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50+ Email Signature Ideas & Examples 2023

From implementing brand recognition, showcasing professionalism, down to adding a hint of personal touch—a detailed, clever, and superb design to email signatures for every closing statement of your emails can promise you such things. Just as seen in most outbound emails, email signatures can display your name, contact information, disclaimer statement, and other unique details presented in a marketing-driven block. And if you need help for an eye-catching and creative email signature, 50 curated and cool ideas to be discussed later on are ready to back you up.

To create an Email Signature of your very own, follow the following steps:

  • Browse through several email signature designs for inspiration and ideas for your own email signature.
  • Customize Online or Download in your preferred File format and Print As Required


In the business world, even a short and simple reply to a client via email can already be an opportunity to market your brand. Indeed, you insert your official response but at the very end of that message marks your email signature to remind your recipients about your business name, contact details, and other branding elements. But you can’t just overwhelm all responses with flooding self-advertisements. To make it right, try following these email signature ideas below:

1. Standard Comes First

Before you get experimental with your email signature, you should know how to make a standard signature first—especially when it is part of the basic email templates out there. Just focus on your name, contact details, and even a small icon of your profile photo for identification purposes.

standard email signature template Use This Standard Email Signature

2. Consider Your Signature’s Relevance

A bad example is when your friend emails you about seeking shipping services yet you inserted a Gmail email signature of your attorney service. An email signature tackling shipping and logistics would have been relevant here.

shipping email signature template Use This Shipping Email Signature

3. Refer to Email Headers for Inspiration

An email header is similar to an email signature, and the major difference is that headers are on top while signatures are below. So if you know a lot about headers already, then signatures should be easy for you.

email header email signature template


4. Fashion-Forward Email Signatures

If you have seen most fashion templates, it makes sense to add some style that identifies your brand as a fashion business. So if you are a fashion designer, your email signature should represent you naturally using trends and fashion-forward elements to the design.

fashion designer email signature template Use This Fashion Designer Email Signature

5. Go for Modern

When you notice that old-school email signatures have not helped your brand in any way, then embrace contemporary vibes with modern email signatures.

modern email signature template Use This Modern Email Signature

6. The Signature Blue Font

Maybe what your email signature needs is a popping color that stands out from your whole message in an email. An example is by using mostly blue colors for the email signature’s font if the main message consisted of the black fonts.

blue front email signature


7. “I Am the Manager” Email Signature

Most manager templates are designed in a way where they scream “I am the manager.” In your email signature, you got to show that you are a well-respected manager with a sleek and corporate-themed design for it.

manager email signature template Use This Manager Email Signature

8. Sleek Email Signatures for Architects

As seen in most architecture templates, a smooth or sleek design for email signatures of architects is the perfect way to go. It can be done using black and white fonts, minimalist background, and proper spacing of details in the signature block.

architect email signature template Use This Architect Email Signature

9. Responsive Email Signatures

A smart way to concoct an email signature is when you state your details with a call-to-action message. Many business forms use responsive email signatures to ensure that recipients are engaged to respond and do something after seeing the message.

responsive email signature template Use This Responsive Email Signature

10. The Beauty of Minimalism

Whether you use Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook email signatures, there is just something about minimalistic email signatures. At least in this example, it not only looks appealing but also is very simple to make.

minimal email signature template Use This Minimal Email Signature

11. Promote Your Insurance Agency

As an insurance agent or representative of your insurance agency, you can insert that company’s details shortly in a professional insurance agent email signature.

insurance agent email signature template Use This Insurance Agent Email Signature

12. Manifest Your Inner Creativity

Show your skills in art by making creative email signatures instead. This is a nice way to back out from standard examples and go for a unique and artistic approach instead.

creative email signature template Use This Creative Email Signature

13. An Art Director’s Perspective

Speaking of creative email signatures, art directors can certainly apply their skills to the test in their custom art director email signature.

art director email signature template Use This Art Director Email Signature

14. Go Floral for Flower Shop Email Signatures

As often seen in floral invitations that promote flower shops, you can display your flower shop business in a floral-themed email signature too.

flower shop email signature template Use This Flower Shop Email Signature

15. Ping for Your Taxi Service

Grab the attention of your recipients if you feel like they need a ride or rent from your taxi service company. And Outlook, Gmail, or Yahoo email signatures can accommodate you.

taxi service email signature template Use This Taxi Service Email Signature

16. Master the Element of Advertising

Those who work in an advertising agency would surely know how to make anything as a promotional tool. And you got to advertise in the email signature too with advertising agency email signatures.

advertising agency email signature template Use This Advertising Agency Email Signature

