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How to Deal with Client Revision Requests as a Freelancer – 7 Tips

Going freelance is a good plan if you want to avoid the pressures of having a manager, supervisor, or CEO breathing down your neck as you work. In doing a freelance online business, you’re your own boss. You do your own promotion, marketing, business tracking, schedule planning, and many more. But despite not having a boss that orders you around, you’ll still face similar pressures in the form of client revision requests. Client revision requests are a common stressor for many freelancers. You should know that you might sign contracts from clients with such requests. Client revision requests are an imminent problem that freelancers can’t avoid. They’re just part of the freelance work life, and the best thing to do is to be ready for them. So in this blog, we’ll show you seven tips on how you can deal with client revisions requests as a freelancer.

How to Deal with Client Revision Requests as a Freelancer – 7 Tips

Gather All Data from the Start

Prevention is better than a cure in every way. That’s a principle you need to practice in your freelance career. In the first place, during your talks with a new client, gather as much data as you can concerning projects. Clarify his or her instructions and requests if they seem unclear to you. By the end, you’ll meet your client’s every requirement. Thus, no need for revisions. But if a client will request a revision, it won’t be a drastic one, most likely. Based on a report from, vague client requests is the number one problem that freelancers encounter. Well, that’s a fact doesn’t require much evidence. If you think about it, it’s difficult to create a quality output if a client’s instructions are directionless or blurry. So, make sure to avoid this common problem by gathering enough data about a project right from the get-go.

Remind Clients That Revisions Are Costly

More work is more money in the freelance economy. Although revisions are a major headache, they’re additional work, and additional work means you’ll earn extra cash from a client. That’s one of the few perks of client revision requests. However, your clients will set a budget estimate before you start doing their projects. Your clients’ possible revisions might strain their budget, and you have to let them know about it beforehand. Don’t ambush them with a quotation that they might not be able to pay on time because of budget issues. And of course, you don’t want late payments. So always remind your clients that their revisions requests will cost them.

Offer the First Revision for Free

Despite what we’ve mentioned earlier about revisions being a means of earning more money, you should take it slowly. No matter how complete the client’s instructions checklist is or how good your work is, there will always be some flaws that need to be polished. In other words, nothing is perfect, especially on the first try. So, when you accept a proposal from a new client, inform him or her that the first revision request is free. That is an excellent method to show a positive first impression and build strong relationships with new clients. Plus, you can use this type of offer as a marketing strategy to attract more clients into your freelance business. You can also use it as one of your social media strategies to skyrocket your online reputation. And in the long run, you could obtain referrals from trusted clients on freelance websites.

Accept Criticisms Openly

One of the essential tips for freelance workers is being open to criticisms. Your productivity will not always meet the satisfaction of your clients. When that occurs, they will criticize your work and will then send you an email for a revision request. Don’t let criticisms rub you the wrong way. Instead, use them as a means to learn from your shortcomings and improve your skills as a freelancer. Consider clients’ revision requests as a second chance to show that you’re capable of producing quality output. Think of criticisms and revision requests as privileges. Keep in mind that some freelancers immediately get fired by their clients if their first output is suboptimal.

Try to Exceed Their Expectations

When clients request revisions, try to exceed their expectations on the revised output. If you can do that, they might not ask for another revision. They will be happy with the revised version, and you’ll receive your payment. As much as possible, you need to do your best to avoid further revisions. Multiple revisions can be a waste of materials, tools, and time. As a freelancer, you have to try minimizing the number of hours you spend on a single project so that you can move on to another. The more projects you can finish within a period, the more you can enjoy a steady income and an increased income.

Don’t Worry About Starting from Zero

Some client revision requests require freelancers to start from scratch, or shall we say they have to overhaul the entire project and begin anew. That’s a worrying outcome, but it’s not an outcome you should worry about often. Such revisions requests rarely happen. As long as you’re first output is acceptable enough, your clients will not ask you to change them entirely. However, if you’ll encounter this kind of revisions request, make sure to communicate well with your clients to clear things up. In this scenario, don’t hesitate to ask clients for further payment, especially if you’ve met all their requirements, and they’ve just implemented last-minute changes.

Know When to Refuse

This may come as a surprise to you, but yes, you can refuse revisions requests if your reasons are valid. A good example is when a client’s revisions requests are unrealistic and infeasible. Take note that you’re the expert. You know more about your line of work than your clients. You know better based on your professional analysis, whether something regarding a project can or can’t be done. When you refuse revisions requests, give your clients detailed and understandable explanations why you can’t accept them.

The benefits of a freelancing career include the freedom to select clients. But there’s no escape from having to deal with client revision requests. However, client revisions requests aren’t always a bad implication. They also imply that your clients trust you to continue working for them and produce better results. So instead of seeing revisions requests as a burden, just look at their bright side.

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