15 College Academic Calendar Samples
Nowadays, most people will agree that calendars generally make for convenient tools, especially for people who need to check the date for upcoming events. A great many professions can find a use for free calendar templates to help make calendars to keep up to date. After all, there are specialized calendars that one can use that happen to be perfectly suited for particular uses.
One example is an academic calendar, particularly for colleges. Being that colleges would allow students more freedom than other institutions, it is doubly important that these schools have academic calendars to allow their students to make plans in advance. Aside from students, the argument can be made that teachers are also in need of specialized teacher calendars in order to have more ease in planning out lessons, which gives these calendars another dimension in terms of how they operate.
University Academic Calendar Template
Study Calendar Template
24 Hours Calendar Template
Hourly Calendar Template
Free University Academic Desk Calendar Template
Project Calendar Templates
Academic Project Calendar Template
Blank Project Calendar Template
Sample Academic Calendar Templates
Academic Planning Calendar
School Calendar Template
College Academic Calendar
What Events Can You Add to a College Academic Calendar?
As you may be aware from the example of sample school calendars, any academic calendar would make sure to list any and all events relevant to a given school. Of course, if you were to make your own academic calendar, then it would be wise to know exactly what events generally go into such a calendar so as to be able to apply that knowledge to your own eventual calendar.
School Events
Most every school calendar template would allow you to include general school events to their particular dates. These are whatever significant events particular to your college, such as sports festivals, religious events, job or club fairs, etc. Being that these events are relative to any given college, it is important that you use a blank template so as to be able to place the events on the dates, which would be your own business to begin with.
Any academic calendar would also do well to include exam dates, particularly for midterms and finals. After all, there are a number of practical reasons why this would be a wise idea, such as allowing students and teachers to prepare well in advance. This can also serve to put into perspective exactly how much time is available for students and teachers alike for lessons and leisure. After all, as these dates approach, it would be necessary to focus on studying so as to be as prepared as possible for the tests.
Seminars and Talks
College life may also include all manner of talks and seminars, many of which would be advisable to attend if they are not required. As such, it would be wise to list such events on the school’s academic calendar, so as to provide fair warning for any interested parties to clear up their schedules. Being that college is an opportunity to test one’s boundaries, it would be wise to provide this information to allow students the chance to attend and learn outside a classroom setting.
Extracurricular Activities
A college academic calendar may also wish to include particularly significant extracurricular activities, such as theatrical productions, musical concerts, and others. This may be a requirement for the class, but the school would also do well to include such things so as to give students a chance to try out new experiences.
Including the holidays is particularly important in the case of colleges as many institutions include students who only live in the vicinity during the school year. Such students generally expect to return home for holidays, and as such would particularly appreciate a holiday schedule so as to be able to plan out their trips. This would allow them to coordinate their departures with any other relevant events, such as exam periods. Other students would also have a need for such an element of the calendar, if only to be able to make the most of their vacation days.
Enrollment Dates
Enrollment days are generally an important element of any Word calendar templates used for schools, but more so in the case of colleges. After all, students would be expected to enroll themselves by their age, and when one takes into account that many students may live elsewhere normally, this would be a significant convenience for them. This way, students can more easily coordinate and enroll with the least amount of fuss.
Basic Academic Calendars
Sample Academic Calendar
College Quarterly Calendar
Quarterly Academic Calendar Example
How Teachers Can Benefit from a College Academic Calendar
Of course, none of this should be taken as a sign that academic calendars primarily exist for the benefit of students. After all, all school personnel are able to benefit from the existence of academic calendars, particular teachers. Examples like quarterly calendars can provide useful benefits for teachers as well, in several ways. Some of those include:
Lesson Planning
By virtue of even having an academic calendar in the first place, teachers can already see how long a given semester can be. This allows them to have an idea of how much time they have available for the entire period, to say nothing of being able to tell exactly class days they have per week. This allows teachers to devise lesson plans with greater precision, being that they can tell how much time they have as a whole. This allows teachers more freedom to divide their time so as to be able to convey the subject effectively.
Devising Deadlines
Teachers may also use academic calendars in conjunction with editable project calendars to devise proper deadlines for themselves and their classes. After all, if the overall amount of time per semester can be divided, that should also make it easier to determine when projects from students should be due. This can also be applied to teachers themselves, as they could impose deadlines upon themselves so as to maintain a proper lesson flow.
Keeping Aware of Events
Teachers may also use their respective college’s calendar templates in Word to stay abreast of any events that may be relevant to themselves, such as symposiums or lectures. This can be applied to their classes, as some of these events could be relevant to their particular subject. If not, these events may be relevant to the teachers themselves, as it may also be golden opportunity to gain new insights for their classes. Of course, there is no reason that there cannot be overlap, as these events may be excellent foundations for topics to be touched on in class.
Keeping Track of Attendance
Keeping track of overall attendance is another element of a teacher’s job. Especially so in colleges, where students are generally given more freedom, including a certain number of absences per class. With that in mind, teachers are in a good position to use attendance calendars with the academic calendar to calculate students’ attendance. This is also necessary for a class to be able to calculate how student attendance relates to their grades, which is part of the rubric for grading.
Academic Calendar Templates
School Academic Calendar Sample
Monthly Academic Calendar
Tips for Making a College Academic Calendar
When making use of an academic calendar to keep your events in order, you may want to keep certain tips in mind. Tips like these generally make for useful tools, being that they can help ensure that you are making the best use of whatever tools you have available to you. In any case, some tips you should definitely be aware of include:
Keep the calendar flexible.
If you were to use templates such as Microsoft calendar templates, it is important that you keep your resulting calendar flexible and malleable. After all, you should always take unforeseen issues in mind when devising schedules and calendars. This allows you to compensate more easily whenever the unexpected should occur.
Be sure to update regularly.
Even the best calendar templates can only take you so far. That is why it is always wise to make sure that you update your calendars regularly. Obviously, you would have to do this every year, but it is important that you be sure to have it updated whenever you may have to make any edits. This also includes whenever you have to edit your listed events because of any changes you had to make, which allows everyone at your college to stay updated.
Coordinate with other personnel.
If you have any special events, such as lectures from famous speakers, then it is imperative that you be sure to coordinate with them properly. This also applies even when you have anything planned on your academic calendar. Even in normal situations, it is important that different branches of the school coordinate so as to make sure that the calendar is accurate.
Be sure to double-check the calendar before release.
Many problems can be circumvented by checking the calendar prior to releasing it. While using tools like the best planning calendar templates can be a convenience, it is important that you make sure that you have looked the calendar over before release. This saves you time, effort, and money you would have otherwise spent fixing it after release, to say nothing of the embarrassment and inconvenience of releasing something that needed to be edited after release.
With these insights, you hopefully have a better understanding of how academic calendars work, as well as a similarly better understanding of how to use them yourself.