8+ Informal Letter Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | PDF

Formal letters are expected and widely used for official purposes, like while conducting business. But using them to communicate with friends and family is not widely accepted. However, informal letters don’t necessarily mean disregarding of decorum. It is just a more relaxed and natural way of conversation that is used in such letters. Informal letters can have high standards, as well.

informal letter templates

5 Steps to Create Informal Letters In Word

Step 1: Sender Address

On the top left-hand corner, write down your address, i.e., the sender’s address. This letter should be complete, even when you are writing to a close friend or a member of your family. The reason for doing so is that if the person feels like replying to this letter he or she can easily do so by quickly glancing at the top for your address. Find more Letter Format Templates by visiting this link.

Step 2: Salutation and Introductory Paragraph

In the next step greet the person you are sending the letter to. The most widely used salutation used in informal letters is ‘Dear’ followed by the name of the addressee. Put a comma after that and start the letter from the next line. The first paragraph should be short asking the person about his or her health or the reason for writing the letter. You may also see more different types of informal letters in Word from our official website template.net.

Step 3: Main Content

After that jump directly to the main content. This is usually broad and descriptive. Suppose you went on a vacation to some exotic place. Then you should use this section to describe everything that you did there and every other relevant information about experiences. This section can be broken into separate paragraphs.

Step 4: Concluding Paragraph

In the concluding period write that you would love to get a response from the person reading the letter. Suppose the person to whom you are writing the letter has visited a different place at the same. Then ask the person to share his experiences in a letter. This section is basically kept for urging the reader to send a return letter. View a wider selection of Creative Letter  Templates right here.

Step 5: Signing Off

Finally, it is time to sign off after telling the person that you are eagerly waiting for his reply. The signing off can be written in various ways. You can use words like faithfully, best wishes, lots of love, etc. Choose the one that is most suited for the person who you are sending the letter to.

8+Informal Letter Templates

1. Free Informal Letter Example

free informal letter example
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If you are a perfectionist and want even your informal letters to look great, then you should definitely try out this letter template in pdf. This will not only give you the idea of the content, but it will also help you to maintain the correct format as well. So check it out now. Grab a keyboard and get started.

2. Free Informal Letter Sample

free informal letter sample
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If you are missing your friend who is staying abroad and want to know how she is doing then you should write a letter to her. If you are not the best wordsmith you know of, then it is a good idea to take help from this template. It will help you to find content as well as the format that you need to use in an informal letter. Check out our other friendly letter templates as well.

3. Free Informal Letter of Resignation

free informal letter resignation
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In small companies with a limited number of employees, people tend to get so close that the concept of formal letters slowly keeps disappearing. But it might so happen that you need to quit. In that case, this free informal letter of resignation should prove to be useful. If for some reason you want to stick to the formal route, check out our formal application letter templates.

4. Sample Informal Letter

sample informal letterjfmed.uniba.sk
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If in the age of WhatsApp and Messenger you have forgotten how to write an informal letter then you should give this sample letter a try. Our sample friendly letter templates are exactly what you need to get started. So if you have an old school friend that you would like to stay in touch with, send that person a letter. Explore a variety of Professional Letter Templates here.

5. Standard Informal Letter Template

standard informal letterwickedwitchdesign.com
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If you are a school teacher teaching your students how to write an informal letter then you should take a look at this standard informal letter writing the guide. Give each of your students a copy so that they might refer to it while writing an assignment. If you need variation in the content as well, check out our other letter templates in pages.

6. Informal Letter Example in PDF

informal letter example in pdfemahendras.org
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If your friend recently applied for a competitive examination and was successful, you should, as a good friend, send him a letter congratulating him. If you have forgotten what it is like to write an informal letter, this template should take you on a trip down memory lane. You can also check out our letter templates in Google Docs if that is what you are more comfortable with.

7. Printable Informal Letter

printable informal letterismoman.com
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If you are a home tutor or maybe a school teacher use this printable worksheet for an informal letter. This will cut down the time that you need to spend to prepare the assignments for your students. You can also check out our other free letter templates for educational purposes or other.

8. Informal Letter Template in DOC

informal letter template in docamalnet.il
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Size: 8 KB

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9. Informal Letter Example

informal letter examplemssch.cz
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  • DOC

Size: 5 KB

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Explore additional informal letter templates on our website, template.net, to find a variety of options that suit your needs.

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