11+ Energy Audit Report Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | Excel | PDF

A report that is made after performing an energy audit that is performed to identify energy that is being consumed by an establishment or any facility is known as an energy audit report. An energy audit also determines energy conservation strategies or measures to manage some energy consumption. It is considered as an inspection survey as well as an analysis of energy flows for the conservation of the energy in a building.

energy audit report

Report Template Bundle

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11+ Energy Audit Report Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | Excel | PDF

1. Energy Audit Report Template

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Size: A4 & US

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2. Potential Energy Audit Report Template

potential energy audit report templateoilweb.oilindia.in
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Size: 88.8 KB

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3. Energy Audit Summary Report Template

energy audit summary report templateleeduser.buildinggreen.com
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Size: 72.6 KB

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4. Technical Energy Audit Report Template

technical energy audit report templatedpw.idaho.gov
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Size: 21.8 KB

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5. Executive Energy Audit Report Template

executive energy audit report templateemsd.gov.hk
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Size: 34.0 KB

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6. Street Energy Audit Report Template

street energy audit report templatedocuments.dps.ny.gov
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Size: 1.6 MB

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7. Facility Energy Audit Report Template

facility energy audit report templategreenwichct.gov
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Size: 11.7 MB

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8. Preliminary Energy Audit Report Template

preliminary energy audit report templatecbalance.in
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Size: 370.9 KB

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9. School Energy Audit Report Template

school energy audit report templateartsbuildontario.ca
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Size: 3.7 MB

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10. Structure of Energy Audit Report Template

structure of energy audit report templatesdatripura.in
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Size: 32.8 KB

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11. Energy Audit Report Format

energy audit report formatgreenhospital-project.eu
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Size: 1.4 MB

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12. Equipment Energy Audit Report Template

equipment energy audit report templateneedhamma.gov
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Size: 4.3 MB

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How to Write an Energy Audit Report?

Step 1: Draw an Outline

Start laying out the audit specifics in a summary that will just take a few minutes to read. Try to keep the summary concise but meaningful. You can begin it by stating when the energy audit was conducted and where or which facility. Then state the dollar amount of the potential electricity cost savings from the identified conservation measures in your second sentence. Then continue to detail the current annual electricity costs or any energy costs, as calculated from the utility bills, and qualifiers.

Step 2: Describe the Purpose

Describe the main purpose of the facility, hours and days of operation and any kind of energy conservation devices if used. Make sure you include specifics on the overall square footage and details on users. For instance, you can mention the demand for energy from the different parts of the facility at different times of day with different load demands.

Step 3: Mention the Details of the Energy Use

Make sure you fill out the energy accounting forms that will account for energy use at a facility by tracking the exact hours of energy consumption as determined by sensors or meters. You can create a unique picture of use at the facility by demonstrating the demand factor, which is considered to be the peak power used over a small interval.

Step 4: Review and Calculate

You can start reviewing the accounting forms to calculate the baseload i.e the consistent amount of energy used over a year and break it into individual units. Try to identify the consumption patterns for the lighting, public laundry, and various other areas so you can suggest conservation measures.

Step 5: Explain the Accounting Methods

Lastly, describe the accounting methods and include the charts that reflect consumption patterns and other energy costs so decision-makers can understand the conservation options. Explain how you determined electricity consumption or any other energy consumption. Whether you used utility reports and concluded or ammeters that helped you in measuring electric current from an outlet.

What is the Motive of an Energy Audit Report?

Some of the important purposes of an energy audit report are as follows:

  1. It lets the clients know the potential energy-saving measures with the help of no investment that changes in operation or maintenance, small investment projects, medium investment, and large investments.
  2. It shares all relevant information that is gathered from the site with patterns and charts wherever required so that the client understands how energy is being used and where it is being wasted. The energy auditor must suggest some measures to plug these leaks and propose some savings. You can share the final sheet consisting of the measures for the conservation of energy.
  3. An audit energy report recommends measures to correct the abnormalities if there are any.

What Does Energy Audit Mean?

Energy cost is considered to be a significant factor in economic activity with factors of production like capital, labor, and land. However, it is high time to take an initiative for energy conservation measures as there is a rising amount of energy shortage. This generally means using less energy for the same level of activity. Energy Audit attempts to balance the total energy inputs along with its use. It also helps in identifying all the energy streams in the systems and assesses energy usages according to its function. Energy Audit helps in optimizing the energy cost, pollution control along with the safety aspects and suggests some methods to improve the operating and maintenance practices.

What are the Objectives of Energy Audit?

  1. It aims at identifying the quality and cost of various energy inputs and also helps in assessing the present pattern of energy consumption.
  2. It helps in relating energy inputs and production output and identifies possible areas of the thermal and electrical energy economy.
  3. An energy audit also highlights the wastage of energy in major areas and helps in fixing of energy-saving potential targets.
  4. It helps in the implementation of measures for energy conservation and also in the realization of savings.

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