16+ Leave Policy Templates

If you happen to be in a leadership position in your company, then part of your job might have to do with creating or implementing your company’s HR rules and regulations. These are always vital things to take note of so that you always have a resource to guide the company’s workforce. One specific kind of policy that you should be sure to develop well is a leave policy which can regulate how employees can file for different kinds of leave if it should be necessary. You may also see HR Policies.

leave policy templates

Since determining leaves can be a difficult task, it is possible to find all kinds of tools that could serve to make your life much easier, such as policy template samples focused on leave policy. But other than using leave policy templates, you may also benefit from certain insights that can serve to make it easier for you to use these leave policies properly.

Policy Template Bundle

policy template bundle 788x510
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Personal Leave Policy Template

personal leave policy template
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Paternity Leave Policy Template

paternity leave policy template
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Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Policy Template

maternity pregnancy leave policy template
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Military Leave Policy Template

military leave policy template
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Sick Leave Policy Template

sick leave policy template
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Confusion Regarding Sick Leave Policy Template

confusion regarding sick leave policy template
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Restaurant Funeral Leave Policy Template

restaurant funeral leave policy template
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University Leave of Absence Policy Template



Sample Leave Administration Policies



HR Sick Leave Policy Sample

hr106 011 788x10


Example of General Leave Policy



Family and Medical Leave Policy Sample

section 4 fmla 011 788x10


Functions of a leave policy

One thing that could help you make the most of your leave policies is knowing their specific functions and what they can do for you. After all, this should serve to give you a better idea of how to make your leave policies and ensure that you cover everything you have to in these policies.

Regulating how many days employees can be absent

Before employees actually send you any leave application emails, it pays to let them know some information before they make it to that stage. Your policies can give your employees vital information like how many days they have available for leave, which can give them a better idea of how to spend those days according to their supply. This can also serve to make employees more strategic concerning how they use such leaves since they are naturally limited in how many they have. Your policies should also make mention of how many leaves employees can accumulate over the year so as to give a complete idea of how many days employees have in total. For a wider selection of leave plan templates, check out more options here. Other than that, you should take the time to state if leave days are convertible to cash so that employees can tell if they have the option of saving their leave days for that purpose.

Listing the guidelines for applying for leave

It is a given that there would be certain guidelines to regulate how employees can actually go on leave. This is another thing that your policies should discuss so that employees can be sure of filing leaves according to company rules. This can actually go some way to ensuring that employees can send in permission letters and the like and be certain that the management has seen and approved the request. By ensuring that employees follow all the necessary steps, you can help employees avoid any issues that might arise from a lack of having sent in all the necessary paperwork. This should also make it easier to keep records of when employees apply for leave so that you can take that information into account when calculating payroll and available leave days.

Determining eligibility for leave

It may be that some of your employees may not be eligible for leave, at least not immediately. Employees on a probationary period, for example, are generally not eligible for many privileges until regularization, leave being one such privilege. As such, it is necessary that your leave policy state which of your employees are eligible for certain kinds of leave. Find more maternity leave templates by visiting this link. Another example is that of employees with families who might need to avail of paternity or maternity leave. Naturally, this means that unmarried employees are not eligible for such leave hence, there is the need to specify which employees may take advantage of specific kinds of leave.

Organizing the different kinds of leave available to employees

With that in mind, it can help to organize your types of leave together for the sake of ease. This would allow employees to see for themselves what kinds of leave would be available to them depending on the specific circumstances. For example, this would include paid leave, medical leave, maternity leave, leave without pay, and so on. This function should make it considerably easier for your employees to make the most of their own tools like medical leave letters.

Establishing details concerning paid or unpaid leaves

Since some leaves can be classified as paid or unpaid, it is important to make sure that employees understand what each type means for your company. When it comes to paid leave, employees are still receiving pay even without work, assuming they are using their leave days. As such, you should be sure to tell your employees about that so as to give them the chance to use such leave days without any fear of not being paid. On the other hand, you also need to inform them of unpaid leaves so that employees can weigh their options as to whether or not they want to be absent on those days. This can be applied in the event when employees do not have or are ineligible for leave, so you would have to dock payment for that day. Whichever kind of leave applies to specific employees at the time, this should make it easier for them to use tools like leave letter templates in pdf to apply for leave themselves.

Stating some necessary requirements to verify leaves

In some cases, it is not quite enough to apply for leave and have it approved since there might be related requirements for you to secure. In the case of medical leave, employees would need to secure a medical certificate for leave or some other document to have a written record that they received medical aid from a physician. Whether you trust your employees or not, your policy does need to state what requirements employees need to secure to properly verify these leaves. After all, letting your employees know about these requirements can make it possible for them to adhere to whatever regulations you put in your policy in the first place.

University Leave and Time Off Policy Example

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Basic FMLA Policy Template



County HR Leave Policy Template

hr policy manual 023 788x10


Parental Leave Policy Template

parental leave policy 11 788x10


Sample Paid Parental Leave Policy

paid parental leave policy 11 788x10


Tips for making and using your own leave policy

Some other things that might be of use to you are tips to ensure that you can make your leave policies in pdf as complete as possible. You can apply these tips to just about any sample human resources policies you encounter, but in the case of leave policies, these tips can make it easier for you to catch every detail you need to include.

Make sure to include all the necessary details

To start, you do need to make sure that you include all the details you need to convey to your employees in your policy templates in PDF. After all, given all the information that they need to know in order to apply for leave, it is only right that you make sure that the policy contains all those needed details. This not only ensures that employees have everything they need to file for leave properly but also ensures that you cannot be held accountable for any failure to inform them of what they needed to know.

Be sure to inform employees of any updates

If you ever need to update your leave policies for any reason, then you need to be sure to have them updated as soon as possible and send HR notices to your employees. This is vital to ensure that employees can be informed of the changes so that they can update how they apply for leave immediately. You can make the argument that a policy is meant to keep employees informed, so it is especially important to keep them informed of any changes you may make. This also serves to keep your employees in the loop so that they are not caught unawares when you do make such changes to your company policy.

Take different circumstances into account

When you make a leave policy in word, you should account for shifting circumstances among your employees. For example, medical emergencies may arise unexpectedly which might prevent employees from working as normal. As another example, employees may end up being called for civil duties like jury duty, which would necessitate taking time off in order to fulfill that requirement. As such, it might pay to make sure that you remain flexible with regard to what unexpected events might occur with respect to your employees.

Be sure to refer to any laws that relate to your policies

In order to provide more authenticity for your leave policies, you may want to include whatever laws support your policy in your editable company policy templates. This can serve to give your policy more weight thanks to the backing of the law. You can also take advantage of this to keep your employees more informed on the intricacies of your leave policy. In the event that the authorities ever need to examine your leave policy format, you can assure them that you are in fact adhering to the laws with regard to your policy, which should help avoid any issues.

So if you needed more than just simple templates to help you with the task of making your own leave policy, you should be able to make use of these insights to guide you through the writing. After all, if you need to decide company policy, you can use all the tools you can find to make the task all the easier.

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