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6 Strategic Ways in Using Social Media to Market Your School

As social media grew to popularity, many companies established their presence on it almost immediately. According to an analysis by Buffer, 73% of marketers say that marketing through social media has been an effective method in promoting their business. Well, they have a point. A good percentage of their target consumers are on social media. Based on a study from Emarsys, the world has 3.5 billion social media users. That’s 45% of the global population.

6 Strategic Ways in Using Social Media to Market Your School

So if you’re thinking about starting a school business soon, marketing it using social media should be a part of your business plan. Nowadays, educational institutions each have a social media presence to connect with the community and their students. You must follow suit if you want to put your school on the map in no time. In this blog, we’ll share with you six strategic ways of using social media to market your school.

Keep Your School’s Social Media Accounts Active

Creating a social media account for marketing a business is completely free. There’s no need to get funding, arrange a budget, or sign a contract to establish your school’s social media account. That being said, social media marketing is a cost-friendly business promotion strategy. All you have to do is register your school’s profile and comply with the site’s terms and conditions agreement.

Once you’ve created your school’s social media account, make sure to keep it active. It’s not going to garner followers if it’ll just merely exist. You have to post content daily or every two days to get the attention of your target audience. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to follow a strict schedule of when to post content. Doing it frequently is good enough.

And also, if your school’s social media account receives messages from people, make sure to reply as soon as possible. They might be inquiries from prospective students who are interested in enrolling.

Create and Post Ads

Based on today’s trends, there’s probably no better platform to advertise your school than on social media. Word travels fast on social media, and it reaches many people across your country, and possibly, around the globe. For that reason, companies on social media are advertising their products and services on social media.

In your case, you have to advertise your school’s educational programs. Provide complete information about what educational levels you offer, how students will be trained, how excellent your teachers are, and other winning qualities your school has. Make sure that your advertisements will target the right people. Who are these right people? Well, the students and their parents. The general rule of thumb of ads is that they should provide answers to the FAQs of its audience. So, see to it that your school’s social media ads are informative and engaging.

Publish Educational Content Regularly

Everything your school will post on social media shouldn’t just be advertisements. Yes, ads can boost the popularity of your school, but they won’t help you make a more intimate connection with the people. Plus, posting ads all the time makes your social media activity redundant, and that’s not a consistent approach to garner interest in the market.

So aside from ads, make sure to publish educational content as well. It could be anything for as long as it provides knowledge, such as historical facts, scientific trivia, mathematical tips, and many more. Our advice would be to publish educational content through video rather than through texts or infographics. Video contents are more engaging and compelling for the average person. Keep in mind that not all individuals are readers.

Take note that your school’s educational posts will serve as proof of its excellence in various subjects and genres of knowledge.

Post About Relevant News and Current Events

Relevant news and current events are hot topics that create waves on social media. So, if there are interesting news and events in your area, you can post about them using the school’s social media account. That should help to increase your school’s followers. However, we do advise you not to post news about crimes and celebrities. News and events about politics, scientific discoveries, and educational stuff would be best. Just make sure not to state them in an opinionated manner; just state facts with neutrality.

Why should you post about important news and current events? Well, we have a good answer for you. Posting relevant news and events will imply that your school is active in the community and willing to disseminate credible information to the people. It’s an effective way for your school to connect with social media users.

Feature Your School’s Facilities Heavily

Interested parents and students will certainly want to see what your private school looks like. In that case, make sure to feature your school’s facilities on social media. Post images of your school’s classrooms, laboratories, library, lobby, and sports facilities. You can post them along with your social media advertisements. Before you post them though, see to it that they passed the assessment of educational accreditors.

Posting images of your school’s facilities will acquaint more people to it, especially parents and students. Plus, it’s a way of showing how your school premises is unique from other schools and educational establishments.

Go Live from Time to Time

Posting ads and publishing educational content may be good enough, but going live is even better. Ask your school teachers to do it. Of course, the topic of your school’s live videos should be mostly educational. It could be simple discussions and forums conducted by one of your best teachers. Live videos are more interactive and somewhat fun compared to pre-recorded videos. So if your school can go live on social media, its followers could increase gradually.

Going live on social media doesn’t have to be daily. Once a week or biweekly will do. Just make sure to post an announcement ahead that one of your teachers will be going live.

Social media is all about being social to the masses. Your school needs to socialize with the community to gain the trust of students and parents, and social media is an excellent platform to do that. So, make sure to note down in your checklist the things you’ve learned in this blog. Your school will quickly gain marketability and popularity if it has a strong social media presence.

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