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35+ Gap Analysis Examples – PDF, DOC

It takes more than a steady flow of profit and a sizable capital for a business to keep competing and not get left behind, because even companies with products that doesn’t share the same demand with that of the products and services of the rest of their competitors, can still lose a lot, especially when a businessmen or his management fails to address issues found in a job analysis.

In today’s changing economy, business analysis also gets thrown at the back of other management tasks and it’s importance continues to be underestimated, without people realizing that it helps a company identify its strength and weaknesses better, which is necessary for growth. you may also see Analysis Templates.

Gap Analysis Template

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Market Gap Analysis Template

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Healthcare Gap Analysis Template

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Education Gap Analysis Template

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System Gap Analysis Template

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Security Gap Analysis Template

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Safety Gap Analysis

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Performance Gap Analysis Templates

Free Performance Gap Analysis

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Performance Improvement Gap Analysis

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Gap Analysis for Performance Example

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Importance of Gap Analysis

A company that wasn’t able to meet its goals for a certain period needs to confront the consequences but more than that, it needs to re examine its goals and strategies in order to find out if it’s taking the right path for getting them accomplished. As a Business Analyst, your first step should be understanding the current business environment and the second would be understanding the decisions and everything your stakeholders deem necessary for the company do, or complying anything they require. You will have to give out an official communication with the department responsible for the design of such solutions.

It’s very important to have a free analyst template. Otherwise, you will have no idea whether the delivery of your project is going through okay, with the purpose it has set to achieve. Maybe you succeeded, maybe you didn’t. You will never really know. A faster way into understanding the concept of interface and its requirements is by going through any existing one, because that’s where you’ll be able to get or create a context diagram which shows a quick interface preview with the elements that send data to and receive data from it at an increased level.

Context diagrams for interface can in turn be broken down as well as serve as system or analysis template word which you can use to have a more detailed analysis. The longer steps for doing this is through constructing organizational goals or business strategies, bench-marking the current position of the business, analyzing the gap information gathered and eventually come up with a compiled gap report.

Skills Gap Analysis

Sample Skills Gap Analysis

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Gap Analysis for Skills Template

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Basic Skills Gap Analysis

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Analysis for Skills Gap Example

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Fit Gap Analysis

Business Fit Gap Analysis

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Fit Gap Analysis Report

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Gap analysis has been used as a business strategy to compare and analyze current actual performance with that of potential performance or the kind the management aimed for, or desired. In corporate strategy, gap analysis is also used to measure the difference between desired performance and actual performance. It involves taking note of the current factors affecting performance, such as attributes and performance levels in the present situation and asking or listing factors to achieve what should have been. After that, a business needs to identify the gaps and start thinking of ways to get what’s needed for those gaps to be filled.

Market Gap Analysis

Skills Gap Analysis for Market

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Gap Analysis for Labour Market

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Market Gap Analysis Report

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Market Capital Gap Analysis

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Gap analysis had its share of criticisms from management experts, often saying it doesn’t really help and produce tangible results or the kind that you can apply to your business models, but while it isn’t always an easy technique to use, it does help in the evaluation of the difference between desired results and actual results, and the steps needed to finally achieve that desired goal.

Often, the best way through the application of security gap analysis templates is by doing it strategically, and place strategies for attempts in identifying what a company should do, what it needs to give up and what action plans it has to put in place to achieve a specific goal by going through the time frame, management, current budget and a few other factors so that it can check where the shortcomings are coming from. After having this analysis conducted, the company should then be able to develop a plan for implementing the elimination of the gaps it had managed to identify.

Strategic and Security gap analysis comes from different assessments in performance, especially benchmarking. When an industry’s general performance becomes known, it means a company would be able to use that benchmark in evaluating their performance; whether or not what they’re currently doing can pass for their goals or if they need to step up and do more.

The establishment of this comparison, bearing in mind the strategy to improve allows them to form a strategic gap analysis strong enough to rely on, in meeting their targets. This is when it becomes possible for an organization to set the tools and information necessary for the allocation of resources in trying to get a specific outcome, like money, time and people.