17. Resume-Themed Email Signatures

If you think about it, email signatures mention the name, address, contact details, and even a profile photo. And those are similar to how resumes are. So take advantage of resume-like email signatures like how sales manager resumes look almost the same as sales manager email signatures.

sales manager email signature template Use This Sales Manager Email Signature

18. Keep It Bold and Theatrical

Anyone from the theater company can implement a striking and bold design even for email signatures. You can use vibrant colors or any theatrical factor to stand out for your theater company email signature here.

theater company email signature template Use This Theater Company Email Signature

19. Hype Up Any Meetup Event

You can make a bit of noise in email signatures sparking up special meetup events. In this case, tease your recipients about a rocking event coming soon right into the email signature.

meetup event email signature template Use This Meetup Event Email Signature

20. Two Is Better Than One

Sometimes what you need is a two-toned design for an email signature. You could mix orange and blue, for example, rather than a monochrome email signature.

dual color email signature template


21. Tease a Big Music Fest Coming

Worry about having zero audiences no more when you inform the public about an upcoming music fest with an email signature that states the official music festival calendar.

music festival email signature template Use This Music Festival Email Signature

22. Company Director Email Signatures

From the business budget, company plans, task divisions, and many more, every director of a company can be busy with a lot of stuff that they forget to have their own official email signature. Hence, make a stylized company director email signature.

company director email signature template Use This Company Director Email Signature

23. Underwater-Themed Motifs

A scuba diving school or any underwater-related business can make use of water themes to their email signatures. An example is to input a drawing of water goggles and add blue shades to represent water.

scuba diving school email signature template Use This Scuba Diving School Email Signature

Have you seen how well-presented the artworks are displayed in any photo art gallery? Serve it as inspiration on how picturesque your email signature should look as well.

photo art gallery email signature template Use This Photo Art Gallery Email Signature

25. Profuse Marketing for Digital Marketing

If you are planning to promote your digital marketing company agency right from the get-go, be more direct with digital marketing email signatures profusely meant for brand recognition.

digital marketing email signature template Use This Digital Marketing Email Signature

26. Consider Your Clinic’s Reputation

When you run a medical clinic, your email signature should live up to your reputation too. Don’t use insensitive words or garish designs since your signature should look very professional and appear trustworthy.

clinic email signature template Use This Clinic Email Signature

27. Staffing Agency Email Signatures

Another typical use of email signatures is to advertise a staffing agency. And you would surely ace your ad when you write the words “staffing agency” in big letters to grab attention. Also, leave a hint of what your agency offers so you come up with an informative email signature.

staffing agency email signature template Use This Staffing Agency Email Signature

28. Be Proud of Your Brand

Some people may belittle trash collectors or laundry businesses. But believe it or not, they are very important too. So even in your email signature, you can be proud of your laundry company, for example, by promoting it there. Thus, laundry templates and email signatures can still match.

laundry email signature template Use This Laundry Email Signature

29. Be as Organized as Your Real Estate Business

Even with email signatures, organization is critical. Otherwise, no one might possibly understand what you are trying to say there. Hence, put your real estate ads to the test by promoting them using real estate email signatures.

real estate email signature template Use This Real Estate Email Signature

30. It’s All About the Money

As a finance consultant, you can surely be literal with your email signature by using money visuals right into its design. And don’t forget to put your socials, contact info, and what possible services you plan to offer for clients.

finance consultant email signature template Use This Finance Consultant Email Signature

31. Embrace Darkness

Sometimes, you don’t need blinding bright colors to spark attention but rather use cool and dark shades for your email signature to stand out.

dark email signature template


32. Software Engineer Email Signatures

As a software engineer, you should have a sense of style too by using creative graphics right into your email signature, just like software engineer email signatures in HTML5 for a fast yet impressive result.

software engineer email signature template Use This Software Engineer Email Signature

33. Promote Your Apartment Rental

Got vacant rooms to boast for your apartment rental? Mention that you are open for renters with the apartment rental email signature to your email responses.

apartment rental email signature template Use This Apartment Rental Email Signature

34. Gather More Possible Fans for the Band

In case you have a music band that needs some promotion, you can acquire new fans by promoting your band right into your email signature. And you better encourage the rest of the band members to do the same to increase your fanbase.

music band email signature template Use This Music Band Email Signature

35. Provide Some Assistance

Assistance services may just be what some of your recipients are looking for. Thus, use assistant templates as inspiration for your assistant email signature.

assistant email signature template Use This Assistant Email Signature

36. Dominate Online with Your Online Store

There are numerous marketing tools you could use to market your online store. And an online store email signature is one way of doing that so be sure to strategize how you want to manage the online store promotion here.

