Jul 15, 2024
Every year, a company performs a critical analysis of its performance so that it can determine management’s strategies that are to be implemented in the next fiscal year. This performance is done using a financial analysis report which is the most widely used evaluation tool for various business industries.
The financial analysis contains different types of generated numerical data that the management presents in writing to make it more understandable to the interested audience. Learn the outline of financial analysis and its key features with the aid of the following financial analysis samples.
Analysis Template Bundle
Financial Analysis Template
Financial Needs Analysis Template
Financial Impact Analysis Template
Financial Ratio Analysis Template
Financial Statement Analysis Template
Financial Analysis Report Template
Company Financial Analysis Template
Restaurant Financial Analysis Template
Real Estate Financial Analysis Template
Company Financial Analysis Templates
Insurance Company Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis for Trading Company
Company Financial Health Analysis
What Is a Financial Analysis?
Financial analysis is a business process of assessing the overall performance and stability of a business or a project. This serves as an evaluation of the viability and the profitability of a business resulting from the implementation of business strategies to the operations of the business.
Key Features of a Financial Analysis
With the sample financial analysis template in Word format provided on the free analysis templates on this website, here are the key elements of financial analysis, as follows:
- Business Revenue – This section of the financial analysis defines how much growth the revenue has increased over the period, which of the customers form part of the percentage of revenue, and how much productivity your business has.
- Gross Profit – There are many factors within a business that affects the profits of the business. In connection with this, the information under this feature shows how these factors have affected the company about its profits. For a wider selection of financial analyst cover letter templates, check out more options here.
- Efficiency in Operations – A financial analysis is a tool for the management to know how efficient the business strategies are in the course of the business operations. Turnovers of accounts receivable and inventory define that efficiency.
- Capital Efficiency – This information provides an assessment of the equity of the business which interests the investors and lenders.
- Liquidity and Solvency – A business must be liquid and solvent at all times to remain running. This section presents the financial data to prove the liquidity and solvency of the business. Find more financial planner templates by visiting this link.
Financial Feasibility Analysis Templates
Financial Maintenance Feasibility Analysis
Financial and Economic Feasibility Analysis
Financial Risk Analysis Templates
Financial Statement Risk Analysis
Advanced Financial Risk Analysis
Blank Financial Risk Analysis
Corporate Financial Analysis Templates
Corporate Finance and Financial Analysis
Analysis for Corporate Financial Statement
Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis Template Types
The financial analysis templates on this website present different formats applicable to various uses of financial analysis in pdf. For you to have less difficulty in browsing through these templates, here are the financial analysis templates as listed below:
Financial Analysis Templates by Objective:
- Financial Feasibility Analysis – Feasibility studies need the information of a financial analysis for an entity to know the competitive edge of a business within a market as seen on the sample competitive analysis template.
- Financial Risk Analysis – Corporate business faces different financial risks every day both in the operations and the investment sides which requires the use of this analysis template.
- Project Financial Analysis – Projects are proposed to clients with the information as seen on the sample analysis template under this category for the client to know how feasible the project is.
- Financial Report Analysis – Financial statement analysis examples on this website form part of this analysis template which is derived from the financial statements of the company.
- Financial Needs Analysis – This analysis template refers to the financial planning of the received grant of financial aid applicable to nonprofit organizations.
- Financial Impact Analysis – The information under this analysis template highlights how much of the changes in the market impacted the business as a whole.
- Personal Financial Analysis – This template applies to an individual undergoing financial management of his investments.
Financial Analysis Templates by Format:
- Financial Ratio Analysis – Part of financial analysis is the use of the financial ratios as depicted in this analysis template.
- Financial SWOT Analysis – The strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of a business project are focused on this analysis template helping the interested individuals in making decisions regarding the project.
- Monthly Financial Analysis – This analysis template provides different monthly financial analysis formats applicable to a standard business financial analysis.
