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Job Application: Standing Out from the Pack

Having a job can be considered as an important aspect of our lives because it helps provide food on our tables, buy clothes to wear, pay for our house, and other necessities in life. However, with the current global economic status, the number of unemployed people has drastically increased over the past years. Finding and landing a good can be extremely tough these days. So, if you are one of the people who luckily has a good job at a good company, then you should congratulate yourself and learn to appreciate your job. But if you are one of the unemployed individuals hoping to find a job, it is crucial to understand that the whole job hunting process can be very competitive and that you have to make sure that you will stand out from the other hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants who are applying for the same job position as you.

While the thought of it can be stressful and overwhelming, it is important not to lose an ounce of hope because somewhere out there, there is a company or organization who is looking for a person like you. Just keep in mind that every day brings new hope and opportunity. All you have to do is to figure out how to stand out from the other applicants and make a potential employer notice your application.

In this article, we aim to provide you with some useful tips and tricks that can help you rise above from the applicants and ultimately earn the job that you have always dreaming to have. Also in the succeeding section, we will discuss one by one the different job application documents that you should have and how they boost your chances of getting a good impression from a potential employer.

Tips and Tricks that Can Get Employers Notice Your Application

Every day, there are countless of applicants from all walks of life who are hunting for a job and waiting to get a chance to be interviewed by a prospective employer. And let us face it, with all the number of applicant looking to earn the same position as you, there is a very small chance for the employer to notice your application if you do not invest time and effort to make your application noticeable and impressive. If you want potential employers to notice then you should step up your game and find ways to grab their attention and make them want to meet you rather than just doing the conventional way of applying for a job.

So without any further adieu, we will provide you with a rundown of tips and tricks that can make you rise above from all other applications (for the right reasons, or course), boost your chances of getting an interview with the prospective employer, and convince him that you are person who is perfect for the job.

1. Research

Before anything else, you should take some time to research about the company and not just about the position that is offered. It is often a wise idea to know what the company is all about, their mission and vision, the kind of people that they want to be part of their organization. You will be surprised that the information you have gathered from your research can be extremely useful during the job interview.

If you do not think that you have all the information that you need, you can also contact the HR department and politely ask for some information about the job that they are offering. Having enough knowledge can help you better understand the duties and responsibilities associated with the said position.

Also, the person whom you have talked to might be able to recognize your name when they have your application. This is a smart way that can help you stand out from the other applicants as it shows that person that you are interested in the position offered by their company.

2. Customize Your Application

One of the worst mistakes an applicant can do is to send a generic application to the employer. Of course, there may be hundreds or thousands of samples of resumes, curriculum vitae, and cover letter that you can just download from the internet, most companies are familiar with the application documents that are just copied. Although you can download them online, it does not necessarily mean that you have to copy its content word by word (well, except for your personal data) and send them to the hiring party.

If you want to make a good impression and get your application noticed, your best option is to customize your application. Customizing your application can help employers see how your skills and experience can be beneficial for their organization.

3. Highlight Skills and Experience

If you are looking to get your application noticed by the hiring party, make sure that you have highlighted relevant skills and experiences on the job application form provided by the company. A great way to start is by reading and understand the job description as it will give you an idea of what skills and experiences are required by the employer. You can impress the employer by citing some examples of how developed your skills and how you have used them in your previous company.

4. Consider a Video Application

Sending a job application letter to the hiring party is the most common way to show your interest in applying for a position in their company. However, you can consider sending a video application if you want to stay away from the traditional way of a job application. Be sure not to make it gimmicky and over the top. Just keep it short and professional while making your personality shine. It is also important that to show that you are genuinely enthusiastic about the position.

5. Keywords

The job application process today is entirely different from the job application process a decade ago. Because we are living in the golden age of technology, most employers today are accepting job applications online.

You do not have to mail your resume/CV and cover letter to the hiring party. All you have to do is just email your application documents. While this may sound like an easy process, it is important to know that majority of these companies are using application software to screen applicants. Oftentimes, these software applications are looking for keywords on your resume/CV.

6. Have a Meaningful Online Presence

Since almost all people today have an online presence, whether it is on Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube, you can take advantage of your online presence when applying for a job. Whatever social media platform you are using, make sure that your online presence will not harm your chances of earning the position that you are looking to earn. Oftentimes, the hiring party will check the social media accounts discreetly to get an idea of what kind of people are applying in their company. So, if you think that your Facebook account is not exactly “boss-friendly”, then make sure to keep it private.

7. Proofread

Before you send your application documents, make sure to go over it for a couple of times to make sure that they are free from spelling and grammatical errors because once you hit send, there will be no turning back to edit your mistakes. You can also ask a family member or a friend to check them for you.

8. Follow-up Your Application

If days went by without hearing from the hiring party, you can make a follow-up on your application by calling the HR department. Keep in mind that being proactive can show the hiring party that you are really interested in the position that they are offering.

All About Writing a Good Resume

A resume is one of the first documents, along with a cover letter, that is sent by an applicant to the hiring party. It usually contains essential information about the person’s skills and professional experiences. This information is often used by the hiring party to screen and weed out unqualified applicants from those who have qualified for the position. That is why a job seeker should never underestimate the power of a writing a good resume. How you present the information in your resume plays a huge factor in establishing a good impression to the prospective employer. Remember that you only have one shot to impress the employer that is why you have to make sure that your resume is well-presented and well-written, as well as following the best resume format.

