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50+ Certificate Designs, Format & Examples

Whether you acknowledge a volunteer’s participation, thank for an employee’s hard work, or even congratulate a student for his/her performance, there are just so many certificates along with so many purposes. In fact, a single certificate can make someone’s day wholesome, and its content, design, and format should not be overlooked. Ensure to trust professionally made and well-thought-out certificate designs for your next ceremony to present to.

To create a certificate of your very own, follow the following steps:

  • Browse through our certificate design examples.
  • Customize Online or Download in your preferred File format and Print As Required


50+ Certificate Designs, Format & Examples

The moment you present a certificate to reward somebody, you can’t just do that with a poorly made document and an uninspired design. The certificates themselves must be congratulatory, well-formatted, and properly designed. So how will you do that? Try out these 50 designs of editable certificate templates so you won’t have to worry about upsetting awardees with bad examples.

1. Gift Certificate Design

A gift certificate is not only rewarding for those who receive the exclusive deals and discounts but also for the business that uses it as a promotional tool. And a fitting design that pleases both parties is the perfect recipe.

gift certificate template Use This Gift Certificate Design

2. Business Certificate Design

On a formal note, business certificates are straightforward with a professional layout. No matter what the certificate’s purpose is, it should be clear that a registered business is managing it.

business certificate template Use This Business Certificate Design

3. Completion Certificate Design

After an arduous effort of training, school, and time, you deserve to congratulate someone who has completed a goal. And make sure the completion certificate is designed that is worth being proud of.

completion certificate template Use This Completion Certificate Design

4. Award Certificate Design

An award should be well-earned. So display your appreciation in awarding someone with an award certificate that has an impressive style to look at.

award certificate template Use This Award Certificate Design

5. Training Certificate Design

Long hours and strenuous effort of training will pay off in the end. And the training certificate given to the accomplished trainee should be well-deserved in motif too.

training certificate template Use This Training Certificate Design

6. Participation Certificate Design

Anyone who has participated in seminars, forums, and special activities may improve one’s professional, academic, and personal development. So it only makes sense to also recognize these people with a sleek participation certificate.

participation certificate template Use This Participation Certificate Design

7. Recognition Certificate Design

A certificate is basically a type of recognition document. So keep the design of your recognition certificate straightforward where it can recognize the recipient pronto.

recognition certificate template Use This Recognition Certificate Design

8. Multipurpose Certificate Example

If you want to use a single format or structure to a certificate for various functions, simply use a multipurpose certificate for convenience.

multipurpose modern professional certificate template


9. Achievement Certificate Design

Be proud of everything you have accomplished. And an achievement certificate with a wow factor for its design will surely pay off.

achievement certificate template Use This Achievement Certificate Design

10. Birth Certificate Design

A birth certificate is a formal document that is a common requirement for a job application, school enrolment, etc. So a professional-looking motif fits its theme appropriately.

birth certificate template Use This Birth Certificate Design

11. Attendance Certificate Design

Anyone’s presence can mean a lot, especially if they attended without any absence. Hence, show how much you appreciate their presence with well-crafted attendance certificates.

attendance certificate template Use This Attendance Certificate Design

12. Blue Certificate Example

Warm skies, relaxing blue shades from the sea, and other blue-inspired colors make a creative and cool vibe for a certificate.

blue certificate template


13. Academic Certificate Design

Academic-related accomplishments and recognition fall under academic certificates. And these designs often come with the school logo.

academic certificate template Use This Academic Certificate Design

14. Adoption Certificate Design

One of the most heartwarming decisions a person can make is to adopt a child or pet. And a curated adoption certificate is pivotal as proof of the adoption.

adoption certificate template Use This Adoption Certificate Design

15. Whale Done Certificate Example

A fun idea is to play with words in a certificate. An example is to say “whale done” as a pun instead of using “well done.”

whale done certificate template


16. Appreciation Certificate Design

Express your appreciation to someone with an appreciation certificate that is worth appreciating as well. Inspiring elements for the design will do the trick.

appreciation certificate template Use This Appreciation Certificate Design

17. Authenticity Certificate Design

Speaking of using certificates as proof documents, that is very well applied in a smooth authenticity certificate. The certificate now proves if a certain subject/product is original or not—a reliable document to avoid bootlegs.

authenticity certificate template Use This Authenticity Certificate Design

18. Baptism Certificate Design

Often prepared by the church or any organization that handles baptism is a baptism certificate. It can just be a simple certificate as long as the complete date of baptism is visible enough.

