11+ Skills Audit Form Templates in PDF | WORD

A skills audit is a method that can be applied to recognize the skill gaps in an organization. The result is a training needs analysis that recognizes where training is required. Check out the skills audit templates provided down below and choose the one that best fits your purpose.

skills audit form

11+ Skills Audit Form Templates in PDF | WORD

1. Skills Audit Analysis Form Template

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2. Free Skills Audit Form Template

skills audit form templatestfrancisofassisi.co.uk
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Size: 32.5 KB

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3. Free Board Skills Audit Form

board skills audit formtrustedpartner.azureedge.net
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Size: 51.2 KB

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4. Personal Skills Audit Form

personal skills audit formskills4workproject.eu
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Size: 557.1 KB

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5. Free Unemployed Skills Audit Form

unemployed skills audit formdurban.gov.za
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Size: 433.6 KB

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6. Researchers Skills Audit Form

researchers skills audit formwarwick.ac.uk
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Size: 354.9 KB

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7. Free Appraisers Skills Audit Form

appraisers skills audit formheartofwessex.co.uk
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Size: 10.6 KB

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8. Board Skills Audit Form in DOC

board skills audit form in docgovernancepages.org.uk
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Size: 8.6 KB

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9. Free ICT Skills Audit Form

ict skills audit formuwe.ac.uk
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Size: 17.3 KB

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10. New Member Skills Audit Form

new member skills audit formweymouthbid.co.uk
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Size: 31.6 KB

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11. Free Skills Audit Form in DOC

skills audit form in doccyps.northyorks.gov.uk
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Size: 10.9 KB

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12. Free Directors Skills Audit Form

directors skills audit formacosvo.org.uk
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Size: 15.5 KB

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How do you do a Skills Audit?

Follow the steps given below to do a skills audit:

  1. Measure the present Find a peaceful location and classify all the contemporary skills, knowledge and competencies you have, including technical, practical and behavioral. Also examine what, to date, has been your cause of definite competitive benefit for your career.
  2. Look forward to the future Critically consider where your business and service is going, and look at similar and connected areas. What are you seeing in terms of change, and what does this mean for the experiences, knowledge, and competencies you require in the future?
  3. Identify the gapLook at your contemporary ability set and the future to define what new knowledge, skills, and competencies you need to obtain. For each skill and each recognized gap rate yourself on a scale of 1–4:
    1. No contemporary skill or knowledge
    2. Some skill or knowledge, but not experienced
    3. Competent at this skill and have knowledge
    4. Specialist with a high degree of skill and knowledge
  4. Get creative Generate a list of activities you can engage to close the gap and distinguish the preferences to be addressed. This may consist of: books to read, classes to enroll in, journals to recommend to, new people to meet and new methods to perfect. Make sure you stretch yourself and have a balance of activities that will be challenging and exhilarating, and deepen and expand your aspects. Also, contemplate having a mixture of activities that are cerebral, physical and spiritual – that is good for the mind, body, and soul.
  5. Build your planBuild a personal development plan that maps out your learning purposes, what you will do and by when. Having completion dates and progress tests is significant so you can hold yourself to the account and monitor process.
  6. Put your plan into action, monitor development and reward yourself for your success. It can also assist to have a check-in buddy who assists to keep you realistic about your process, and challenges you when you fall back into old patterns of behavior.

What is the Goal of a Skills Audit?

A skills audit is actually a method for estimating and recording the abilities of an individual or group. The main objective for conducting a skills audit in an organization is to recognize the skills and knowledge that the organization needs, as well as the skills and knowledge that the organization presently has.

What is the Skills Audit for a Student?

A skills audit is a methodical evaluation of a student’s research skills and knowledge. An audit should give proof of existing or growing competence. It is strictly connected with requirements analysis: figuring out any needs for training or personal development.

How can a Skills Audit Profit an Employee?

The skills audit can profit an employee in the following ways:
  1. Focused training and improvement plans.
  2. Lower training and improvement costs
  3. Properly defined recruiting requirements.
  4. Specific knowledge of contemporary competence levels.

What is the Skill Gap?

A skill gap is a gap between what employers require or want their employees to be able to do, and what those employees can really do when they get into work.

How do you Distinguish a Skill Gap?

Steps to conduct an effective skills gap analysis are as follows:
  1. Plan your examination.
  2. Determine your organization’s future aims.
  3. Catch up on the future of work courses.
  4. Define the key skills required for the future.
  5. Measure contemporary skills.
  6. Figure out where the gaps are.
  7. Put your conclusions into action.


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