12+ Cleaning Proposals for Restaurants, Cafes, and Bakeries – Word, PDF
If you’re going to be opening up a type of business that’s going to offer cleaning services, then you’re going to have to advertise design your services in a way that people are going to be interested in acquiring them.
You’ll need to properly state the kind of service that you offer, the quality of the service, the number of hours that you’re going to work, how much you’re going to charge, and so on. So to help you do this, you’re going to have to come up with a proper cleaning proposal that will catch the interest of possible clients. You may also see proposal samples.
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How to write a cleaning proposal
You can make cleaning service proposals for either residential or business jobs, and you’re going to have to take into account all of the different materials and labor requirements while you’re making one. The following steps should help you make a proper cleaning proposal:
State your company’s basic information
You’ll obviously want your future potential clients to know who you are and what kind of service you’re willing to offer. So here are a few things that you’re going to have to include in your proposal:
- The complete name of your company
- The location of your headquarters
- The type of services that you offer
- The method by which you charge your customers
- Contact lists such as phone numbers and email addresses of your company employees
Determine your charging method
You can decide to charge by the hour or per job. Both of these have their own advantages and disadvantages so here’s a bit more information regarding both methods:
- If you’re going to charge by the hour, then this method is great for customers who would like to pay for the services as they are needed, and it allows you to provide quick cleaning job bid quotes to those customers who may not make use of your services regularly. For example, if there’s a customer who requires your services for only three or four hours, then you can easily come up with a quote based on the amount of time you have spent. One of the drawbacks of charging by the hour is that there may be jobs that are more taxing than others, or there could be jobs that would take more time than what both parties initially agreed on. This will require you to approach the customer to ask for a larger fee before the job is complete, or you might just have to complete the job for less than what you would normally charge. Also, if you create a cleaning proposal that includes an hourly rate for an indefinite number of hours, then there’s no way of knowing just how much you’re supposed to be compensated. This is going to make it harder for you to estimate your monthly budget.
- If you’re going to be charging by the job, then you’re going to have to create your cleaning proposal with information which states that you’re charging on a per-job basis. This is going to help determine the income you get before you actually start providing your services, and the customers can also work on the exact cost of their budgets. This is one of the most convenient ways for you to be able to create a monthly income and expense plan for both parties. However, you’re going to have to take note that there will be times when a certain job may require you to take longer than expected. Since it’s already stated in your proposal just how much you’re expected to be paid, then there isn’t going to be any additional compensation for you whatsoever.
Cleaning Service Request Proposal
Cleaning Service Proposal in PDF
Calculate an hourly rate
No matter which of the methods of charging that you choose, you’re still going to have to figure out the base of the hourly rate. You can calculate your hourly rate through the following means:
- Find out just how much your competition is charging. You’re going to have to do a bit of market research and all other cleaning services that are available within your surrounding area and ask around for important information regarding just how much they charge and their method of charging customers. This way, you can establish what is considered both high and low prices for cleaning services within the area that you’re going to provide your services in.
- Incorporate the cost of cleaning materials and products into your hourly charge. If you’re going to make use of the cleaning supplies of your customers instead of your own, then you’re going to include the average cost of things such as cleaning gloves, clothes, paper towels, rags, and much more.
- Transportation. You’re going to have to factor in the distance of where your customers are located, the cost of gas it’s going to take to get there, and your means of transportation.
Assess the type of job that you’re writing the proposal for
You should bring a cleaning checklist with you so that you can go over the specifics with the customer. This will help give them a thorough understanding of the types of services that you provide. Take into account the following:
- Size and layout. You’ll have to keep in mind the amount of space that you’re going to cover in the event that your services are required.
- Job circumstances. There may be different circumstances that could add to the job’s uniqueness and possibly even its difficulty. You’ll have to state in your proposal that you’re going to charge a much higher rate should the job require you to do labor-intensive tasks.
- Tasks. This is one of the heaviest factors in determining just how much you’re going to charge. This should encompass everything from the basic housekeeping required to complete the job. So that would include sweeping, dusting, polishing furniture, taking out the trash, and much more.
Now that you were able to figure all of that out, you should be able to make a proper cleaning proposal that your possible clients and customers can understand. Just make sure that you place all of the necessary information within your proposal.
If you would like to know more about cleaning services, such as how to make cleaning price lists or cleaning contracts, then you can go through our available articles that can give you the information that you need.