32+ Agenda Templates in Word

Looking for ways to improve your agenda planning making processes? If your answer is yes, then you are on the right page. An agenda can help regulation and monitor a meetings, events, conferences, and other gatherings. It outlines the scope and limitation of a the above mentioned functions.

agenda templates in word

Using meeting agenda templates and samples will allow you to create the specific agenda listing that you need. It will enable you to escape from the hassles of entertaining off tangent questions and irrelevant items in a meeting. They are of high quality and can help you make your meeting or event smooth-sailing and relevant.

Agenda Template Bundle

agenda template bundle
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Meeting Agenda Templates

Team Meeting Agenda

team meeting agendameetingbooster.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB

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Formal Meeting Agenda

formal meeting agendameetingagenda.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 22 KB

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Production Meeting Agenda

business meeting agendawikihow.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB

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Why Do You Need Agenda?

A simple yet comprehensive agenda is distributed in advance before a certain event or meeting. It is an essential element used to bring about a more productive output in the meeting. There are a lot of advantages in using agenda. Here are some of them we found out:

  • A tool used to identify topics for discussion. They enable the attendees to know the dynamics of the meeting or event. In this way, the participants will not attend the meeting or event with no idea at all. They let the attendees know what are the items and issues that will be discussed.
  • A tool used to eliminate unnecessary excuses. Coming up with a meeting or event agenda eliminates a most common defence of participants that is a lack of preparation. By giving them a list of topics beforehand, they are presumed to know their tasks and items for discussion.
  • A tool used to instil focus during discussions. Agenda is a way of avoiding off-tangent questions. The participants can prepare relevant questions beforehand. It will also enable them to focus on the core topics of the meeting rather than the irrelevant ones. It is indeed a reminder in itself.
  • A tool used to develop and further time management. By coming up with an agenda, the meeting will start and end according to plan. It is a way of setting out the committee or group’s priorities. (15+ Committee Meeting Agenda Templates)

These are just some of the reasons why preparing an agenda for any undertaking is a must. A project agenda helps to guide the overall flow of the matter in hand.

Event Agenda Templates

Event Planning Agenda

event planning agendamu.oregonstate.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 252 KB

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Event Agenda Design

event agenda designcolorado.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 22 KB

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Corporate Event Agenda

corporate event agendastatic1.1.sqspcdn.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB

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Special Event Agenda

special event agendaparkcity.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 15 KB

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Conference Agenda Templates

One-Day Conference Agenda

one day conference agendaastate.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 103 KB

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Conference Agenda Design

conference agenda designaapor.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 MB

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Free Press Conference Agenda

free conference agendaprintablemeetingagenda.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 74 KB

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Types of Agenda

According to research, an agenda is a list that includes topics and issues that are going to be discussed in a certain undertaking—be it an event, meeting, conference, and the like. In line with this, there are various types of agenda that you should take into account. They will help you ace our agenda. Here are some of the ones commonly used in gatherings:

  • Formal Agenda. This type of agenda follows a certain format. When we say format, this in accordance to the purpose and nature of the undertaking such as an event, meeting, or conference. As you can see from our templates, meeting agenda templates and event agenda templates are not similar in terms of format.
  • Informal Agenda. This type of agenda refers to the informal list of items that will be discussed during the meeting. This is also considered as a last minute agenda.
  • Prioritized Agenda. This type of agenda is guided by a certain priority system. The items are arranged in accordance to their weight and level of importance. You can either opt to have a descending order that is from the most important one to the least important item or the ascending order from the least important one to the most important item.
  • Timed Agenda. In this kind of agenda, the event or meeting follows a certain timeline or time frame. This is emphasized more on the element of time management. In using this, a timekeeper is assigned to monitor and track the time used in every discussion.

These are the types of agenda that you can use in conducting your event, meeting, conference, function, or any other undertaking.

Blank Agenda Templates

Blank Meeting Agenda

blank meeting agendawordtemplatesonline.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14 KB

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Free Blank Agenda Template

free blank agenda templatecsefel.vanderbilt.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB

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Blank Agenda Format

blank agenda formatwikidownload.com
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Size: 15 KB

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Basic Parts of an Agenda

Depending on the type and purpose of the agenda, most agenda are relatively brief and concise. It guarantees that the flow of the discussion is smooth sailing and in accordance to what is originally planned. In line with this, it is pertinent that we get to know the basic parts of an agenda for you to prepare the right and suitable one.

Here we discuss the basic features of an agenda according to MIT Human Resource.


This refers to content and topics designed for a particular meeting or event. In planning an agenda, it is pertinent that the right people are selected in terms of who will draft and make the items. They should be authorized by the members of the organization itself. Mostly the topics in the agenda are drafted by the secretary or any authorized person by the committee with the approval of the officers of the committee. The secretary should not come up with his or her own agenda especially when not authorized.

Desired Outcome

In a certain item, there is a corresponding desired result. You need to clarify what are your desired outcomes to make the agenda more effective and efficient. It is indeed an important tips in planning an agenda.


