Sep 24, 2024
Have you tried reading a research paper or any document full of texts and without any visual representations? Is it dragging? This is where visual and other graphical representation work their magic. Charts and other visuals make a document easier to read and understand. They present data in a more cohesive and presentable manner.
Given that, on this list are 26+ blank chart templates which are of high quality and relevance. The templates do not solely cater to academic works but also for creative and recreational ones such as our chore charts and training chart templates. Choose the chart that would enhance your report or research more.
Blank Chart Templates
Blank Organizational Chart Template
Blank Flow Chart Template
Blank Chore Chart Template
Blank Comparison Chart Template
Blank Wedding Seating Chart Template
Blank Behavior Flowchart Template
Free Blank Chart Template
Free Blank Chore
Bar Chart Template
Construction Bar Chart
Why Are Charts Relevant?
Dealing with paperwork, reports, researches, and documentations is not that easy. You are not just responsible for providing the content but also to make it easier for the audience or readers to understand and digest the said documents. Here are some reasons why charts are relevant:
- They are good with numbers. In presenting numerical information such as statics, percentages, and other numeric, charts can help a lot. Without them, the texts will just overshadow the relevant numbers which are important for reporting purposes.
- You can save more time. Rather than incorporating everything in your paragraphs, charts make it easier and convenient for you to arrange and sort your data. There are a lot of chart generating software that you can make use. Aside from that, we also have blank chart templates that are easy to fill in. You can spend more time analyzing your data and preparing the other parts of your presentation.
- They can spark visual interests. In conducting a presentation or a proposal, it is very difficult to get your audience’s attention. Because charts can be styled in a number of ways, you can make your presentation creative and substantial at the same time.
These are some reasons that uphold the relevance of charts. For more specific templates, we also have Flow Chart Templates and Sample Bubble Chart Templates.
Flow Chart Template
Free Process Flow Chart
Free Medication Flow Chart
Free Flow Chart
Chore Chart Template
Free Weekly Chore Chart
Free Daily Chore
Free Editable Chore Chart
Organizational Charts Template
Free Company Organization
Free Church Organization
Free Editable Organizational
An Array of Chart Templates
In choosing a chart template for your work or assignment, ensure that you select a simple template that would best present your data. To help you in your choice, we have here several chart templates.
- Chore Chart Templates – If you’re planning to teach your children or siblings how to value and manage their chores, these templates are for you. They are creative and at the same time easy to understand. These are blank daily chore charts which allow you to fill in the assigned chores for a specified person in a daily basis.
- Bar Chart Templates – For those who are looking for ways to present values in their reports and research, you can use these templates. Bar charts show a little of bit complexity and elegance. It can turn simple values into presentable records.
- Flow Chart Templates – If you’re documenting a specified process or workflow chart, flow charts are your best friend. They are easy to use and customize. They can make your training and process modules more creative and easy to digest. Aside from that, we also have medication flow chart that you can use to track and monitor the medication intake. You can include instructions, the date it is due, the quantity needed, and many more.
- Seating Chart Templates – If you’re planning for an event or ceremony, you can manage the seat plan by using these chart templates. To add, you can also use our classroom seating chart templates which you can use in your classroom discussions.
- Reward Chart Templates – In terms of rewards, you can also use reward charts to appreciate and recognize the efforts of your student, employee, or children. Aside from being a monitoring mechanism, it is also good for instilling motivation and participation for certain activities.
These are just some of our blank chart templates that you can use and download. You can also check out our Comparison Chart Templates.
Seating Chart Template
Free Wedding Seating
Free Classroom Seating
Free Table Seating Template
Reward Chart Template
Free Weekly Reward
Free Class Reward
Editable Reward Chart
Behavior Chart Template
Free Weekly Behavior Chart
Other Relevant Chart Types
Aside from the mentioned charts format, there are also other interesting chart types that you can use. They can help build your presentation in a efficient and convenient way.
- Behavior Chart Templates – You can use these behavior charts in monitoring and recording certain behavioral patterns and reactions. If your dealing with children, it is a way of fun way of teaching them the value observing good behavior.
- Gantt Chart – If you’re scheduling and balancing complex projects and endeavors, this gantt chart is perfect for you. We have a couple of templates that you can check out and download.
- Pie Chart – If you’re dealing with percentage values, pie chart can embody them in a professional and presentable manner. By using this, you can align your values into specific pie slices. The bigger the pie slice means the slice is representing a
- Pert Charts – It is considered as a tool which evaluates and assesses a certain program or project. By using them, you can clarify and emphasize the link between the processes in a certain project.
These are activity chart types that you can use to guide the direction of your projects. If you’re seeking for an Editable Graph Chart Templates, we also have samples for you.
Comparison Chart Template
Leadership Comparison
Free Product Comparison
Free College Comparison
Diet Chart Template
Diet Food
Free Diet Plan
How to make Substantive and Effective Charts?
Provided that there are an array of charts that you can choose from, it is not a guarantee that you can make effective reports or presentations. Charts will only showcase their magic if applied and used appropriately. Here are some tips to help you make substantive and effective charts:
- Understand your topic and choose a chart that empowers it. In creating a report or presentation, the heart and core of it is the content specifically data sheet and statistics. Choose a chart that can present them in a manner that would be favorable to the audiences and readers.
- Plan and consolidate your data beforehand. A chart is just a tool that you can use to present your data. In your end, you need to plan, analyze, proofread, and consolidate them first before generating a chart.
- Avoid using irrelevant styling methods. In using a chart, you can add designs and adopt color schemes that can match and supplement the substance of the chart. Shy away from colors that may overshadow the quality and readability of the content.
These are some tips that you consider in the course of planning templates and using charts. For more Gantt Chart Templates, you can access the links provided.