17+ Production List Templates

A production list helps you to plan and structure all the requirements of a project or activity including tasks, raw materials, equipments, etc. A well-made list will ensure that you do not leave behind anything important stuff that may hamper your or your team’s performance. Our list templates help you to make effective production lists with a few clicks.

production list

5 Steps to make a Production List

Step 1: Clarity of Purpose

The first thing you need to do is have a clear goal. This will provide your production team with direction. Only then you will be able to properly plan out the plan of action that you are going to follow to achieve the specific goal.

Step 2: Create an MS Word Document

Write down a summary plan of the production and list all the objectives that you are trying to accomplish. This will give you a simple overview of the process and can be referred to when any confusion arises. You can even make a simple list of the costs of your tasks with our price list template.

Step 3: Prepare a Table of Contents

A production list must be prepared meticulously. Proper organization of the tasks will make it easier for you to check and later review them easily. A well-structured list will also help in the easy tracking and modification of plans when necessary. Therefore, you must make one in a similar fashion.

Step 4: Systematic Order of Tasks

By putting all the tasks in meaningful or successive order, you will make the process smooth by preventing confusion. It will also help in better planning of future tasks.

Step 5: Ensuring the Standard

The production list should contain a list of recommendations that decide the standard of each product for quality control purposes. It must also check the quality of the tasks being performed. A sample list template will not only save your time and energy but also help you in making the best production list depending on your job. The templates can be downloaded and easily customizable.

17+ Production List Templates

1. Simple Production List Template

simple production list templateubcp.com
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The given sample list is an example of a film and television production list. The listed components are under the sections of production type, shooting duration, production manager, director, casting and more. Use our list templates in word to create effective production lists today.

2. Post Production List Example

post production list examplecensus.gov
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The given post-production list example gives a sample document on the production list of a motion picture industry. The format used is basic but is structured well. The list of tasks and their descriptions are mentioned in the table of contents. Download our list templates in pages to create such production reports easily.

3. Sample Production List Template

sample production list templatealtiusfarms.com
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The given sample list is an example of a basic production list of vegetables. These vegetables are then divided into herbs, specialty greens, microgreens, asian greens, etc. There are also photographs of the mentioned vegetables for better understanding. Use our grocery list template to make a simple and useful list for yourself.

4. Basic Production List

basic production listtheoldglobe.org
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The given basic production list sample provides the production history of the list of performances presented in the Old Globe Theatre. The list of productions and the name of the director is given in the document. With the help of the given reference and our list templates in pdf, you will be able to create useful production lists in no time.

5. Film Production List Template

film production list templatesquarespace.com
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The given film production list template is a simple list of the film, television commercials, and the name of corporations along with the roles and years of publishing. Download our word list templates to make such a well-structured list for your production.

6. Formal Production List Example

formal production list examplefitds.it
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This formal production list template gives an overview of the process of updating an existing production list. The new models go through the stages of proposal, approval and adding for updating of the list. Refer to the sample for a formal update of production lists.

7. Graphics Production List

graphics production listwinewomenandshoes.com
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The given graphics production list is a sample list of a company named Wine, Women, and Shoes. The list contains components like the strategy involved in various sectors like the social media, print, E-blasts and event web page. Use the sample template for reference purposes.

8. General Production List Template

general production list templatedebatesinternational.org
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The given general production list template contains a list of production equipment for a debate. The components of the list include a full production control room, OB unit, large facility to host the debate, stage lighting mounts, etc. The format is simple and easy to follow and can be used for reference purposes.

9. Machines Production List

machines production listigtr-aur.org
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The given sample gives a list of machines in the production section. The document is divided into various components including the machine’s description, make model, quantity, and specifications. You can refer to this sample while creating a similar list of production.

10. Production Supplies List Template

production supplies list templatequixote.com
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The given sample list contains a production supply list. It structures the various supplies category under catering and crafty, effects, electronics, sounds and wifi, and more. The format is pretty simple and easy to follow. Use it for reference purposes while creating your production list.

11. Production List Format

production list formatnewdistributing.com
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The given production list format gives a sample of a master production list that can be printed once a week on legal paper. You need to type the amount that needs to be prepped and will populate your prep sheets. The format is easy and can be used for various purposes including making a grocery list with our grocery list template.

12. Professional Production List Template

professional production list templategov.in
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The given sample is a simple list of the production and post-production facilities houses in Bengaluru. There are a total of nine locations in the template. The given format can be used for a variety of purposes.

13. Production Division List Example

production division list exampleipsc-france.fr
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The given sample is a production division list of pistols currently approved for the production division. The format and structure are basic. The content is detailed in nature.

14. Chemical Production List Template

chemical production list templateoecd.org
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The given sample provides a list of high production volume chemicals for the environment directorate of the organization for economic co-operation and development. The production list format is simple and detailed.

15. Rice Production List

rice production listopen.umich.edu
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The given sample is a list of open educational resources for rice production. Several links have been provided in the template to help guide the people on the process of production of rice. It is useful reference material.

16. Production List in PDF

production list in pdfgoodall.com.au
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The given production list in pdf provides the BEECH 18 production list. It includes the names and descriptions of the museum aircraft and late military survivors obtained from a variety of sources. You have to keep in mind that such documents of importance must contain accurate information and therefore must be made and maintained diligently.

17. Pre Production Products List Template

pre production products list templatesas.com
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18. Standard Production Approval List

standard production approval listbellmedia.ca
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Size: 121.8 KB

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