6+ Daily Audit Report Templates – PDF, DOC, Word, Pages

It’s very important that a lot of businesses are able to live up to standards, whether they’re internal ones or standards that are mandated by the government. So when the time comes for an auditor to evaluate a particular business, it’s important that they’re able to provide as much information as they can regarding whatever they covered. You can also like hr audit reports.

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This means that they will need to come up with a sample report which is able to point out all the information they have obtained during their evaluation. And that’s why this article will teach you all that you need to know to create an audit report that will give you the information you’re going to need about a particular business.

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Sample Daily Audit Report in DOC

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The Different Types of Audit You Can Make

Although this particular type of audit is one that’s meant for the business’s daily operations, you’ll need to know what kind of daily audit you’ll be making. An audit is considered an official examination to verify that proper policies and procedures were followed. What this basically means is that the audit can take up many forms. You may also see quality audit reports.

So here are a few examples that you can make:

  • Financial Audit – This is the type of audit that’s commonly known by a lot of auditors. It’s one that contains a systematic review of a business’s financial reports to see if everything is in compliance with the GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) standards. Basically, it let’s you see if a business is following the regulations regarding the creation of financial reports.
  • Operational Audit – An operational audit is a review of an organization’s usage of resources to ensure that all of those resources are being put to good use. This is a great way for a business owner to see if whatever resources his or her business has is being used efficiently or effectively to the point where they’re able to accomplish the business’s mission goals. Think of it as a way for you to tell if a business is performing the way it’s supposed to or if there are resources that are being mishandled. You may also see internal audit reports.
  • Investigative Audit – These are done when there is an assumed violation of rules, regulations, or laws. Although you don’t necessarily do this on a daily basis, at some point this will have to be conducted. This can also involve the results of every other audit that you’ve managed to create. You may also see safety audit reports.
  • Compliance Audit – Remember that it’s very important that a business is operating in accordance with the law. That’s why this audit can help point out if a particular audit is doing so. Also, the information it contains can also tell someone if a business if conducting its operations in accordance with its policies, regulations, and procedures. It’s a great way to tell if the business’s owner and employees are all handling things in a legitimate manner. You may also see sample internal audit reports.

1. Create an Outline for Your Audit Report

Before you even think about writing, you’re going to have to go through the results of your daily audit and make an outline for yourself based on all the sections that you’re going to cover. A standard outline is comprised of headings, marked by Roman Numerals, and subsections that use letters, numbers, or lowercase Roman Numerals. From there, you’ll have to go with whatever organizational strategy that you think will work for you as you’re creating your report. You may also see communication audit report templates.

For example, let’s say that you want to check how a business is doing in terms of handling resources. You can categorize each of these resources based on what they are or how they’re used so that it will be easy for you to outline whatever information you managed to find. You may also see compliance audit report templates.

2. Create the Introduction of Your Report

This is the very beginning where you will be providing an overview of whatever the reader will need to know about before he or she will go through the report. This is also the section where you can provide any kind of background that the reader would want to hear regarding the audit you’ve done. You may also see forensic audit report templates.

3. Provide the Positives and Negatives of the Report

When you’ve finally understood what kind of daily audit report you’re supposed to be doing, then the next step is to write about your findings. This is where you share the positives and negatives about the audit. It’s important that you balance both out and that you don’t just focus on one particular aspect. The information will come in very handy, especially for those businesses that need to figure out the means by which they can solve the negative aspects. You may also see compliance reports.

As you’re providing the positives and negatives, be sure that you don’t make things sound opinionated. You’re judging your findings based on the standards that have been sent to you by the government so you’re going to have to look at things from an objective standpoint. Also, create bullets where you can neatly place every positive and negative you manage to find. This way, everything will look more organized and the reader will have a much easier time going through what you’ve written. You may also see clinical audit reports.

4. Use the Scope an Methodology Method

By this point in the report, you want to be able to explain certain things regarding the audit that was just conducted. You can easily do this by answering these simple questions:

  • For what reason was the audit conducted? – It’s very important that you point this out as this will tell the reader that the auditor knew exactly why the audit was done and can give the reader an idea as to what to expect from reading the report. Was the audit trying to see how a business handles its expense and income accounting? Or maybe it’s to see how well its operations are being managed? The only thing that you have to do is to make sure that the report is able to clearly convey the purpose of the audit and you can easily do that by writing down everything in detail. You may also see financial audit report templates.
  • What was and was not included during the audit? – By this point, it’s very important that you’re able to point out what kind of information that was used and what was excluded out of the audit. The reader will need to know all about them so that they’ll know if you managed to conduct the audit competently. So all you have to do is make a detailed list of the things that you included and excluded into the report. You can also see engineering audit reports.
  • What was the time period in which the audit was conducted? – Since we’re talking about a daily audit, then the time period would obviously from the start and the end of each working day. When writing this down, make sure that you put in the exact operation hours as you might just need the information in the future. You can also read corrective action reports.
  • What are the objectives of the audit? – By this point, you’re going to have to point out what it is that the audit is supposed to achieve. This can be just about anything as an audit is always meant to improve a certain aspect of a business. So are there standards that the business has failed to comply? Then the objective is to make sure that it’s able to. Is there a problem regarding how the business is managed? Then the objective is to improve that. Just write down the objectives clearly so that readers can understand them easily. You may also read IT audit reports.

5. Share a Statement Regarding Auditing Standards

This audit is a basic disclaimer people will look for to make sure the audit was conducted correctly. It’s important that you point out that the standards you followed when conducting the audit are one that was set by the government. That way, the reader can rest assured that the audit was conducted whilst following proper procedures and standards. You can also check out stock audit report templates.

6. Create the Executive Summary

Once you’re done writing everything about the audit report, then the last step is for you to come up with the executive summary. As its name suggests, this basically summarizes everything that you’ve written in the plan in a single page. So you have to make sure that it includes the following:

  • A brief description of what was audited, objectives, scopes, and time periods
  • Statements regarding the significant action plans
  • Statements of overall concerns as well as conclusions
  • The overall rating of the audit report

Remember that it’s very important that you’re able to keep things short, but to the point where you’re still able to provide the gist of the entire report. Try to keep everything within a single page as readers who want to go through the report quickly will definitely appreciate it. You can also like data audit reports.

If you would like to learn about the other types of reports that you can possibly make, then all you have to do is go through our site. It contains many different articles and each of them has information that may be of use to you. Just make sure that you read these articles thoroughly so that you can make the most out of whatever they have to offer you. You can also like management audit report templates.

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