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21+ Examples of Family Tree – PDF, DOC

When you were little, you might have wondered where your aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas came from when the first family members you knew of were your parents and siblings. As you grew older, you eventually understood how your family has their own family, too. When your parents showed you the long branches of the family tree, you get to realize that there’s more to what was shown to you.

Branches after branches, you trace your origins with your family as the starting point and then the bloodline finally stopped at the roots. Amazed, you now know who your great ancestors are and how far your generation has come since the documentation of this sample family tree.

Seeing a family tree makes you wonder how far your bloodline has reached and who are the people on those branches. You might even be surprised to know that your new classmate is a relative of yours, and you only knew about it because of the family tree! That’s how important a free family tree templates is. You get to know your roots and it gives you the opportunity to know your relatives personally. Your family’s history is one long of a tale, so you’re lucky that you were able to know about it. And, if you are planning to make your own family tree, you can look at the family tree templates that we have listed below.

Example of Free Family Tree

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Worksheet Family Tree Sample

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Royal Family Tree Template

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Why is Family Important in Life?

Our family members are our first friends in life. They have been with us since we breathed our first breath outside our mother’s womb. They were our first educators, teaching us the basics of speech and how to walk on our little feet. They are our giver, supporter, and everything that we ever need. We love them for who they are and for what they do for us. But does it really stop there? Are those the reasons why a family is important? Yes, they are — and more. Let’s dig deeper into this emotional ride towards finding out what makes our family important. You may also see family genogram templates.

1. They support us endlessly

No matter what we achieve in life and even during our failures and defeats, they have always been at our side, giving us a pat on the back or leaving damp kisses on our cheeks. They hugged us when we broke down from the unbearable pain. They gave us words of comfort when we thought our life was going down the drain because of one mistake. They made us laugh when all we felt that time was extreme sadness. They were there in the audience, wide grins painted on their faces as we walked on the stage to receive our diploma. They were at the side of the stage, giving whispers of encouragement as we nervously performed our first piano recital. They were there. They were there. You may also see family tree templates in google docs.

Even when we already grew up, living several miles away from them, they never fail to make us feel their warmth. You can imagine them smiling so wide with giggles on the side as you told them over the phone that you and your crush are finally an official couple. And when you talk to them through a video call, you can see their worries hidden in the curves of their wrinkles as they ask you how you are. We sometimes wonder how long they are going to support us. Is that their job? To love and care for us eternally? And as you see their eyes sparkle when looking at you, you already know what the answer is. They are here, and always will be. You may also see sample large family trees.

Their endless support not only gives us comfort but it also bestows the much-needed courage. Often times, we encounter trials that are too much for us to handle, and we are only given two options: run or fight. Our parents have always been our cheerleaders since day one. When we decide to run, they give us the push the fight. But even if we do choose to run away, they will still be there with their arms wide open ready to give us the warmest of hugs. You may also see 4 generation family tree templates.

Big or small, grand or simple, whatever we do, wherever we are, they will support us. Always.

Game Of Thrones Family Tree Template

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Printable Family Tree Template

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Simple Family Tree Example

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Simple Family Tree Template

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Family Tree Step By Step Guide Template

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2. They keep us secured

The Presidential Security Guards (PSGs) have nothing compared to our parents. When fear starts creeping in, they always provide us with protection. Remember when they hurried to your principal’s office when you were bullied by your classmate? You felt safer that they were there to defend you, to stop it from happening ever again. How about the time when you were afraid of the thunder as a kid? They let you sleep in between them, comforting you with warmth only their embrace can give. You may also see 3 generation family tree templates.

Even when we grow up, already capable of standing up for ourselves, they still continue to watch over us so when we need them, they will be there.

3. They love and understand us

Human as we are, we all have emotional needs. From the start, our family has been feeding us with everything they have: time, attention, love, and all that you ever need. They make us laugh in situations when our day didn’t go the way we hoped it would. They give us warm hugs and kisses that we may awkwardly receive but deep inside it makes us giggle and warms our hearts. Although they may not always give us what we want, they still give us what we need even if they go through so many hardships just for us. You may also see photo family tree templates.

