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6 Challenges Faced by School Management – How to Overcome Them

If you’re planning on starting a school business, definitely go for it. Owning and running a private school is a great way to serve your community by offering academic opportunities to the youth. However, it won’t be a walk in the park. In general, school owners and administrators encounter many difficulties each year. But, don’t let those discourage you from building your school. Facing obstacles in managing a school is inevitable yet surmountable. As a part of your preparation, we invite you to read this blog to learn the six common school management challenges and how to overcome them.

6 Challenges Faced by School Management – How to Overcome Them

Attracting Students and Parents

One of the biggest challenges that schools encounter, especially new ones, is increasing their student enrollment. You see, schools located in the same city or state are competing with each other. They share the same market due to their location. In that case, some of them will have fewer students, which means they’ll have a lesser revenue for the school year. So, when your school launches, you might have a hard time attracting prospective enrollees.


Despite being relatively new, your school can obtain a decent number of enrollees through strong advertising or marketing strategies. Particularly, in selling your school, you have to sell it more to the parents instead of their children (the enrollees). Why? Well, that’s because parents are the ones in control of their children’s education. They decide which school their kids should attend, and they pay for school quotation or tuition fees.

According to research by Mongoose, parents are very involved in their kids’ education; 90% of them contact colleges for their kids. Yes, you heard that right. The analysis stated by Mongoees implies that even kids bound for college have their parents deciding a university for them. How much more among the parents of elementary and high school students? So, the bottom line is to target your school’s promotion more on the parents.

Admitting and Registering Students

Admitting and registering students is undoubtedly a cumbersome process. During enrollment periods, enrollees, along with their parents, have to stand long lines and fill up enrollment forms manually, and that’s a lot of manual paperwork for the school registrars. Offline enrollment procedures could last hours. It’s inconvenient for the school staff, enrollees, and parents. Having a slow and tiresome student admission process can affect your school’s reputation.


Nowadays, we are blessed to have digital tools and the internet itself. So, you should use them to quicken your school’s admission process. The best approach would be to build a website for your school and let enrollment take place in it. Online admission or enrollment is now the norm of some schools today. Instead of hours, the process will only take an hour or less than that.

Communicating with Stakeholders

The stakeholders of a school are the faculty, students, and parents. A lot of school administrators struggle to communicate with stakeholders because they haven’t adopted any sort of interconnected communication platform. So whenever there are important announcements or information, disseminating them will take time. Keep in mind that steady communication is crucial to make your school’s operations smooth-sailing.


So, make it an entry of your business plan or proposal to establish a messaging system in your school. It allows you to contact every stakeholder of your school in one stroke, like hitting a long line of birds with one stone. The contact numbers or email addresses of each student, teacher, and parent will be registered in the messaging system. So, all you need to do is write whatever announcement your administration has and send it to them. It’s that simple. Although installing a messaging system could push your budget to the limit, it’ll enable your school to be more connected with the people. Hence, you’ll get your money’s worth.

Assessing Faculty Performance

Many school administrators don’t have the luxury of time to conduct an assessment of their faculty’s performance. Most of them are busy handling the business side of their school. Because of that, they wouldn’t be as aware as they should about the education quality their school is delivering. That doesn’t bode well for their reputation as an educational organization.


If you’ll face the same challenge in the future, the solution is simple. Instead of letting your co-administrators evaluate teachers, let the students do it. Use an online survey form containing a checklist of questions about a teacher’s performance. The feedback of the students speaks volumes about how well your faculty are doing their job. That’s because they experience firsthand the teaching methods of the faculty. Plus, if you or your co-administrators will sit-in on actual classes to evaluate teachers, likely, they won’t be showing their true colors. Of course, most teachers would try to look good when an administrator is observing their classes. That said, letting students assess your faculty is more effective. If there are glaringly underperforming teachers in your school, you may have to consider terminating their work contract.

Facilitating Students

Teachers have tons of paperwork to do every week. They check test papers, gather attendance, compute grades, and many more. That makes it difficult for them to facilitate their students. On top of that, they get more overworked than they already are. Thus, they might struggle to keep a steady eye on their students.


To avoid that from happening in your school, make sure to get funding for a school administration software. With it, your teachers won’t have to go through piles of documents to check student records. You see, teachers can easily input their students’ attendance and test scores in a school administration software, all in one place. Plus, you and your co-administrators will have access to it. With that in mind, all of you will be aware of the performance of each student. So, facilitating them will be a lot easier.

Achieving Student Outcomes

Every school has many students who struggle academically. Such students can make it difficult for a school to achieve its student outcomes. A school’s capability to meet its student outcomes can affect its branding directly. That’s because it represents the ability of its faculty and administrator to produce excellent graduates.


Take note that less brilliant students aren’t the culprits why some schools fail to meet their student outcomes. The blame is their lack of support and suboptimal teaching methods. So, to ensure that you’ll achieve your student outcomes, make sure that your faculty will extend their help to struggling students. Some students might be just slow learners, and that doesn’t mean they have zero potential. It could be that a different teaching approach is what can help them get better.

Facing the challenges in managing a school will be a lot take in. Along the way, you might need to revise or improve management protocols for various circumstances. But, if you have the right solution for each challenge, your school will become a topnotch educational establishment.

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