online store email signature template Use This Online Store Email Signature

37. Child-Friendly Designs Are for Kindergarten Signatures

A popular kindergarten template is the kindergarten email signature. Child-friendly motifs are welcome here, especially details that help people recognize that you are actually handling kindergarten.

kindergarten email signature template Use This Kindergarten Email Signature

38. Online Courses Email Signatures

Those who handle online courses can take advantage of promoting through online course email signatures in Adobe Photoshop and other formats. This is already a win-win situation since emails and online courses are already inter-related, meaning you can gather attention online already which is also where your target audience is.

online courses email signature template Use This Online Courses Email Signature

39. Green Is Good for the Eyes

The color green is known to give pleasant vibes to the eyes. And you can make an email signature that dominates that signature color too. With green email signatures, you can use nature aesthetics like green trees, grassy mountains, etc.

green email signature template


40. Speaker Email Signatures

Are you an aspiring speaker with tons of knowledgeable ideas worth sharing? Promote yourself with a speaker email signature. Just like most speaker templates, you got to display your face, contact information, and what subjects you often cover.

speaker email signature template Use This Speaker Email Signature

41. Manifest Your Trucking and Logistics Company

Similar to the shipping email signatures discussed earlier, you can also be more specific with trucking and logistics email signatures. Discuss a bit of background about your business until you can make an effective ad there.

trucking logistics email signature template Use This Trucking Logistics Email Signature

42. Striking Visuals and Graphic Designs

As a graphic designer, put your audience spellbound with striking and visually appealing designs to your email signatures.

graphic designer email signature template Use This Graphic Designer Email Signature

43. Put Your Head in the Game

It only makes sense for any gaming company to use game elements in their email signatures. At least with gaming company email signatures, there is room to use fun motifs which you don’t often see in professional signatures.

gaming company email signature template Use This Gaming Company Email Signature

44. Simplicity Is Beauty

Gone are the days you worry about overdesigning your email signature because you can go for the simple route instead. In fact, simple email signatures are quite popular since people don’t always want to go for complex examples.

simple email signature template Use This Simple Email Signature

45. Adapt Refreshing Designs

Refreshing vibes and pastels are welcome for spa templates. And the same can be done to your spa email signature so people will get a sense of coziness from the signature itself.

spa email signature template Use This Spa Email Signature

46. Boast Your Credibility

You can share your achievements and successes to prove your credibility in an email signature. An example is someone who excels in web development. And you can create a detailed web developer email signature that tackles your accomplishments too.

web developer email signature template Use This Web Developer Email Signature

47. Add a Bit of Elegance

Make your email signatures in Microsoft Outlook and any preferred format in a way that they look very chic and elegant. That way, people will think of your signature as someone with class, which is definitely an impression worth fighting for.

elegant email signature template Use This Elegant Email Signature

48. Conference Email Signatures

Any conference expert would likely search for an audience of professionals. And you can do just that when your email signature is of a corporate-themed aesthetic like most conference templates.

conference email signature template Use This Conference Email Signature

49. School-Appropriate Elements Are a Must

When you run a school or any educational type of work, you should welcome sample email signatures with school-appropriate designs. That way, students and teachers would look at your signature with respect.

education email signature template Use This Education Email Signature

50. Well-Constructed Works

If you run a construction business, prove how well you structure different elements and details in a construction email signature. That means you should know how to divide space evenly, utilize the spaces wisely, and implement impressive designs as well.

construction email signature template Use This Construction Email Signature

General FAQs

What are the important elements of an email signature?

You would need a name or title, contact info, logo, social link, profile photo, responsive design, and any legal requirements.

Are email signatures necessary?

Email signatures are not exactly required but they are encouraged so you can promote your brand on any message you shall send via email. It is a decent opportunity for brand recognition in the first place.

What should you not do in email signatures?

Although email signatures are encouraged, you should avoid overloading your signature with too many details. Also, refrain from animated gifs and very colorful fonts when you are running a professional business. And don’t include other personal details like your bank account number, passwords, etc.

How do I make an email signature?

You simply use an email signature template. That way, you can start editing the template and insert your basic info, social links, branding, and more. Don’t forget a call-to-action statement at the very end too.

What is the difference between a digital signature and an electronic mail signature?

Digital signatures are just like handwritten signatures except they are printed or soft copies. And they are mostly used for securing certified documents. Meanwhile, electronic mail or email signatures have more data as they are often used to promote something else. It could be your company name, contact details, social links, and more.

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