism Development

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration
Requirements Gathering 2050-09-01 2050-09-07 1 week
Mechanical Design and Prototyping 2050-09-08 2050-09-21 2 weeks
Prototype Testing and Iteration 2050-09-22 2050-10-05 2 weeks
Finalize Adjustable Mechanism Design 2050-10-06 2050-10-12 1 week

Milestone 2: Touchscreen Control Panel Development

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration
UI/UX Design for Touchscreen Panel 2050-10-13 2050-10-19 1 week
Software Development for Control Interface 2050-10-20 2050-11-02 2 weeks
Integration with Adjustable Mechanism 2050-11-03 2050-11-09 1 week
Testing and Refinement 2050-11-10 2050-11-16 1 week

Milestone 3: Mobile App Development

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration
App UI/UX Design and Wireframing 2050-11-17 2050-11-23 1 week
App Backend Development and APIs 2050-11-24 2050-11-30 1 week
App Frontend Development 2050-12-01 2050-12-07 1 week
App Integration with Desk and Panel 2050-12-08 2050-12-14 1 week
Testing and Debugging 2050-12-15 2050-12-21 1 week


Finalization and Launch

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration
Integration Testing and System Check 2050-12-22 2050-12-28 1 week
User Documentation and Guides 2050-12-29 2051-01-04 1 week
Marketing and Promotions 2051-01-05 2051-01-18 2 weeks
Launch Preparation and Logistics 2051-01-19 2051-01-25 1 week
SmartDesk Pro Launch Event 2051-01-26 2051-01-26 1 day




This detailed project timeline outlines the tasks and milestones required to successfully launch the SmartDesk Pro, a revolutionary software-controlled desk. By adhering to the proposed timeline, the development of the adjustable mechanism, touchscreen control panel, and mobile app will be completed within the designated 12-week period, ensuring a seamless and impactful product launch on November 30, 2050.