As we grow, we develop traits and characteristics that our family has witnessed. With that said, they understand us why we act the way we do. More often than not, they understand us the most because they watched us grow, saw us change and become who we are right now. Although there are times when we hide something from them, one way or another, they can always feel if something’s up with us. They’re like psychics who knows when we feel sad or when something has ruined our day. They know. You may also see family tree in google docs.

But just because they understand us, it doesn’t mean that they know our entirety. There are parts of ourselves that we hide from them. Maybe because we don’t know how they are going to react when we tell them, or we just don’t want to tell them at all. But even if that’s the case, at some point in our lives, we should be able to tell them what’s going on with us because they are the only people in this world who will have our backs no matter what. If we have a problem that we have been keeping from them, we should tell them if things are too much to bear already. You may also see family tree chart.

They will try to understand the situation as much as they can and do whatever they can to alleviate it. That’s just how much they love us. They are willing to offer their lives just to make us happy, just to see us smile and free from burdens. Their love is unconditional and selfless to the highest degree. It can’t be compared to anything else. Imagine, they have been doing this since we came to this world. Imagine how much they have given us since then. It’s quite a feat to last that long especially when our problematic selves act up. You may also see blank family tree templates.

With that said, we should also do our part and reciprocate the love and understanding that they give us. They always give, and it’s time that we should reciprocate them. Time will come that their ashes will return to the ground and we may regret not doing the thing that we should have done since then. So, as early as now, show your family the love they deserve. You may also see family tree templates in apple pages.

Family Tree Project Sample

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Editable Family Tree Worksheet Example

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Example of Family Tree Format

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4. They let us know that we always have a home

No matter where we go, whether we live on the other side of the world, they always let us know and make us feel that we have a home to come back to. You may also see free blank family trees.

As we grow up, there is this longing for independence, being able to live with our own. There are reasons on why we leave home. Sometimes it’s for the job. For people who live far from the city, they leave their homes to find better opportunities there. There are even people who leave the country just to work. With such distance, the only way you get to communicate with your family is through the Internet. And even if you have already established yourself in the place where are you currently working, they always tell you that you have a home to come back to. You may also see free kid family tree templates.

It’s quite sad to think about it sometimes. The thought of leaving home, of leaving your family because you had to, need to or want to. You start to miss them, the moments that you have shared throughout the years. You miss your parents’ home-cooked meals and bantering with your siblings even though you are already at an age where banters don’t happen that often anymore. You miss your bedroom, the smell of the air inside your house, the comfort that it gives. You may also see sample large family tree.

We should visit our home from time to time. Our family is not going to be young forever. We all grow old, and there might be moments when you wished you went home before it’s too late. You don’t have to go home frequently if expenses for traveling are high. You can schedule your visits like going home for any of your family member’s birthday or during holidays. It will definitely delight them that you have decided to visit them on their special days. And when you get home, spend as much time as you can before you go home because it might take you a long time before you get to visit again. You may also see the example of a family tree.

5. Helps raise a child

If you decide to have a family, your family will be more than willing to help you raise your child, most especially your parents. They will be thrilled to have a grandchild they can spoil. And don’t forget your siblings! They will spoil your child as much as your parents. You may also see genealogy family tree template.

Helping to raise a child isn’t only about giving them whatever they need but also about teaching the values that will grow up with. It’s about teaching your children the proper manners and different valuable lessons in life that they will practice and will surely appreciate as they grow up. You just want your child to be the best they are, and with the help of your family, your child will definitely be greater than what you hope they would be. You may also see 7 generation family tree.

6. Aids in making decisions

Of course, raising a child doesn’t mean restricting them in choosing their own path. They are only guides, helping us make the best decision for ourselves. But sometimes, their guidance oversteps personal boundaries. We should be able to choose their own path and they can only give them advice based on their perspective and experience, and we decide not to go with it, then they should just let us be. They should let us think for ourselves. And if things turn out to be a mistake, then they will be there with arms wide open to comfort us. You may also see medical family tree.

We all make mistakes and we know how it feels to make one. We feel guilty of our decisions and blame ourselves why things happened. They make us feel that although it was a mistake, it is a lesson to be learned. Our mistakes are not there to hinder us but they are there to push us forward. They let us evaluate our actions and assess on where it went wrong. They guide us until we realize our mistake and learn from them. They help us make better decisions in life by letting us experience failures and defeats because no matter what, they will still be there even if things go south. You may also see modern family tree template.