A lot of companies and other organizations doesn’t use strategic planning. While they are still capable and competent to achieve their key and basic targets for performance in business, it isn’t enough for them to really realize their full potential. Gap analysis done strategically helps a business or institution towards bridging the gap between “what is” in their position and “what should be.”

Software Gap Analysis

Software Process Gap Analysis

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Gap Analysis for Software Testing

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Business Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis for Small Business

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Business Services Inventory Gap Analysis

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Financial Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis for Financial Sample

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Financial Services Gap Analysis

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Nursing Gap Analysis

Nursing Gap Analysis Sample

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Gap Analysis for Nursing Template

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Information technology gap analysis templates just getting bigger and smarter. The World Wide Web is going nowhere fast as it’s becoming more and more important to have good strategies in place and content gap analysis as well as gap analysis report templates to back content that’s created and shared, and content, is also here to stay. Having content focusing on products and services alone isn’t always enough to get buyers interested and involved, especially if the discussion isn’t reaching where the end-user are, which is the right point in the road to successful selling.

It takes a special kind of content for establishing education gap analysis templates that’s going to be effective, and we all know that effective gap analysis needs to align with the buyer’s wants and needs to meet performance goals and fill gaps that can only be determined by skill gap analysis templates to compare and contrast current strengths and weaknesses to leverage strategies for improvement in achieving the business’ potential in the market and in an industry in general.

Although analyzing gaps and coming up with processes that would meet them wouldn’t always be effective since organizations have each a unique way of doing business, it’s still better to have something you can reference your performance to and guide the business towards what it could still achieve.

Product Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis for Product Example

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Project and Product Gap Analysis

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Project Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis for Project Sample

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Project Plan Management Gap Analysis

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Breaking Down The Gap Analysis Further

In the corporate world, a very likely situation would be one where you, as part of the management team, are asked to do everything in your power and capability to improve the performance or efficiency of a specific area, unit or department in your organization.

The thing is, you may have no clue whatsoever as to the factors causing the decline of the performance you have been chosen to improve. Being able to determine the gap between expected outcome and what is actually being delivered, which means the difference between what’s currently happening and what can happen, depending on how you perform have been referred to, counts as your Gap Analysis.

But as far as technical and business definition goes, you can define gap analysis in other ways, which would more or less lead to these meanings:

1. It is the process by which an organization identifies the difference between its current or actual performance to the expected performance, so that it can evaluate whether objectives set are being met and if it is using its resources in an effective manner.

2. It is a business technique used to determine the steps needed in order to move forward from their current position to the future position in the industry that they desire.

Both definitions draw the fact that gap analysis is a technique which could help a company rise to its full potential in the near future. Through determining and analyzing gaps, a project team can devise an action plan or form a strategy strong enough to move the business towards success and fill performance gaps identified.

If you are to dig deeper, you will also learn that gap analysis is not just a process focusing on one thing. To perform it successfully, you will need to follow three steps and going through these stages would be far from easy. It’s going to be time-consuming, tedious what with the detail-ridden process it involves, but if you’re going to get your business to step up, then it needs to be done and the improvements made has to be clearly seen rather than vague. Your three steps to application of your analysis are as follows:

1. Defining the changes required as well as future goals correctly, which means if you’re not well-versed with the organization’s goals, your efforts towards stepping up will be in vain. Before anything else, it’s important to identify the company’s business goals and what changes are necessary in achieving these goals. Otherwise, any attempt at improvement will keep being pulled from its desired results.

2. Identifying the current position of the organization and issues associated with why they are where they are. To get where want to be, you should be able to see and assess where you currently stand. When you fail or refuse to see the real reasons or the factors affecting your performance or lack thereof, in all relevant areas of the business, would affect flow of profit and your growth sooner or later. The analyst may want to organize strategic meetings, call for brainstorming sessions, interviews to get inputs from the workforce, record reviews of sessions with the board to gain deeper insight into what the current challenges are so that you can see what’s keeping the organization from going where it wants to go. Because only by comprehensively defining present issues can one get a better and bigger picture of the real situation.