baptism certificate template Use This Baptism Certificate Design

19. Basketball Certificate Design

Whether it is a basketball league championship, basketball membership, or simply basketball participation, it all leads down to giving players some basketball certificates.

basketball certificate template Use This Basketball Certificate Design

20. Red and Yellow Certificate Example

A good color combination is red and yellow. And you can apply those shades to your certificate for a majestic touch.

red and yellow certificate template


21. Certificate of Excellence Design

Those people who excelled in any platform can gain enough recognition through a professionally made certificate of excellence.

certificate of excellence template Use This Certificate of Excellence Design

22. Champion Certificate Design

Champions deserve a lot of attention for winning the titles they deserve. And besides a trophy or monetary gift, a champion certificate is also a standard reward.

champion certificate template Use This Champion Certificate Design

23. Compliance Certificate Design

There are standards, requirements, and goals to comply with for different purposes. And once every requirement is reached, a compliance certificate should follow up.

compliance certificate template Use This Compliance Certificate Design

24. Conformance Certificate Design

Quite related to the compliance certificate is the conformance certificate. But with conformance, it usually denotes products, services, or systems where standards have been met.

conformance certificate template Use This Conformance Certificate Design

25. Gold Certificate Example

Royalty and luxury are things that often represent the color gold. And you can use a gold certificate to make an expensive-looking presentation to watch in awe of.

gold certificate template


26. Construction Certificate Design

Sometimes, you can design a certificate according to its theme. Take construction certificates, for example, you can apply elements related to construction in the design itself.

construction certificate template Use This Construction Certificate Design

27. Course Certificate Design

One variant of a completion certificate is a course certificate. And this is often given when a person has completed taking his/her course.

course certificate template Use This Course Certificate Design

28. Customer Appreciation Certificate Design

What better way to not only promote your business but also to encourage customer engagement? Show appreciation to your customers. And a customer appreciation certificate would suffice here.

customer appreciation certificate template Use This Customer Appreciation Certificate Design

29. Destruction Certificate Design

Sometimes, destroying properties are needed may they be documents, digital data, and other properties. And a detailed destruction certificate confirms if a property isn’t functional or fit to use anymore.

destruction certificate template Use This Destruction Certificate Design

30. Employee Of The Month Certificate Design

Many employees are striving to be the employee of the month, particularly if there are incentives and special benefits to be awarded by it. So make sure the employee of the month certificate has an impressive design too, just as how badly employees want to have it.

employee of the month certificate template Use This Employee Of The Month Certificate Design

31. Fitness Certificate Design

A fitness certificate is also a popular example. This is often used to prove that you are physically fit or that you are medically fit and ready to work. And you can incorporate exercise-themed elements into the certificate’s design.

fitness certificate template Use This Fitness Certificate Design

32. Graduation Certificate Design

It is everyone’s memorable journey—graduating from school. And a diploma or graduation certificate should have a prestigious design since such a certificate is what is often framed and on display at home.

graduation certificate template Use This Graduation Certificate Design

33. Holiday Gift Certificate Design

During the holidays, it is also time to send holiday gifts. And holiday gift certificates are exciting since recipients get to decide what they want to buy for themselves.

holiday gift certificate template Use This Holiday Gift Certificate Design

34. Photography Participation Certificate Example

Praise someone’s participation involving photography using a creative photography participation certificate. And you can use the photography company’s signature colors in designing the document.

photography participation certificate template


35. Internship Certificate Design

Students and trainees who have been working very hard to leave a great impression in graduating and preparing for the real world apply for internships. And they deserve a nice internship certificate once they complete the process.

intership certificate template Use This Internship Certificate Design

36. IT/Software Certificate Design

Your IT and software business must have prepared its personalized IT/software certificate. As the tech industry gets more competitive with advancement and innovative projects, it only makes sense to use new and improved designs for this.

it software certificate template Use This IT/Software Certificate Design

37. Job Experience Certificate Design

From a manager, team leader, accountant, or just a regular employee, workers of any position deserve to have proof about their whole job experience with the company. And that can be proven with a properly designed job experience certificate.

job experience certificate template Use This Job Experience Certificate Design

38. Kindergarten Certificate Design

The kindergarten certificate would be fun to design considering you can add as many school-related motifs which kids can identify in the certificate. This goes from sketches of pencils, erasers, notebooks, etc.

kindergarten certificate template Use This Kindergarten Certificate Design

39. Leadership Certificate Design

One of the challenging positions to ever face is to be a natural leader. And those who displayed impressive leadership deserve a highly-praised design for the leadership certificate as well.

