16+ Job Posting Templates

A job posting template—also called a job advertisement poster —is used by an employer to advertise open roles in their business and attract desired candidates. A modern posting for job template should be so designed and should display things that are not just related to requirements and qualifications but are unique and help you to reach out to excellent new hires. The post says a lot about the quality of the job opportunity, so it makes sense to understand the basic best practices of drafting such a job post, followed by taking a look at some of the best job vacancy listing or recruitment announcement examples from the web. And so, we’re offering samples to make short work of preparing a job posting to appeal to student applicants, seasoned professionals, etc. We even feature templates for writing a resume, cover letter format, and more.

job posting

5 Steps to Write a Job Posting Document

Step 1: Use an Interesting Job Title

This is the first important step in writing a job posting document. Use an attractive and interesting job title which is different from the common job titles used by others to create interest in the desired candidates and they readily apply for the job in your company.

Step 2: Advertise Your Company

Here advertising means giving details about your company. Try to include major information regarding the company set up, owner, projects associated with the company, company policy, yearly profit, remunerations, rewards and honors received by the company, etc. This will create a very good image for your company. Find more job resume Templates by visiting this link.

Step 3: Decide Which Factors You Value the Most

You should be very clear about the factors which are most important in the method of evaluation you have chosen. This will help you to standardize the job evaluation method. And through this, you can explain to your employees what are the factors you are seeking to reward an employee.

Step 4: Specify About the Facilities

People generally avoid applying for jobs which are far from their original places. If you want that the desired candidates from all over the country take interest in working with your company, then make them aware of the facilities available like schools, hospitals, gardens, markets, etc. in the residential area near your company.

Step 5: Specify What Skills You Really Want

Instead of mentioning a sample list of random qualities and skills try to specify specific skills that are required to become eligible for a particular job. The advantage of highlighting specific skills is that only the eligible and desired candidate who can manage the responsibilities of the post will apply.

16+ Job Posting Templates

1. Letter Of Interest For Internal Job Posting Template

letter of interest for internal job posting template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages
  • Outlook

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2. Free Internal Job Posting Email Design Template

free internal job posting email template
File Format
  • Photoshop

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3. Free Modern Twitter Job Posting Template

free modern twitter job posting template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs

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4. Sample Inter Job Posting Policy Template

inter job posting policy template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

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5. Job Posting with Poster Ads Template

job posting ads template
File Format
  • Photoshop

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6. Creative LinkedIn Job Posting for Employment

free linkedin job posting template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs

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7. Announcement – Internal Job Postings Template

announcement internal job postings template
File Format
  • Photoshop
  • Apple Pages
  • Illustrator
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • InDesign

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8. Sample Employer Job Posting Template

sample job posting templatetheemployerschoice.com
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  • PDF

Size: 4 KB

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If you are looking for a internal sample notice of job opening template for your company, then this one is best for you. It gives the details about the job profile templates, purpose, essential responsibilities, internal and external interactions, competencies and required qualifications and experience for the post. It’s neat, it’s basic, and it will get you the right applications.

9. Internal Job Advertisement Posting Template

fascinating job posting templatesauder.ubc.ca
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  • PDF

Size: 242 KB

This template is a well-constructed job posting template for an accounting manager in a company. It illustrates the company background in an interesting manner and explains very clearly the required skills, qualifications, last date to apply, the process to apply, and other essential information. The language of the job description is professional, without being intimidating, so go for this one. You can also refer more on job description templates .

10. Job Vacancy Hiring for Administrative Assistant

simple job posting templatesnhba.com
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 84 KB

This template is an impressive job posting template for an engineering assistant. This job posting template gives a clear detail of the job and responsibilities associated with them. The required qualification, previous year experiences, and the desired skills are also mentioned in the job description in Word. It’s content-heavy, so if you want to err on the higher side of details, this is the one you need.

11. Job Opening Recruitment Posting Template

elegant job posting templatecsuohio.edu
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 23 KB

This job descriptions in Google Docs is designed for hiring engineers in various departments. The template gives information regarding the minimum experience required and academic qualifications. The template also includes job description, the last date to apply, the procedure to apply, the number of posts, and salary information.

12. Professional Manager Job Opportunity Posting

professional job posting templateblogs.rrc.ca
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB

This is an eye-pleasing and well-organized job description in Pages for hiring an instructor for a college. This template explains the key responsibilities associated with the job. Conditions of employment, assets, qualification requirements are described clearly. The last date to apply and the email address are mentioned. You can also refer more on Manager job application letters.

13. Social Media Impressive Job Listing Posting

impressive job posting templateischool.utexas.edu
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69 KB

This template is a simple job description in PDF that describes the organization, contact details, position title, position description, and job location. Information regarding salary, working hours per week, closing date of applying, and about methods of applying is also given in the template.

14. Basic Job Posting Email Cover Letter Template

basic job posting templatecsub.edu
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB

This is a intern job description that can be used by anyone to hire a candidate for a role job in his company. The template describes the job position in detail. It also describes the hiring criteria, required skills and experience, working hours, pay scale, reporting the person and other important information.

15. Standard Short Job Posting Template

standard job posting templatemasc.sc
File Format
  • DOCS

Size: 58 KB

This template efficiently serves the purpose of arousing interest in the candidates to work with your company by illustrating the special features of your company, its background, and work culture. This worker job description gives information regarding other aspects related to the job such as salary, working hours process of applying for the job, etc.

16. Free Business Job Posting Template

free job posting templateyorkworks.ca
File Format
  • DOCS

Size: 43 KB

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This is a IT job description that can be customized as per your requirement. It is a simple yet effective template that is multipurpose in use that possesses all the characteristics that are essential to make a template usable. The template describes the background of the company analysis.

17. Sample Student Job Posting Template Format

sample job posting template formatescco.org
File Format
  • DOCS

Size: 12 KB

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This job template serves as a very good example of an elementary template that can be used to attract desired candidates across the country. This outline template contains the nature of the job, working conditions, payment details, skills required, and also the deadline to apply.

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