In terms of priority, the group has to decide beforehand the level of importance of a certain item. This is important in allocating the time that will be spent in a certain item. For instance, items that are considered of high importance are given much attention and time compared to items that are not really important compared to the others.


This is also a crucial element of an agenda. This is pertinent in ensuring that the meeting or event starts and ends as planned. You cannot really strictly predict the time spent, but you can freely project or estimate the amount of time needed for the discussion to be guided accordingly. Time also makes it possible for the members to know when can they participate or raise their concerns.

These are the basic parts of an agenda. This may not apply to all agenda, however, but will depend on the nature of your undertaking.

Calendar Agenda Templates

Weekly Calendar Agenda Template

weekly calendar agenda templatewincalendar.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 15 KB

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Daily Calendar Agenda Template

daily calendar agenda templatetidyform.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB

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Monthly Calendar Agenda Template

monthly calendar agenda templatescatteredsquirrel.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB

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Daily School Agenda

daily school agendaeveractive.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB

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Formal Agenda Templates

Formal Meeting Agenda Template

formal meeting agenda templateweb.csulb.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB

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A Variety of Agenda Templates

As what you can see from our list of templates, we’ve provided you with a collection of high quality agenda templates. Let’s examine some of them:

  • Meeting agenda template. This template emphasizes that your meeting should be aligned with its core purpose. The agenda should outline the objectives of the meeting, when and how long the meeting will be and where will the meeting take place.
  • Interview agenda template. This template will help you prepare your interview questions and points of discussions. This is a way of ensuring that you’ve asked all necessary questions with respect to the allotted time.
  • Conference agenda template. This category of agenda may be lengthy compared to the others depending on the duration of a conference. A conference can transpire for more than a day, so you’ll need to prepare items in your agenda with desired outcomes and projected time.

These are just some of our featured agenda templates. There are still a lot in store for you. Don’t hesitate to download them.

Interview Agenda Templates

Sample Interview Agenda

sample interview agendaextension.missouri.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 159 KB

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Job Interview Agenda

job interview agendahrs.iastate.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB

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Final Interview Agenda

final interview agenda1800gotjunk.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB

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Program Agenda Templates

Training Program Agenda

training program agendapharmacy.arizona.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 35 KB

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Conference Program Agenda

conference program agendaila-net.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 MB

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Party Program Agenda

party program agendatbrhsc.net
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB

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Research Agenda Templates

Research Meeting Agenda

research meeting agendahero-health.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB

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School Agenda Templates

School Board Agenda

school board agendawilsonsd.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB

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School Meeting Agenda

school meeting agendaweb.stlouiseschool.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 20 KB

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School Council Agenda

school council agendaeducation.vic.gov.au
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14 KB

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How to Come up with an Effective Agenda Template

Indeed, there are a lot of factors to take into account in planning an agenda template. You don’t just have to work on the coming up of items and not just merely listing topics. You have to make a brief, engaging, and efficient agenda. Here are some tips you may consider:

  • It is a matter of preparation. An agenda does not come out in a vacuum. It requires a certain level of preparation. First, you have to refer and choose a certain template. You can surely rely on our templates. Second, you have to customize it to suit your conditions and interests. And last but not least, you need to decide beforehand who, how, time, priority, and desired outcome for every listed item.
  • Make your agenda flexible. Avoid from drafting rigid agenda. Make it a point that your agenda may be subject to modifications and changes. For instance, the facilitator of the meeting can take initiative by checking with the group at the meeting’s outset to see if important last-minute items need to be added to the agenda.
  • Cooperation and Collaboration. Your organization or corporation for that matter must take into account that drafting the agenda is a shared responsibility. Collaborative efforts are needed in order to make more comprehensive and effective agenda. It is not just a product of a single mind but by sincere cooperation and collaboration.

You can also refer to our checklist for an effective meeting agenda for more details.

Training Agenda Templates

Sales Training Agenda

sales training agendasites.path.org
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 KB

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Leadership Training Agenda

training meeting agendaprojects.ncsu.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB

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Training Course Agenda

training day agendawinsim.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB

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Yearly Agenda Templates

Yearly Meeting Agenda

yearly meeting agendaacnc.gov.au
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 26 KB

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Free Yearly Agenda Template

free yearly agenda templatenyu.edu
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB

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Choose an Agenda Template to Download

As listed above, we have provided a number of agenda templates that you can download and edit as per your need. You can put these professional agenda templates to official use by following these simples steps and downloading the required templates from our website.

  • First of all, scroll through the complete post and look for the template that you wish to use.
  • Template.net offers a number of templates that can be easily modified as per your requirement. Just have an overview and check out the offered list of templates.
  • After selecting, take note of ideas and tips that will be needed in planning and formulating an agenda.
  • Click on the green Download button in order to start downloading the chosen template.
  • Edit the template to suit your situation and purpose.
  • Give the final touches and then you’re good to go.

If you want more options to choose from, we also have best meeting agenda samples with a variety of agenda examples.

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