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15 Skills All HR Managers Need

Now more than ever, it is vital to be better at managing human resources. CNBC states that companies worldwide are facing employee shortages. Employees today jump from one job to another, for a myriad of reasons. The consensus is that money and enticing job descriptions are no longer enough. Proper management must take the reins if adequate employee retention rates of remarkable individuals are the goal. With that said, this article will talk about how HR managers can accomplish just that with a handful of simple yet important skills.

15 Skills All HR Managers Need

All HR managers need 15 skills to run your workforce effectively and efficiently. And in this article, each skill will be tackled comprehensively.

Communication Skills

HR managers initiate the recruitment and hiring process. They make appealing job descriptions to attract the best-qualified candidates. Negotiations are also essential in hiring new employees. And in the workplace, where conflict is inevitable, it takes excellent communication skills to solve problems. Whether it’s written, visual, verbal, or non-verbal, these types of communication are necessary for someone to be called an effective HR manager.

Recruitment and Selection

The company’s efficiency and productivity are in the hands of the HR manager. This is mainly because the HR manager chooses people whom important tasks are delegated to. Hiring the wrong candidates can cause a lot of damage, and this is worse than not hiring anyone at all.

Effective Management and Problem Solving

Different values, interests, and personalities of employees make unavoidable conflicts in the workplace, and this affects productivity. An HR manager should be able to address the issues to the involved parties and find a mutually beneficial solution to the problem. Aside from the personal differences among the workers, the scarcity of resources also causes conflicts. Employees may compete for the available supplies to complete their tasks. In this case, the HR manager must be able to persuade the workers to compromise. At the same time, the HR manager should address the need for additional materials to the purchasing department timely.

Confidentiality Skills

Employees also experience problems with their department’s head or managers, and they confide these with their HR managers. Workers need to trust that their concerns won’t affect their employment status; they need assurance that these concerns will not be disclosed. HR managers also have access to confidential files such as the medical results of employees, corporate records, and other documents necessary for background checks. Failure of discretion may cause trouble in the workplace—and worse—legal risks.

Perfect Organizational Skills

The HR department holds a lot of functions to maintain and improve employee productivity and the efficiency of the workforce. Aside from the crucial documents, training and development activities should be systematically organized by an effective HR manager.


An HR manager receives a lot of calls and emails every day. In addition to these, meetings and urgent paperwork and reports may come hand in hand. Multitasking through the smart use of technology, task delegation, and time management should be the expertise of an HR manager.

Strong Decision-Making Skills

One big decision can either make or break a company. Out of a hundred applicants, choosing the right employee for an important position is tricky. Aside from this challenge, changes in a compensation package might be needed from time to time. An HR manager needs to be emotionally intelligent to come up with the right decisions for the company.


“United we stand, divided we fall.” This famous line should be embraced by an effective HR manager to keep a quality workforce. The minority may not favor the HR manager’s decisions. Nevertheless, he should be able to convince people that they are benefiting from his choices.

Training and Development Skills

The employees need assessment and activities to reach their full potential. An HR manager should be creative enough to develop an effective training plan and provide training materials for these projects.

Budgeting Skills

From salary and compensation packages down to money allocation for training and developmental activities, the HR manager must be adept in cost accounting. This skill is needed to justify the investment of the company on its human resources.

Empathetic Skills

An HR manager works with a lot of employees of diverse perspectives. To be able to put yourself in another person’s shoes will encourage smooth and peaceful relations among the workers.

Governments have a lot of requirements for a business to run legally. These involve the HR operations, from the compensation and benefits down to the individual rights of the employees. In every problem that may occur inside the workplace, the HR manager must be able to have a legal reference. Legal knowledge maintains a good reputation for the company and a healthy relationship with the workers.

Understanding the Benefits

According to Forbes, many millennials struggle practicality despite their achievements. An HR manager needs to understand the benefits that the company offers, such as medical and life insurances, retirement plans, or stock options. To be able to give awareness to these millennials about these benefits will attract and retain them.

Being Updated

Being a well-informed HR manager goes a long way. This skill will maintain a healthy legal structure in the human resources department when related legal matters get altered. Being updated on HR innovations from good sources can also give the company better tips for hiring. Knowledge of the advancing technology can also be useful for paperwork and workforce efficiency. An HR manager should be resourceful enough to come up with better ideas for the improvement of department operations.

Managing People

Managing people involves the creation of a workforce to its full potential and giving room for collaboration. Giving the employees a chance to work in a team will let them learn from one another and accept each other’s differences. An HR manager must also be an effective motivator. Motivation will drive employees to do their best work happily, and inspired employees last long in the company.

The HR department entails a lot of responsibilities, and these don’t stop at onboarding and performance management. This department needs an HR manager that can solve any problem reasonably and can contribute to the growth of the workforce professionally and personally. Lack of these skills will result in stagnant, unhappy, and impotent employees.

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