Personal Financial Analysis Templates
Blank Personal Financial Analysis
Project Financial Analysis Templates
Financial Analysis for Project Property
Project Accounting Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis for Project Management
Project Financial Analysis Example
Financial Report Analysis Templates
Financial Reporting Analysis
Financial Analysis Sample Report
Financial Corporation Analysis
Financial Ratio Analysis Templates
Financial Statement Ratio Analysis
Standard Financial Ratio Analysis
Outline of a Financial Analysis
A financial analysis may be used for different types of purposes but the outline of a financial analysis remains similar to all of these types. The following is a basic outline of a financial analysis:
- Executive Summary – As you may have noticed on the printable project analysis templates, this section provides an overview of the information on the financial analysis.
- Thesis/Analysis Statement – This statement is the objective of the financial analysis and the question which should be answered at the end of the analysis.
- Methods of Data Collection – Similar to the feasibility analysis templates, a description of how the analysts gathered the financial data is indicated under this section of the outline.
- Vital Financial Occurrences – Financial events that happened about the thesis statement. They may be information involving competitors like the competitor analysis templates or the financial needs of the company as in the needs analysis templates.
- Valuation Method – This section is the most essential data to be extensively researched which includes the determined value of a company’s investment.
- Financial Risks – These risks about the uncontrollable market conditions and events that greatly affect the business.
- Results of the Analysis – This section includes the results of the financial analysis derived from the data gathered, which includes financial ratios and graphs.
- Recommendation and Conclusion – A summary of all the key points of the financial analysis together with the findings and the answer to the thesis statement at the start of the analysis. View a wider selection of financial agreement templates right here.
Financial SWOT Analysis Templates
Financial Services SWOT Analysis
Business Financial Analysis Templates
Financial Statement Analysis for Small Business
Free Business Financial Analysis
Analysis for Business Financial Performance
Financial Needs Analysis Templates
Analysis for Financial Aid Needs
Financial Planning Needs Analysis
Blank Financial Needs
Financial Needs Analysis Example
Financial Impact Analysis Templates
Analysis for Financial Business Impact
Financial Impact Statement Analysis
Free Financial Impact Analysis
Monthly Financial Analysis Templates
Monthly Financial Analysis Example
Analysis for Monthly Financial Income
Basic Data Used on a Financial Analysis
As depicted on the sample data analysis template on this website, a business conducts a financial analysis with the following basic data of financial analysis:
- Past performance of the company – This includes financial information of the past fiscal years within the same company. This data lets the management know how the business fared within the past few years.
- Future business performance – The financial data under this category involved present and future values, which entails the use of certain mathematical techniques. This serves as a prediction of the company for the future.
- Comparison between business’ performances – Financial statements are compared between businesses in the same industry. This includes financial income analysis indicated on the cash flow analysis templates.
- Financial Ratios – These percentages and numerical data are derived from financial statements and reports of the business which determines the solvency, profitability, or growth of a business through the years.
Financial analysis is an effective tool for the company to refer to in devising new tactics for the next fiscal year. These financial analysis sample templates can be downloaded for your utilization as your reference in the creation of financial analysis for your business.
General FAQs
1. What is Financial Analysis?
Financial analysis involves the process of assessing budgets, and other finance-related transactions of business, to determine whether it is stable, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment.
2. What are the Various Types of Financial Analysis?
Following are the various types of financial analysis:
- Vertical analysis
- Horizontal analysis
- Short term analysis
- Leverage analysis
- Growth rates
- Profitability analysis
- Variance analysis, etc
You can perform a financial analysis of the business by following these steps:
- Collect and analyze the company’s earlier financial statements
- Evaluate the business’s shareholder’s equity statement
- Calculate financial ratios
- Gather the company’s key competitor’s data
- Analyze current profitability and risk
- Review the dividend payout
4. What is the Role of Ratios in Financial Statement Analysis?
Ratios are used to analyze the four aspects of a company’s financial condition and performance: profits, liquidity, financial leverage, and efficiency. They can be useful for companies and investors in identifying a company’s trends over time.
5. What is the Importance of Financial Analysis?
Financial analysis lets investors decide if they should invest their funds in a particular company. It also helps government agencies in analyzing the taxes owed to the firm while also letting a company analyze its own performance over a specific time period. Explore additional financial analysis templates on our website, template.net, to find a variety of options that suit your needs.