15+ Powerpoint Newspaper Templates – Free Sample, Example, Format Download!

Cracking an important presentation is the need of the hour. No wonder, you are always thinking of novel ways to come up with a unique presentation each time. Ever thought of making a presentation that looks more like a newspaper? This is a novel idea and a path less trodden. This can be easily accomplished by downloading a Powerpoint newspaper template from the internet. You may like Free Newspaper Templates. Specially designed keeping in mind the need to add in graphs and tables, images, and contents you can find a wide range of these Newspaper Templates in Word. There are layout designs you can incorporate for a modern birthday, middle school student, old wedding, journalism report, elementary classroom, and much more. Use these slideshow samples to prepare a background, front page, and other slides with minimal hassle. Just pick the one that you feel is right for your venture and customize it.

sample powerpoint newspaper

Wedding Newspaper PowerPoint Format Template

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indezine.com | If you’re planning to design your PowerPoint presentation like a newspaper, then this lemon yellow template could be an option for you. You get to insert the title and short description on the first slide.

Modern Newspaper PPT Template Free Download

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free-ppt-templates.com | These newspaper templates in Publishers would impart an interesting look to your presentation. On the first slide, you get to add the title, against a background that resembles the pages of a newspaper.

Example of Powerpoint Newspaper Report Template

example of powerpoint newspaper template free download
worldofteaching.com | This newspaper template in PSD on tabloid writing could be of immense help to you. It contains all the details you could require, along with clip art that goes along with the theme.

Breaking News Background PowerPoint Format Template

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If you’re making a presentation about the breaking news of the day, this simple template would be ideal for you. The headline is enough to capture the attention of the audience, and you can even add your details at the bottom.


Journalism Example Powerpoint Newspaper Template

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With this template, you get to place the title of your newspaper outline in bright orange, and you also have the option of adding multiple columns of text with an image in the body. A blank space has been provided for the headline too.


Powerpoint Presentation Middle School Newspaper

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If you’re making a presentation about your school newspaper layout, you could go for this template. The image of the folded newspaper is enough to give the audience an idea of what it is about.


Powerpoint Newspaper Software Example Template

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Business news needs to have a professional and somber tone. This sample template allows you to place the text in the given spaces. It is also very easy to edit in PowerPoint and you can download the amazing figures on it.


Open Office Professional Newspaper Powerpoint Sample Template Download

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This particular newspaper template in word resembles the professional and grave tone of a daily, it focuses more on the textual part than on the bright, colorful images. You also get to make use of PowerPlugs with this template.


Classroom Spoof Newspaper Layout Headline Template

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If you’ve been wondering how to organize the pages of your blank newspaper effectively, you could try out this template. Once you download it, you will be able to edit the details and insert your own.


Free Birthday PPT Format Newspaper Template

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Blank Powerpoint Newspaper Sample Template Download

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Front Page Editable PowerPoint Newspaper Template

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Old Newspaper Article Powerpoint Template Download

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Example of Fringe News PowerPoint Slideshow Template

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Powerpoint Elementary Student Newspaper Template

powerpoint elementary student newspaper templatefairfield.edu


File Format
  • PPT

Size: 58 KB