7. They help us make who we are

They try to raise us in the best way they can and they help us make the best decisions in life. Whether by providing us with our first steps in education (like learning to read and write) or instilling us with moral values, our family can shape our personality and beliefs for many years ahead. Many people say that the kind and wise words of their family helped to make them a better human being. You may also see photo family tree templates.

These lessons are for us to ponder on. With their guidance, they help us mold ourselves the way we want to. They will be there in times of confusion or when we don’t know what step to take next. You may also see create a family tree in a word.

Sample Family Tree Format

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Gerber Life Family Tree Template

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Creative Family Tree Example

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Junior’s Family Tree Template

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Landscape Family Tree Chart Template

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Contents of a Family Tree

A family tree is only as effective with the different pieces of information on it. Although there is not a lot that can be put on a family tree, there are options with which you can choose from. Most family trees vary from one to the other, but they generally share the same content, either partly or wholly. With that said, here is a list of the different pieces of information you can put on a family tree. You may also see standard genogram template.

1. Name

A name is a very basic and the most mandatory information on a family tree as it helps identify who the person is. It also helps people further know the history of their names, where it came or more importantly who it came from. You may also see free genogram templates.

2. Photo

This is optional, it is completely up to you whether you want to have a photo of your family members or not. But, it is ideal to give those people who have never been acquainted with some of the members an idea who they are or what they look like. You may also see genogram examples.

3. Place

The place of origin or simply the place where the person was born is also an optional information, but it can give you a full idea of where the family started, where the rest of the family is, or even which parts of the world your relatives are also in. It also simply allows you to look at the roots of your family. You may also see family genogram template.

Family Tree Template

A family is constantly growing. New generation after new generation. And if you plan to chart down your family with a family tree, using a family tree template might save you a lot of time from constructing boxes to connect one member to the other. With a template, all you have to do is simply fill in the boxes with the necessary pieces of information to fully realize your very own family tree.

1. Simple

A family tree template is a very simple option to go for. As said, you simply have to fill in the boxes with the necessary pieces of information in order to accomplish and fully realize your tree. And since it is already pre-made, it will not require extensive knowledge about different software, even with the help of the modest Microsoft Word, you will be able to achieve your own tree. You may also see a free simple family tree.

2. Accessible

Also because a family tree template is a file, which solely means it is stored in your personal computers, it can be easily sent to those who wish to see the family tree. You can simply do so via email or through the different social media platforms. With just one click, every person part of the family will be able to see it.

We can choose our friends as much as we choose the people we will spend our life with, but we can never, ever choose the family we share the same blood with. And in order to honor the importance of these people in your life, you can simply do so by looking back at the history of how the family began by means of a family tree. Family tree not only illustrates the entirety of the family’s relationship with one another, but they also elicit gratitude, respect, love, and pride. You may also see career genogram templates.

If you find this article helpful in any way, do not forget to bookmark this page. And, kindly share this with other individuals or families seeking family tree templates for larger families to use. All of which equally practical and efficient. You may also see family tree outline templates.

3. Editable

These templates are all customizable, so you can apply any kind of design that you can and include any kind of detail that will be useful for the family tree. Since a family is constantly growing, it would be necessary to go for an option that is very easy to edit. With a family tree template, you will also be able to edit it along with the growth of your family. No one will simply get left behind with a template that is fully editable. You may also see free children family tree.

Simple Genealogy Tree Example

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Family Genealogy Worksheet Template

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Career Family Tree Example

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Formal Family Tree Template

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Basic Family Tree Template

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Have you found the right family tree template?

The family tree isn’t only about tracing our ancestors but also the traditions and life lessons that have been passed through generations. It’s all about accepting and appreciating our roots. We get to know where we come from and even find out who we resemble the most. It’s fun to trace our roots and the information that we obtain from them might be more valuable than what we initially thought.

We hope we have helped you choose the perfect family tree template. If you find this article helpful, make sure to bookmark this page. We wish you all the best and may you have fun creating your family tree! Good luck!

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