5+ Guitar Chord Chart Templates – DOC, Excel, PDF

If you need help to know the figure placement on your guitar while striking a particular tune or music, consider using guitar chord chart which diagramated as tablature and fingerboard to know what chord to strike when. This chart also takes into consideration changing notes and arpeggios. Experience a wonderful scale reading time with the pre designed chart. There are various templates available in numerous format options like PDF, PSD, MS Word and many more.

guitar chord chart

Guitar Chords Chart

For someone who is trying to learn playing guitar visually, guitar chords chart gives you all necessary notations, scales, notes and arpeggios. You can check the grids to observe the alternate ways of playing guitar. There is list of template available in variety of format options like PDF, PSD, MS Word and many more.

Sample Guitar Chords Chart Template PDF Download

sample guitar chords chart template pdf download

Chord Chart Templates in PDF Format Download

Basic Guitar Chords Chart

If you have just started learning guitar, basic guitar chords chart is a friendly option learn new skills and technique on the instrument. This chord chart can be updated when you feel you have learnt the basics. There are various templates available in numerous format options like PDF, PSD, MS Word and many more.

Basic Guitar Chords Chart Sample

basic guitar chords chart sample

Blank Guitar Chord Chart

Use blank guitar chord chart to keep a record of what you have been practicing or plainly note down your self composed music and tunes. Fill the chart with your own notations, scale and chord diagrams. Discover the range of template available in variety of format options like PSD, PDF, MS Word and many more.

Free Blank Guitar Chord Chart PDF File

free blank guitar chord chart

Guitar Chord Progression Chart

There are so many chords and chords progression that noting it down will simply look never ending. Guitar chord progression chart brings to you a few progressions that are most commonly used in practice. In case you want to upgrade your progression chart, get another chart with another set of progression notes. Select the template that suits your purpose which is available in formats like PSD, PDF and MS Word.

Chord Progressions Primer PDF Download

chord progressions primer pdf download

Electric Guitar Chords Chart

You can practice guitar playing to create jangly sounds or whatever music you like with the help of electric guitar chord chart. The diagrams on the chart will help you with finger placement on the guitar. There is list of template available in variety of format options like PDF, PSD, MS Word and many more.

Electric Guitar Chords Chart Sample PDF

electric guitar chords chart sample pdf

Guitar Chords Chart for Beginners

If you have just started learning guitar or wants to start learning guitar and know more about its skills and techniques, guitar chord charts for beginners is going to come really handy for you. You can easily customize this in PDF format and take a print out the notes, scales and tunes for your reference.

Free Guitar Chords Chart for Beginners PDF Format

free basic guitar chords chart pdf format

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