6+ Dental Invoice Templates

Own a dental clinic and find it hard to zero down on the right way to bill your client? Make use of these medical invoice templates to quickly and adequately address your worries! A smooth billing process leads to a happier customer, so make sure your clients receive the best service. Dental invoices sample can be as painful as a bad tooth, for you as well as your clients, if they don’t comply with the standards of medical invoicing. Also, you need to add some personality and branding to the dental invoice so that your clients form a good impression of your profession.

dental invoice

Invoice Template Bundle

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5 Steps to Write a Dental Invoice

Step 1: Clinic Details

You want to make sure your clinic is a brand that they remember. A readily visible print of your clinic’s name and logo at the top of your invoice is necessary and below it your contact details. The invoice number along with the client’s details are necessary as well.

Step 2: Step by Step Calculation

Make sure to clearly state each amount that the client owes in the column to reach the total amount due. This should include the procedure done, and the dentist or hygienist who attended to the client. This will avoid last minute queries from the client.

Step 3: Soft Copy of Invoice

Once the necessary details have been printed on the invoice, make sure to have a database with the clients’ details. This is so that the clients’ details can be easily accessed on the occasion that they call or on their next visit in case they do not have their files to refer to.

Step 4: Record Insurance Details

If you will be billing the client’s insurance company, make sure to get all the necessary information from the client, along with the necessary documents. There’s no harm in cross-checking with the company as well, including details like the address and phone number as well.

Step 5: Keep Costs in Check

Make sure you have a list of equipment that you have used on the patient and categorise them on the basis of cost and expenditure. This would depend on the kind of procedure it is, so it is better to keep these details ready and easily accessible. Mentioning this on the invoice would help with clarity for the client and the insurance company.

6+ Dental Invoice Templates

Dental Invoice Template

dental invoice
File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages

Size: US, A4

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Simple Dental Invoice Template

simple dental invoice templateinvoicingtemplate.com
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119KB

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This best medical invoice template is convenient to use when the clinic is one that mostly deals with consultations rather than difficult and more complex procedures. So it makes it easier to jot down what the client has to pay for and keep a hard copy as well. The space for notes is just enough to make a small reminder to the client. These invoices are easy to understand and it makes sense to use them when you see a number of clients with varied but relatively simple treatments.

Dental Invoice Template Example

dental invoice template exampleeforms.com
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Size: 199KB

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If your clinic has a number of branches, you can mention that as well, as a separate part in the medical invoice template. Making a record of the time the dentist or practitioner spends with the client. Recording the amount of time spent along with the type of service availed is an alternate method of making the invoice. This will give you a fair idea of how long the various practitioners work for as well, if you have to allocate different clients to them as well.

Dental Clinic Invoice Template

dental clinic invoice templateinvoicetemplates.com
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93KB

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When you have to ship the invoice template to another party, it is necessary to have a separate space for the shipping address as well. The invoice number and date of creation will be printed on them also. This includes the terms and conditions that apply with regard to your company as well. This will make your practice come across as a transparent and client friendly one as well.

Detailed Dental Invoice Template

detailed dental invoice templatewcb.ab.ca
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Size: 20KB

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You can always choose to make your invoice in PDF even more detailed. This can be done by adding a health service code depending on the kind of service the client is availing. On the occasion that the client has come to your clinic because of an accident, you can provide for that detail as well, including the extent of the damage. For each service, you can take note of which practitioner administered the required treatment.

Short Dental Invoice Template

short dental invoice templateinvoicingtemplate.com
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69KB

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When the client comes to your clinic for generalized, and short services, you can give them a minimalist bill that requires only the necessary details. There is ample space to provide prescriptions and further details. Sometimes in these free invoice templates, all that is required are certain medicines and you can also add the instructions if required. This can also include details of whether the patient was required to stay in hospital care as well, apart from the regular details which include the invoice number and medical claim details.

Formal Dental Invoice Template

formal dental invoice templatedental.southwest.hee.nhs.uk
File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 14KB

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A more detailed and elaborate invoice in which all the details have to be filled in is an effective method to keep a religious account register. This will include the exact address of both the client and your clinic, with the required bank details. This is highly helpful if the client has to send the invoice to the insurers to make a medical claim of any kind. It has the required details and clearly mentions the services provided as well.

All these dental invoice templates bring together the basics of invoice formatting along with modern styles to create the perfect impression on clients. These are much better than using a haphazardly designed invoice template. Remember, your invoice template is an important and legal document, which means you need the best template for the purpose, so use one of the options from this guide.

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