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Business Operations: Everything You Need to Know

Businesses are run in different ways. However, one thing’s clear: profit is the name of the game. It begins the moment an entrepreneur is starting a business. A business plan contains a business’s outlook for the future and the steps it’ll take to get there. There’s a section dedicated to operations, which allows readers to understand how a business works. For this article, let’s put that subject into the spotlight.

Business Operations: Everything You Need to Know

What Is Business Operations?

By definition, business operations are the day-to-day actions a business takes to earn money and increase its value. They can be visualized in an organizational chart and listed in a worksheet. It encourages departments to foster a healthy collaboration culture and tells businesses not to exceed their budget. Without a clear set of tasks, employees won’t even bother coming in to work. Regardless of the industry you’re in, your business’s operations should be running at an efficient level. One way to boost efficiency is by setting SMART goals, which can be either short- or long-term.

Key Components of Business Operations

A business’s operations depend on factors such as industry, type, and size. An online shop won’t have the same daily tasks a brick-and-mortar establishment has. If the latter needs software to generate electronic shopping carts, the former mostly rely on point of sale (POS) systems to process transactions. Although operations vary between businesses, there are key essentials that every establishment must have in their operations. Let’s break these components down one by one and learn their role, shall we?

Build Processes

Business operations can’t run without processes to guide them. Here’s an example: let’s say that your business’s HR team is tasked to create an employee evaluation form. How can the team write the form if they don’t have a process to guide them? Processes have an impact on an employee’s efficiency and productivity. If you’re a business owner or department manager, make sure to document every established process. Documentation allows operations mangers to review them, especially if they need to make changes or find solutions to problems. This can also benefit new employees since processes make for good training materials.


In the context of management, staffing is referred to as an employee recruitment operation. The operation usually goes like this: after a thorough knowledge and skills evaluation, chosen candidates are then offered a job position. Processes play a part in staff selection. Since the roles and responsibilities have already been laid out, businesses need to find the people to execute them. Processes can also allow you to generate an estimated number of employees needed. If you’re a small business, it’s advisable to hire a small number of generalist employees. Big businesses can go for bigger numbers of employees with specializations.


Think long and hard about getting the location of your own. Ask professionals if you really need one, and if you do, think about either renting or buying a new or old space. If you’re looking for a place to set up your business, take these details into consideration:

Suppose you’ve found a place that caught your eye. Think twice before occupying that space.


Restaurants need stoves to cook food. A marketing and PR firm can’t send a report without an internet connection. Software development companies can’t conduct a software analysis without using a computer. Do you see where this is getting at? Equipment/technology is a must-have in a business checklist. Businesses can’t carry out their day-to-day operations without mechanical or technological assistance. Say goodbye to efficiency and productivity if you don’t have at least some equipment at your workplace. Whether they’re bought, leased, old, or new, be sure they’re in top condition. Faulty equipment/technology is an absolute no-no in a business.


We’ve already established the importance of processes earlier in this article. In businesses, processes are grouped together in a series to guide employees to do their jobs. This is what we all know as a system. When a business has systems in place, work becomes easier due to how streamlined they are. Systems help businesses grow too. It can pinpoint areas for improvement, which can boost performance. This added growth allows them to meet (and in some cases, exceed) clients’ expectations.

Communication and Resource Management

Communication is another important cog in a business’s machine. If you want to know how well a business is run, you can look at how effective its internal communication is. Great results can only be produced if communication breakdowns don’t occur. Any misinterpretation can result in costly errors, so be sure everyone is on the same page. Good communication is an element of great teamwork. Resources have to be managed as carefully as employees. Even intangible assets like patents and trademarks have to be taken care of. You’ll end up crippling your business if you don’t manage your resources properly.

Customer Service

As said in the intro, profit drives a business. Customer service can certainly help with that. However, it doesn’t just sell products/services and fill businesses’ pockets. It has a huge effect on reputation too. If you’re a business that’s known to consistently do right by their customers, people will take notice. In addition, customer service encourages loyalty. Why would customers flock to other businesses if they’re satisfied?

Roadmap a Plan

A business roadmap isn’t quite the same as a business plan. The former paints a much bigger picture by visualizing a clear direction towards growth. Great plans maximize the strengths and talents of employees. If everyone knows their role, they can do their jobs with little to no problems. This leads to good decisions and better results. If you have talented people in your business, why not use their skills to their fullest potential?

Get Operating

If you’ve checked the boxes on all the above subjects, you can now get your business running. A good thing about these components is that they can be applied to other aspects of your business, from accounting to business finance.

How to Improve Business Operations

There’s always room for improvement for your business’s operations. Don’t settle for complacency and make them even better through these timeless tips.

Set Goals

Where do you want your business to be going forward? Will your vision statement be actualized? Set short- and long-term goals to get your business going in your desired direction. These goals should be feasible enough so that everyone can meet them. Give realistic timelines and deadlines to maintain a sense of accountability.

Hire the Right People

Getting the right people on board means looking beyond candidates’ résumés. Your business’ recruitment program can knock this out of the park by assessing how their goals fit the position they’re trying to get. If both things click, you’ll get your business a talent it’ll need down the line.

Motivate Employees

Employees want to feel they matter. Start giving their motivations a boost by learning what makes them tick. Answer their questions as honestly and clearly as you can to know how they work. This allows you to meet in the middle—by hearing them out, they’ll listen to you too.

Maintain Good Relationships with Your Customers

Since you’re selling a product or service, customer service is, by default, a part of your business. Communication is a good building block for great relationships, so you should start from there. Keep meeting their expectations to show them why they should avail on what you have to offer. Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback so you’ll know what to keep doing and what to work on.

Keep Up with Trends

There’s a reason most businesses are on the lookout for top trends in their respective markets. They don’t want to fall behind and allow competitors to zoom past them. Always anticipate the latest trends in operations to allow your business to adapt to the times and cut costs. These trends may come in the form of new federal or state laws, technological innovations, marketing trends, or economic changes.

Measure Performances

Measuring performances lets you find out whether your business is operating efficiently or not. By knowing what works and what doesn’t, you’ll know which areas you should pay attention to. This’ll allow you to live up to your mission statement.

Make the Business Easier to Manage

Technological advancements have made businesses a lot less stressful to manage. Since they’re already there, why not use them to your advantage? You can use productivity tools to start you off on the right foot.

Prioritize and Execute

Straightening your priorities increases chances for project success. Multitasking is good and all, but don’t try and juggle too many hats. Know what needs to be executed now and save low-priority for later.

To grow your business, take a look at your current business structure and see if it gets people to do their jobs effectively. If you see problems, fix them as soon as you can to prevent them from becoming bigger issues.
Business efficiency is impossible without a well-managed operations department. Take a few cues from this article and adapt them to yours.

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