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6 Brilliant Marketing Strategies for Your Advertising Agency

As an owner of an advertising agency, you might be confident of how you market your services to your target clients. Well, that’s a given fact. After all, you’re running an advertising agency. That implies that you’re knowledgeable of various ways of promoting a business. However, your promotional tactics might also be the tactics of countless other ad agencies. In that case, it’ll be difficult to be ahead of the pack. So, you may want to revise your game plan. If you do, here we’ll show you six brilliant marketing strategies to help you outpace your competitors.

6 Brilliant Marketing Strategies for Your Advertising Agency

Be Transparent to the Market

Because of the internet, nowadays, people can uncover a business’s unseen facades with relative ease. Unlike past generations, individuals today tend to be skeptical of promotional campaigns. In other words, they’re smart consumers who you can’t easily persuade of how good or affordable a product or service is.

With those in mind, it would be better to be transparent. Show your target clients more profound components of your advertising services. By giving them a complete overview of your offers, they’ll be more likely to place their trust in your agency. Being transparent is also one way of acquainting your target clients on how you do business.

Here are three ways you can be transparent to the market:

Show Your Pricing

Many businesses don’t showcase the detailed pricing of their offers. Although there’s nothing wrong with it, most consumers tend to be skeptical, as we’ve said. So, it’s better to display your pricing. Give your target clients a preview of the quotation that they’ll pay for your services. In that way, prospective clients will see that you’re more than ready to do business with them. Plus, this strategy also ensures that you’ll only meet clients who can afford your offers. Thus, freeing up your schedule from negotiating with clients who’ll just back out.

Show Your Process

Showing clients how you strategize and create will make them confident of your abilities. This approach enables them to see whether your style fits with their preference and needs. You can do it through video marketing to convey information more clearly.

Show Your Track Record

Instead of saying stuff like “We’re the BEST AGENCY” or “We can bring your business AT THE TOP,” show your agency’s track record. Provide credible evidence to the market that your agency is indeed as good as you claim it to be. You can show them positive reviews from your past clients, data about your number of successful projects, and other winning attributes in your agency.

Connect with a Search Consultant

Probably the easiest way to reach out to new clients is by connecting with search consultants. Search consultants have strong ties with many companies that might require your advertising services. In just a few calls, texts, or emails, you could get in touch with new clients in no time. There’ll be no need to send a proposal or contact them on your own. This method is a case of network marketing, establishing connections with people who can connect you to other people you can do business with.

Admittedly, the services of a search consultant are quite expensive. But, in return, you’ll attract more clients quickly than your competitors. Hence, broadening your agency’s revenue stream faster.

Conduct a Side Project

Side project marketing has recently become a mainstream strategy. It helped in putting businesses on the map. What is side project marketing, you ask? Well, it’s when a company creates an innovative or groundbreaking project that resolves issues in an industry or society. The project may or may not be related to a company’s niche products and services. But regardless of that, the company can make a connection with the community.

So, if you see potential in adopting side project marketing, then go for it. However, our advice would be to relate your project with your services. Why? Well, that’s because it can make your project relatable to your target clients, not just to the general audience.

Publish Content that Your Target Clients Need

We assume that your ad agency has its own website. If it does, then make use of it as a primary marketing tool, not just for display on the internet. In your website, publish informative blogs and articles that cater to the needs of your target clients. You can write about advertising tips, how-tos, and anything about business advertising in general. Alternatively, you can also publish instructional and educational videos. This strategy will enable clients to discover your agency without approaching them directly. It also immerses clients to your agency’s professional take about advertising a business.

Use Branding Activities as Means of Generating Leads

Branding your agency is already a form of marketing. But, what solidifies it as a marketing strategy is if you utilize it to generate leads. For instance, setting up a social media page is one way of branding your agency. However, it’ll be for nothing if it doesn’t gain followers. So, make sure to post relevant content and sell your services on the page consistently. That’ll attract followers, and those followers could become clients sooner or later.

Aside from setting a social media page, hosting seminars is a branding activity that can generate leads. The attendants of your seminars might deem your methods reliable. Subsequently, they might reach out to you and ask you to help their business.

Always Organize with Your Team

Based on a report by, 70% of marketers who are well organized are more likely to achieve their objectives. That said, make sure to organize with your team all the time. Marketing an agency isn’t a one-person job. You need the helping hand of others who want to achieve the same thing you want. In every new marketing campaign, discuss things harmoniously with your people. Utilize a meeting minutes document to record every vital information of your discussions. You can also send a memo through email for faster communication. That’s if you have an expansive advertising team.

Input all of these marketing strategies in your checklist or integrate them into your advertising agency business plan. Execute each of them together with your advertising team. In doing so, your agency will be many steps ahead against other agencies.

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