Having a weekly or monthly household budget will help you minimize expenses. In doing so, you'll save a lot of money from your regular income. Nowadays, we need to practice budgeting our personal finance due to expensive bills and daily necessities. If you haven't done your budget planning yet, we encourage you to start it now using our printable and 100% customizable Personal Budget Templates in Google Sheets. Dividing your expenses and allocating a sufficient budget for each of them is made easy by these templates, making the task simple and fast to finish. Start managing your finances by downloading these budget templates now!
How to Create a Personal Budget in Google Sheets
According to MyMoneyCoach.ca, budgeting allows you to spend your money in a practical manner, ensuring that you'll have enough to pay each of your necessary expenses, with some to save afterward. So if you're saving up for something or simply trying to make ends meet, read our simple guide below on how to create a personal budget.
1. Determine Your Average Regular Income
Your monthly salary or income may vary from time to time, depending on the hours you incurred at your work. So to have a clear total for your budget, simply calculate the average or approximate income you receive on a regular basis.
2. List Down Your Expenses
Identify all your weekly or monthly expenses and list them down in your budget sheet. It could be your house bills, rent, grocery items, etc. It would be convenient for you to categorize them as well.
3. Regulate As Much As Possible
After listing down all of your expenses, it's time for you to commence allocating budget to each of them. But for practicality reasons, make sure to regulate the amount you allocate for each expense.
4. Allocate Budget for Contingencies
Throughout the week or month, there might be some impromptu expenses that you need to cover. So as a form of contingency plan, make sure to allocate budget for possible emergency expenses as well.
5. Include Savings
We know for a fact that you're trying to build up your financial situation for the future. With that in mind, we strongly advise you to include a savings portion of your budget plan.