Guitar Chord Chart Templates – 12+ Free Word, PDF Documents Download

We all enjoy the melodious tunes of a guitar, but seldom do we appreciate the the guitar chords which make such beautiful music possible. Putting it very simply, a guitar chord is essentially the set of notes which are played on a guitar. The Word Guitar Chord Templates can be used to produce music in two ways – by either striking them at the same time, or by striking them in a specific sequence which is called arpeggio. The chords of a guitar and how they are used by the guitarist will depend on how the guitar is tuned. The difference between a tuned guitar and an one which hasn’t been tuned lies in these Guitar Chord Template. Most guitarists are able to tell by the way each chord sounds if the guitar needs tuning.

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> Types of Guitar Chord Templates

It is good that you’ve taken up a hobby, but before you proceed, you need to know about the different types of chords and chord templates. Some of the most commonly used ones are

Major Guitar Chords Templates

Major guitar chord templates will contain a root, a perfect fifth and a major third. These chords are usually used to produce upbeat and peppy kind of music.

Minor Guitar Chords Templates

Minor guitar chord templates will contain a root, a perfect fifth and a minor third. These chords are used while producing melancholic or sorrowful music.

Seventh Guitar Chords Templates

Seventh chord templates will consist of a triad, along with a seventh interval at the top.

Sixth Guitar Chords Templates

Sixth chord templates will consist of a triad, along with a sixth interval at the top.

Suspended Guitar Chords Templates

In the case of suspended chords, the third would is usually a minor or major triad, and this happens to be replaced by perfect fourths or major seconds.

Diminished Guitar Chords Templates

Such chord templates would consist of two or more third intervals stacked on top of one another.

> Why Should You Use Guitar Chord Templates?

When your favourite guitarists play your favourite tunes on the stage, it all looks so simple and straightforward. Now that you know about the various types of guitar chords, you can understand that there is more to it than meets the eye. That is precisely why you need to take the help of Word Guitar Chord Templates. These samples could help you out while playing the guitar. You could have the template in front of you while playing it, and follow it to the last detail. That way, you can learn the art sooner. If you’re learning how to play the guitar all by yourself, such Guitar Chord Template examples could be of immense use. These already have the chords on them, you can just follow them and create beautiful music. So what are you waiting for?

> How To Create Guitar Chord Charts Using Templates?

If you’ve decided to download guitar chord templates, you’ve made the right decision. Now you just need to know how to use them. First of all, you must download only those templates which can be customized. That way, you can use them while playing different types of chords. Use of colour is also encouraged while using the templates. Different colours signify different chords, and that could be helpful while you’re playing the guitar. A chord template would give you an idea about the various kinds of chords on different guitars. That makes learning much easier. You may also see Chart Templates

> Tips While Using Guitar Chord Templates

Planning to download a guitar chord template? Then these are a few things you must keep in mind

  • First, you must study the different types of chords. There is no point in downloading guitar chord templates if you’re not aware of the various types of chords. The ones mentioned here are a few commonly used chords, thee are many more. You need to educate yourself as to the different kinds.
  • Study each type of chord thoroughly. Make sure you know them like the back of your hand. Once you’re sure of yourself, you can proceed to the next step where you download the Excel Chart Template. Go through the endless list available online, weigh the pros and cons of each and make an informed decision.
  • Go for guitar chord templates which can be customized. You need to able to incorporate chords which you want to play in the template. In case you find templates with that particular chord, you’re lucky. If you don’t, you need to be able to customize it. That is why you need customizable guitar chord templates.
  • Make your guitar chord template as attractive as you want them. In fact, the more attractive the better. You can even use guitar chord templates with colour, that will certainly add to the appeal.

> What To Do And What Not To Do With Guitar Chord Templates


  • Mention the type of chords.
  • Try to keep the design simple and attractive.
  • Use large font for the text so that it is easily readable.
  • Customize it to give it a personal touch


  • Do not go overboard with the design
  • Do make a mistake with the chords
  • Do not forget to look up the types of chords
  • Do not be impulsive while choosing the design

If you’ve just started playing the guitar, you might need a guitar chord template to help you out in the beginning. All the chords, along with how they are to be Played are Mentioned on the Template. You can keep that in front of you while practicing your tunes. You won’t need it when you’re confident of yourself, but in the initial stages such a chord template always helps.

> We Can Help You Out!

At, we have an amazing collection of downloadable guitar chord templates. We can help you express your artistic side with the help of guitar chord templates. We have Templates Containing Different Kinds of Chords, you surely won’t be disappointed. If you’re confused about the chords of a guitar, and have no one to turn to, you can always rely on us! So come on, give it a try!

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