10+ Best Medical Cover Letter Templates

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A medical cover letter is a document which can be attached to your resume to highlight the main accomplishments in your career graph, or to explain some points more elaborately; like a change in the profession and the reason for doing so. Since the resume has a specific format, it calls for calculated information. A medical cover letter can help those in the medical profession looking for better opportunities, effectively kick-start their careers.

best medical cover letter

5 Steps to Write a Medical Cover Letter

Step 1: Keep It Concise

It is necessary to keep your cover letter short and brief. Going through thousands of applications, recruiters have very little time to spare and they would like to go through the main points rather than read complete details. Therefore, keep the medical cover letter interesting and concise so that there are more chances of it being read until the end.

Step 2: Be Honest

Do not keep important facts related to your profession under wraps, because the recruiting agency will find out anyway. It is better to be open about any uncomfortable issues regarding your certificates or medical license, rather than hiding things. Instead, try to explain how eligible you are and why you should be considered for the job in spite of these issues.

Step 3: Customize Your Letter

Your medical cover letter should be drafted to meet the job requirements of the post you are about to apply for. If you are a novice at writing letters, you can download and edit pre-written medical cover letter templates. However, spend some time to add and highlight necessary information that will make your application stand out among the others.

Step 4: Avoid Cloning Your Resume

Make sure that the medical cover letter doesn’t just repeat all the points you have covered in your resume. It should be used to detail your other achievements which can’t be included in the resume, but which are important and relevant to the medical profession. Simply repeating the resume will not serve the purpose of boosting your career.

Step 5: Use Correct Formatting

Make sure to use correct formatting, salutation, 2 or 3 paragraphs to explain your achievements and give your medical cover letter a proper conclusion. Frame catchy sentences and pay attention to grammar. Ask someone to proofread your letter to understand how it sounds. Use solid fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, avoid fancy fonts. Keep the medical cover letter limited to two pages at the most.

10+ Best Medical Cover Letter Templates

1. Free Lab Technician Cover Letter

free lab technician cover letter
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This is a well formatted A4 size medical cover letter template which you can use to boost your resume while applying for the post of a lab technician. It has a simple and elegant style and the cover letter template can be downloaded free of cost and easily edited as well as shared across all file formats.

2. Microbiologist Resume Cover Letter Template

microbiologist resume cover letter template
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Give your career a boost by using this effective medical cover template which you can use to cover your resume for the post of a microbiologist. It is a completely free microbiologist resume template, easy to download and use as an outline to frame a perfect letter to highlight your qualifications and experience.

3. Pharmacist Resume Cover Letter Template

pharmacist resume cover letter template
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If you are a pharmacist, make yourself stand out in the crowd by using this well crafted medical cover template designed for those anxious to make a career in the pharmaceutical industry. Download this pharmacist resume template for free and use it as a guideline to secure your dream job.

4. Nursing Resume Cover Letter Template

nursing resume cover letter template
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This free sample nursing cover letter is designed for those making a career in the nursing field. It covers everything from your qualifications, detailed experience in the field of nursing and your willingness to contribute your services. It is perfectly formatted, all in all, a perfect guideline, free to download and edit using Microsoft Word as well as other formats.

5. Cover Letters for Healthcare Professionals

cover letters for healthcare professionalssvsu.edu
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This medical cover letter in pdf format can be downloaded and used as a framework as it provides a complete guide for those with a medical career starting from the purpose of the letter to proper formatting and use of proper grammar. Sample professional cover letter gives you the complete structure of the letter starting with the opening paragraph, the second and third paragraph and the concluding paragraph explaining what should be included in each one of them.

6. Modern Medical Cover Letter

modern medical cover letterunihub.deakin.edu.au
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Size: 159 KB

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This medical cover letter template in pdf format is complete with the smallest detailing and instructions which are easy to understand and follow. The letter itself contains instructions regarding what information is to be included in each paragraph, while additional instructions are given in the margins as well. The design and color are simple and attractive.

7. Sample Cover Letter Template

sample cover letter templatemghihp.edu
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Here you get a complete guide for writing a correctly worded cover letter to get that dream job. This medical cover letter template not only gives you instructions on what to include in each paragraph but also gives you sample templates for other jobs in the medical profession ahead. Perfect cover letter template for nailing that dream job.

8. Healthcare Administrator Cover Letter Sample

healthcare administrator cover letter samplecandocareer.com
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Size: 51 KB

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This is a concise and short cover letter submitted with a resume, which explains the qualification and job profile of the candidate. It explains his job experience and duties that he has discharged over the years. In the next paragraph, he can highlight the strengths and qualities that he has developed, and how he will be an asset to the company if he is given the chance to do so.

9. Basic Nursing Cover Letter Example

basic nursing cover letter exampleucdenver.edu
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This is a medical cover letter template in pdf format provides a comprehensive guide to those in the nursing field on how to highlight their years of experience, which need not be related to just academic qualifications. Here the candidate is highlighting his/her communication skills which are very essential in the nursing profession. The nursing cover letter has a confident and reassuring tone which is highly recommended.

10. Registered Nurse Cover Letter Sample

registered nurse cover letter samplecandocareer.com
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Size: 22 KB

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The above nursing cover letter is simple but written in an engaging style. The applicant gives her introduction and then goes on to talk about her qualifications and experience. She explains how her experience will help the company/organization. She has also stated in points, how she can be of help in other ways as well which will be an additional asset to her employers.

11. Nursing/Health Care Cover Letter

nursing health care cover letteruregina.ca
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Size: 128 KB

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This is a medical employment cover letter template for medical students or developing health care professionals. Therefore it provides complete guidelines regarding paragraph formatting, paper size and margins. Since the applicant is still a student, there will not be much to say about work experience. What can be highlighted is individual communication skill and internship details.

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