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27 Different Bibliography Format Templates

For those who do not know what a bibliography is, it’s a part of any research paper or report that contains the sources of information used as a reference for one’s work. With the help of a bibliography, others who read your research will easily be able to understand where you were able to get the thoughts and ideas that you’ve included in your paper.

The bibliography is basically a list of all the books, articles, web pages, and just about any other reference cited or used. It also has many different styles, which is why this article will focus on helping you learn how to be able to write a bibliography as well as understand how it works.

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What Is a Citation and a Citation Style?

If you want to learn more about bibliographies, then you’re going to have to learn two things: citations and citation styles. A citation is basically a way for you to give credit to the work of others that you have made use of to support your own research. It can also allow you to locate particular sources as well as combat plagiarism. A citation would contain the name of the author, date of publication, location of the publication company, journal title, and the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

A citation style is what dictates the information that’s necessary for a citation, as well as how the information is ordered, its punctuation, and other required formatting.

The Different Types of Annotated Bibliography Styles

There are three different styles that will allow you to annotate your bibliographies. These are the American Psychology Association (APA) style, the Modern Language Association (MLA) style, and the Chicago/Turabian Citation Style (CCS or TCS). You should always ask your professor which type you should use before finishing your paper. Below is information on how each style differs from the others:

What Is an Annotated Bibliography?

Before one can know about annotated bibliographies, it’s important to know what an annotation is first. An annotation is basically a brief summary of any article, book, web site, or just about any other type of publication. An annotation is supposed to give the reader enough information to make a decision based on whether he or she should continue to read the complete work or not. Basically it tells a person if the material used is useful to the research and, if so, why?

So that information should tell you the one important difference between your standard bibliography and an annotated one. While an annotated bibliography follows the same structure as the standard bibliography, an annotated one contains a paragraph-length annotation at the end of every reference. The paragraph is usually around 100 to 200 words in length. Depending on the assignment, an annotated bibliography can have different purposes such as:

Two Different Types of Annotated Bibliography

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How to Write a Bibliography

Now that you have learned the most important information regarding bibliographies, you will now learn how to create one. The following steps will help ensure that you’re able to create a traditional bibliography:

Simple Annotated Bibliography Format

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Annotated Bibliography Example

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Teaching APA Annotated Bibliography

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Getting Started in Writing an Annotated Bibliography

As long as you’re able to understand the key difference between an annotated bibliography and a traditional one, then making one shouldn’t be a problem for you. So below are the steps that can help make sure you create a proper annotated bibliography.

When writing annotations for your sources:

Choosing and Organizing Your Citations:

The Importance of Bibliographies

Bibliographies aid researchers when they have to develop their own work during the early stages. It makes it much easier for them to see if the sources of information contained in these bibliographies are relevant in their own work. Also, those who are required to make annotations can ensure that their information is verified by making certain that they do in-depth research of all sources used as well as compare them to formulate opinions. So by going through the bibliography and reading the work of the original author, you can see if the research paper of another was done through extensive research, or if that person just took a look at a few references.

The bibliography is also a great fact-checking tool. By using the bibliography, one can go over all of the references to verify the accuracy of the information that the reference provides. If you’re making annotated bibliographies, then this will also make you a better writer and researcher as you have to go through everything that you have understood about the reference and see how it contributes to your work. Once you’ve figured that out, you’re going to have to come up with an evaluation that will tell others how it contributes to your work. Doing this can help impress your professors as well as make sure that you’re able to properly understand all the references that you have used.

So in the event that you would like to know more about bibliographies, or if you would like to make them yourself, then you can check out other available samples on our site that will provide you with tips on how to write a bibliography.

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