12+ Control Checklist Templates

Checklists are handy for making sure everything is in order and accounted for. One of the types of checklists is control checklists, which help you not only account for things but also for supervising your work. Some activities need to be carried out in a controlled and safe environment, and to ensure a safe environment; a control checklist is very useful. One can easily go through a control checklist and confirm that everything is in proper order and working condition. These are mostly used in financial institutions but also find use in medical institutions, import and export business, industrial facilities, etc. So feel free to go through our list of control checklist templates and pick the ones you like.

control checklist

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11+ Control Checklist Templates

1. Control Checklist Template

control checklist template
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Size: A4, US

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2. Quality Control Checklist Template

quality control checklist template
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Size: A4, US

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3. Restaurant Internal Control Checklist Template

restaurant internal control checklist template
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Size: A4 & US

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Owning or managing a restaurant is a tough task as you need to take care of not only the finances but also of the inventory of your establishment. Use this readymade restaurant internal control checklist template for making your task super easy. It has a very neat organization and relevant items for a restaurant. This fully customizable restaurant preparation checklist can be bought and edited as per your needs.

4. Internal Control Checklist Template for Library

internal control checklist template for libraryin.gov
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Size: 125 KB

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If you wish to make your library job easy, then go in for this ready to use internal control basic checklist template. It divides its items into various subheadings and has almost all the items necessary for a library control checklist. Being a government document, it identifies ideal internal control procedures for a library.

5. Financial Institution Internal Control Checklist Template

financial institution internal control checklist templatesfcontroller.org
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Size: 146 KB

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If you are an auditor or a comptroller, then you would find good use of the content provided in this control simple checklist template. It has a series of questions with four answer options – yes, no, not sure, and not applicable. It is very simply designed and is a numbered list rather than a table.

5 Steps to Write a Control Checklist

Step 1: The Control Context

It is imperative to mention what exactly the control checklist is for. It is not enough to mention the title of the checklist, but what is the purpose of creating such a checklist. It is advisable to mention what would be achieved using this checklist. This helps the checklist user to understand the philosophy behind the inspection and helps him conduct a thorough inspection.

Step 2: Relevant Options as Answers

Many control checklists have yes, no, and maybe as options for answers. But it sometimes may not be enough. Try to explore more. Sometimes using a score from say 1 to 5 can help express a viewpoint better than just yes or no. Or if you do not wish to calculate a score, you may go for options such as definitely yes, slightly yes, maybe, slightly no, and definitely no.

Step 3: Have Space for Comment

Control checklists can have dual functions. It not only helps check and control but also helps to identify if anything needs replacement or repairs. Sometimes, answer options to the questions cannot express a concern completely. Hence, ample space must be provided in every control checklist for mentioning feedbacks and comments.

Step 4: Order of Checking Is Important

It would make your life very difficult if the items in your checklist are haywire. Try to list nearby things one after the other on the list. This helps you to move from one thing to another very quickly, saving time and energy. It is efficient to have things of one division in a separate group/section on your checklist.

Step 5: Design of the Checklist

You may choose any way to design your checklist. You may use a table or simply mention the entire list items one below the other. The important part is to make sure the list looks organized and is easy to navigate. If the number of items is more, then divide them into different sections.

6. University Finance Audit Control Checklist Template

university finance audit control checklist templatestrath.ac.uk
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Size: 227 KB

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One of the most comprehensive audit checklists you can find is this one. This freely available document contains not one but around 17 control audit checklist template for diverse areas of governance including financial accountability. Another feature is the detailed control context provided for every checklist to aid the auditors or the institute to understand the need and significance of these checklists.

7. Internal Control Checklist Template for Organization

internal control checklist template for organizationpscpa.com
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Size: 33 KB

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The premium look of this checklist makes it an attractive option to select it. Be it any kind of organization, you can make use of the questions provided in this control restaurant audit checklist. The questions are related to effective internal controls on the finance section of an organization. The controlled use of orange and grey combination makes the document look very elegant and sophisticated.

8. Traffic Control Checklist Template

traffic control checklist templatesunnyvale.ca.gov
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If you are a construction contractor and wish to undertake public works, then sometimes you may have to route traffic. This traffic control checklist sample template provides a list of alternate traffic arrangement checks you must ensure before you submit your plans. This checklist is issued by a government entity and hence is a good and authentic source to follow.

9. Charity Financial Control Checklist Template

charity financial control checklist templatepublishing.service.gov.uk
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Size: 157 KB

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The questions of this control checklist sample are specifically for charities. The questions enable charities to have solid internal control procedures especially for the financial matters and asset management. The checklist has a rich looking design. A novel feature of this checklist is double subheadings. Apart from dividing checklist items into sections, they are further grouped into subsections too for a detailed understanding of the items.

10. Export Control Checklist Template

export control checklist templatebu.edu
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Size: 100 KB

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If your research involves importing or exporting goods, services, or data, then you may very well take the help of this export control checklist example. If you are a principal investigator of a research project then you may consider using this checklist to see if your research needs to be conducted with export control restrictions. It can be freely and instantly downloaded and printed for use.

11. Oral Health Infection Control Checklist Template

oral health infection control checklist templatehealth.qld.gov.au
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Size: 213 KB

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It is also essential for dental clinics to keep their clinics free from infection and in top shape. This infection control checklist format will help dental clinics to make sure they are complying with all the mandatory requirements and checks proposed by the government. It is an exhaustive list that caters even to waste management in the clinic. At the end of each section, you need to mention the total score, which is for how many items you have marked yes.

12. Pest Control Checklist Template

pest control checklist templaterqhealth.ca
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This control checklist document is specifically helpful in tracking what pest control measures and best practices have been implemented. If answers to the questions fall in the blue shaded area then it is a matter of concern. The list includes items for facility management as well as for investigating evidence of pests.

13. Sample Internal Control Checklist Template

sample internal control checklist templatecnccpa.com
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Size: 97 KB

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A sample control editable checklist template as this can be availed free of cost. It is useful for holistically checking your organization for internal financial control procedures. The checklist will help you improve these procedures. For every area of the checklist, a description is given and then a series of questions. The information is applicable to all kinds of processes.

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