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9 Tips For Building a Freelance Portfolio

There are so many freelancers today who are marketing themselves on freelance websites. Others are selling their service using social media strategies and could still struggle to gain freelance work. With those in mind, raising the promotion of your own freelance service can be a significant challenge.

9 Tips For Building a Freelance Portfolio

However, if you can present a portfolio showcasing your excellence, you can make it at the top of the freelancing game. Clients will line up to offer you contracts and work on their projects. In that case, your email will be buzzing with tons of notifications. So if you desire to stand out among other freelancers, start building your freelance portfolio using the following tips we’ll break down for you.

Focus on Your Niche

In freelancing, you can choose any niche you want as long as you’re good at it. You probably know that fact already, but it’s worth reminding you to follow your passion. Being a freelancer is your ticket to do what you want and live free from the dullness of your day job. As a matter of fact, 74% of full-fledged freelancers chose freelancing because they can choose the projects they like, according to an analysis report by the Freelancers Union and Upwork.

So, make sure that your portfolio focuses on your niche. Collect previous projects and create new ones that are relevant to your chosen freelance field.

Analyze Your Target Clients

Before you start anything on your portfolio, identify and study the needs and wants of your target clients first. In doing so, you can obtain ideas to craft your portfolio that can grab their attention. Make a checklist detailing the things that your target clients are looking for. Afterward, use it as a basis to input the type of entries you need to include in your portfolio. Moreover, take note that a portfolio must cater to what sort of information its intended audience needs.

Gather Only Your Best Works

Of course, you have to impress your audience with your portfolio. To impress is basically one of the main goals in building your portfolio after all. So see to it to gather your best works only and compile them as one. If you’re a new freelancer without any previous works yet, you can create at least five sample works, or make more if you have an extra budget.

Your portfolio needs to showcase the best of your productivity. Clients prefer tracking freelancers who can present a stunning portfolio. That’s because a quality portfolio is an indicator that a freelancer has the right tools and skills. So, if your portfolio is that good, you might receive work proposals from multiple trusted clients. Keep in mind that obtaining more work translates to earning more money in freelancing.

State Important Components

Each of the sample works has its own pricing and details. Some clients, especially those who aren’t knowledgeable about your niche, will have some questions about your portfolio, and that’s for sure. So to provide them with answers, emphasize the essential components of your previous projects. Give information regarding your quotation rates and state your average budget estimate for each project.

If people are asking about the specifics of your portfolio, that means they’re interested in your freelance business. In that scenario, your portfolio might’ve accomplished its objectives to garner interest, jumpstart your client relationships, and generate income for you.

Include Your Passion Projects

Your previous freelance works aren’t really the exact way you do things. They’re bound by the instructions of your past or existing clients. Your audience will undoubtedly want to know how you do things your way. So, if you have passion projects, include them in your portfolio as well.

Your passion projects are the best manifestations of your talents and capabilities and freelancer. They’re prime examples of your unique style and artistic identity. Remember that showing your distinction from others is among the crucial tips for freelance workers.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Your portfolio shouldn’t just contain images, documents, and descriptive texts. It’ll be less engaging to view, and that could bore your audience. You’re the host and showrunner of your portfolio. So, let your audience hear your voice. Engage them through your portfolio, like two people talking casually. Make your audience feel welcome by going over the contents of your portfolio and explain the process of each project.

Tell Your Story

Aside from talking about your projects and freelance service, tell your story to your audience. Let them know about your educational attainments, your professional background, your passion, and your plan for your freelancing future. In this approach, you’ll be able to establish a stronger connection to your audience, which also improves your online reputation. You can talk more about yourself in the latter parts of your portfolio. The benefits of freelancer careers include the freedom to express yourself and use your colorful background to sell your freelance business or online business.

Give Some Freebies

Offering some of your works as freebies may sound contradicting from your goal to increase your income, but see it as an investment. Giving stuff for free will help you win the hearts of your audience and earn their trust. Let them have a taste of how good your outputs are, and they might consider hiring you. Hence, some of your audience could become your clients, and they can give you referrals to grow your clientele.

Invite Your Audience

Last but not least, invite your audience to reach out to you. In case your audience needs your service in the future, let them know that you’ll make room on your schedule to work for them. At the end of your portfolio, display your email address, phone number, and social media pages as your contact information. In this step, you’re creating a call to action section.

Achieving a steady income and financial security as a freelancer starts by publishing your portfolio. Your portfolio will not just spread the word about you; it’ll also open many doors leading to opportunities for your career growth. So, exert your maximum effort and utilize every ounce of your arsenal to build the best possible freelance portfolio.

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