Here are the essential elements that you have to include in your resume:

Contact Information

This section should provide the reader with your basic contact details, such as your mailing address, contact numbers, and email address so that if you are one of the lucky candidates for the job, the employer should not have any difficulties contacting you for an interview.

Summary of Qualification

According to business experts, one of the most effective ways to capture the attention of the prospective employer is to kick off your resume with an engaging summary of professional qualification. It should basically tell the reader why you are qualified for the position and you only have a few seconds to spark his interest. This element is considered to be the “feel good section”, so make sure to focus on yourself as an employee and what you can do for the company.

Core Competencies

This section is also known as the “proof of expertise” section. It often lists down your skills, knowledge, and experience.

Professional Work Experience

When writing about one’s professional work experience, most people tend to focus more on the duties and responsibilities than what they have achieved. To make your resume effective, make sure that include the contributions you have made in your previous companies.

Education Highlights

In this section, list down your education and training that are relevant to the job in reverse chronological order, starting from the latest down to the earliest. Make sure to include the dates, as well as the awards and recognition that you have received.

When writing a resume, it is important to be truthful with the information that to provide. You do not have to impress a prospective employer with fictitious information. Sooner or later, the employer will find out about it, and instead of increasing your chances of getting hired, you will only end up embarrassing yourself. If this is your first time to write a resume, you may want to check out our resume template for fresher.

Sample Resume Templates that You Can Download and Use as Reference

Medical Professional Resume Template

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IT Professional Resume Template

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Professional Secretary Resume Template

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Professional Engineering Resume Template

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Professional Counselor Resume Template

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HR Professional Consultant Resume Template

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How a Curriculum Vitae is Different from a Resume

I bet you have seen and heard the term “curriculum vitae” thrown around, especially if you are busy browsing for job advertisements on the Internet. While many newbie job applicants have mistakenly interchange the use of curriculum vitae and resume, these two application documents have an entirely different definition and functions.

According to a Wikipedia article, “A curriculum vitae or CV for short, is a written overview of a person’s experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity”. But just like a resume, a CV is also used to screen applicants who are qualified for the position offered by a company. That is why writing a top-quality CV is essential in increasing your chances for a personal one-on-one interview with a prospective employer so it is worth to invest your time and effort to ensure that your CV has a good content and presentation.

In order to eliminate any confusion about the difference between a CV and resume, here are some things to keep in mind:

Sample Curriculum Vitae Templates that You Can Download and Use as Reference

Multipurpose CV Template

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Professional CV Template

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Printable CV Template

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Artist CV Template

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Designer CV Template

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Structured Marketing CV

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Executive CV Sample

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Business Analyst

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Undergraduate Student

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Executive Chef

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Why Your Cover Letter is Equally Important as Your Resume/CV

Out of the other application documents that you will send to the hiring party, the cover letter is the most critical in making a good impression to the potential employer. While a lot of job seekers focus more on perfecting their resume or curriculum vitae, it is important to understand that they are not necessarily the most important document that can help you secure an interview. Expert revealed that a strategically targeted cover letter is the best weapon a job seeker should have to get noticed and rise above the other applicants. Additionally, a cover letter helps introduce yourself to the potential employer and convince them to consider you as one of the potential candidates that are perfect for the position that they are offering. The importance of writing a good cover letter cannot be overstated and underestimated, especially if you are having a hard time landing a job.

Here is a rundown of the reasons why a cover letter is important:

So how do you write a winning cover letter that can effectively boost your chances of securing an interview? Read on to know how:

1. Introduce Yourself

Take some time to evaluate the job description provided by the hiring party, as it can provide you with an idea on how to write an effective cover letter. Writing a cover letter is just like introducing yourself to someone, but you need to do it in a professional way. You should mention in the first paragraph the position that you are applying for and how your skills and experiences are a great match for the role.

2. Use the Appropriate Format

If you want your cover letter to be effective, then make sure to use the correct job cover letter format. Your cover letter should be only a single page. The standard fonts to use can be Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Calibri and make sure to keep the font size between 10 to 12 points. Moreover, you should use the proper cover letter salutation when addressing it to the contact person.

3. Keep It Short and Concise

No employer wants to waste his time reading a long cover letter. It should always be kept short and direct to the point without losing your enthusiasm. Make sure to highlight your skills and experience and explain them briefly yet concisely why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

4. End It With a High Note

After explaining your skills and experience, you should express your hopes of getting contacted for an interview. Do not forget to reinforce your enthusiasm for the position. You can conclude your cover letter by providing the reader with your contact details so that it will be convenient for them to reach you when they want to schedule you for an interview. Make sure to thank them for spending some time reading and evaluating your application documents.

Sample Cover Letter Templates that You Can Download and Use as Reference

General Manager Cover Letter Word Template Free Download

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Email Cover Letter Responding to Posted Job Word Free Download

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General Cover Letter for Internship Word Template Free Download

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Final Thoughts

Job application is just like a war zone where you have to fight and win the battle in order to emerge victoriously and earn the job that you have always wanted. Although the job search process is extremely competitive today, you have to make sure that you have the right knowledge not only on the job that you want to apply but also the company. Also, make sure to keep all this information in mind to help you create a well-written resume or curriculum vitae and cover letter. Do not hesitate to check out and download our employment application templates. You can download them for free and are designed for easy editing so it can match your personal purpose.


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