3. Developing action plans. Once both and present and future expectations are identified clearly, it would be time for thinking of the factors needed to meet these expectations.

Ask your how questions in the form of action plans. How are you gong to implement an action plan to close the gaps identified in your analysis? The answers may include a few steps like hiring enough people to fill your staffing needs, procurement of tools and equipment in place of the ones that are outdated, offering incentives and perks to motivate employees to do their best and improve their performance to meet the team targets and everything else necessary to put this plan through.

It can be argued that in order for a company to perform consistently and reach growth or meet desired outcomes consistently, regular gap analysis efforts should be implemented or encouraged since these techniques play a vital role in the measurement of performance and identifying the key activities needed to complete and reach whatever the desired future state of the business is.

Research Gap Analysis

Sample Research Gap Analysis

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Gap Analysis for Research Service

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The first part of the gap analysis should establish your goals towards change, since we can assume, you’re trying to change something to bridge the gaps you have identified. The question is, what are you trying to change? So go ahead and meet with your employees, so that you can speak with them and be able to establish a vision, define the current problem’s future position and how you see it.

Record your description of where you want your business to be at. There would be no hard and fast rules as you can write it down on paper on any format which you think is best for the issues you’re trying to address. You can go with description in text, lists, pictures, graphs and charts, all of which are good and useful tools for mapping out your vision. This part shouldn’t be long but it should provide a vision that’s clear and easy to understand for the management.

The second part should have a realistic assessment of where your business currently stands, including its resources in connection with where you want it to be in the future. If you’re set on business growth and expansion, check how many employees you currently have and whether or not they are equipped with the skill sets required or if they have other skills making them competent for areas other than the one that their current position needs. Are you aware how fast it would take to restock inventory? How would you evaluate your cash flow, profit and reserves? Would you say they’re enough or are they unhealthy?

Factors, Remedies and Actions

The third part of the gap analysis would be the gist of the whole activity. First things first, so you have to identify all the factors that plays a role in the gap you saw in your part two chart. These factors would somehow include an incompetent process in recruitment making it hard for the business to hire people who are skilled and retain those who are already there, or it could be a poor business credit and profit returns that’s sopping your ability to improve inventory and cover for resources. You would want to be as specific as possible in identifying every contributing factor to the gaps.

Now that you have your factors identified, you should write down corresponding tangible action plans for solving the problem. If for example, the factor in a particular gap is coming from employees’ skill set, an action plan in hiring more people, offer training classes or have one part of a project outsourced to another company while you try to improve internal capabilities. If majority of the problem lies in credit, a plan for action must be developed to find a local supplier willing to make a deal with you, thereby increasing business inventory.

Free Research Gap Analysis

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Training Gap Analysis

Training Gap Analysis Report

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Gap Analysis for Retail Training

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One easy way to fill two gaps and the Policy Gap Analysis Templates in your analysis paper is to have a table with “current state” as a label on the first column so that you can list everything from the current standing and that you need to step up so that you can meet the certain goals you have in mind. In a clothing shop for example, an owner or manager may find that the following things are what makes his business weak:

In a second column, you should then be able to put “Future State,” where you would list all of your dream characteristics based on how it would improve and correspond to your current business state. So, in the same scenario, a manager or owner might have these things on the list:

Column three should be labeled as “Gap” with a Yes or No checkbox or marking space if a gap is identified between the current and future standing. In the clothing shop scenario, every row should have the yes box marked.

The gap between the first and second columns should be described in your fourth column. Using the same example, the gap descriptions should be something like this:

With that example, you can see that the description is simply identifying things that are missing. The next section would then describe a plan to get from one point to another.

The steps should also be specific in the Product Gap Analysis Templates, and viewing them together should make up a plan that generally addresses all the gaps in resources which are barring your company from making it towards its ideal position.

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