leadership certificate template Use This Leadership Certificate Design

40. Certificate of Animal Adoption Example

A certificate’s design can speak of what message it is trying to convey already. An example is the certificate of animal adoption where the certificate itself has a picture of the animal being adopted or just uses any animal-related element like paws, animal prints, and the like.

certificate of animal adoption template


41. Music Certificate Design

Any music certificate like the music recording certification should never be taken lightly. They are important evidence that a music recording, for example, sold or streamed to the targeted units. And an elegant design can work for the certificate’s presentation too.

music certificate template Use This Music Certificate Design

42. Painting Certificate Design

A painting certificate is naturally given to the champions of painting competitions. And the certificates themselves reflect that of painting where you can experiment with as many colors as you want, as long as they look artistic in the end.

painting certificate template Use This Painting Certificate Design

43. Real Estate Certificate Design

With real estate certificates, there are many examples from real estate compliance, real estate employee award, or even real estate gift certificate. And it helps to specify the certificate’s main purpose so recipients won’t be confused.

real estate certificate template Use This Real Estate Certificate Design

44. Restaurant Certificate Design

Restaurant-themed elements are certainly welcome in a restaurant certificate. And it can be used for certificates meant for restaurant work experience, restaurant gifts, etc.

restaurant certificate template Use This Restaurant Certificate Design

45. Salary Certificate Design

Many certificates highlight significant numbers. And one example is a salary certificate wherein the proposed salary amount will be the meat of the certificate’s details.

salary certificate template Use This Salary Certificate Design

46. Classical Certificate Example

Maybe what you are looking for is a classical design for a certificate, which you have often seen in old award certificates from many years before. You can adapt vintage aesthetics to the certificate to boot.

classical certificate template


47. Spa Certificate Design

Living in a stressful, busy, and fast-paced world, you definitely deserve a whole relaxation session. And spa certificates are the best gifts you can give to beautify and re-energize.

spa certificate template Use This Spa Certificate Design

48. Volunteer Certificate Design

Volunteering basically shows how humanity still exists in this world. And every volunteer deserves recognition for their efforts, especially when volunteering isn’t by force. Hence, a volunteer certificate is worth offering.

volunteer certificate template Use This Volunteer Certificate Design

49. Workshop Certificate Design

Improvements in skills and countless lessons are associated with workshops. And every participant who passed from day one until the last workshop day deserves a creative workshop certificate as an award.

workshop certificate template Use This Workshop Certificate Design

50. Yoga Certificate Design

Yoga takes skill to master. So to prove how proficient you are in the field already, an official yoga certificate should come in handy.

yoga certificate template Use This Yoga Certificate Design


There is absolute freedom on how certificates are structured or formatted. But generally, certificates consist of the following important sections:

1. Title

State what type of certificate your certificate is right from the title. Whether the title is a training certificate, gift certificate, or any other type, specify it.

2. Presentation Line

This part of the certificate is the official statement for “This certificate is awarded to…”

3. Recipient

What follows the presentation line is the name of the recipient. Be sure to write the correct, complete, and legal name of the one being awarded so the certificate won’t be a failure.

4. From Who

Who is awarding the recipient in the first place? State his/her name or the business name for this section.

5. Description

The certificate should include a brief statement of what the reward is all about. Hence, this answers the reason for the award.

6. Date

Make sure to incorporate the exact date of when the certificate was made and when it was given as additional evidence of the certificate’s validity.

7. Signature

Another important detail is the signature of the one awarding the recipient and the signature of who approved this award. The affixed signatures are valid proof that the certificate is official.


What is a certificate’s purpose?

A certificate brings recognition towards certain competencies of a person. This document helps acknowledges people for their hard work, service, training, and other fields. And certificates are important as evidence of one’s achievements.

What is the standard size of a certificate?

Certificates generally measure about 8.5 x 11 inches, which is like most letter-sized papers.

What are the basic components of a basic certificate?

Any certificate should at least have the board stating the official declaration, the recognition title, key information, subject information, and the digital signature of those who confirm the certificate’s data.

What are the types of certificates?

Certificates have almost endless types. And the most common examples are certificates for healthcare, business, criminal justice, social service, school, technology, arts and design, and trade.

What is a certificate of appreciation?

An appreciation certificate is an official document prepared by organizations to acknowledge the work and support given by specific subjects. It basically shows how much a company appreciates its best team members.

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