10+ Accounting Curriculum Vitae Samples

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The field of accounting is a technical industry. Most of the job positions that are open for employment usually require applicants to have prior knowledge of the processes of auditing, bookkeeping, computing. You need a well-organized accounting curriculum Vitae template that can showcase your skills and experiences to put yourself on top of the other candidates.

accounting curriculum vitae

This post provides a list of various accounting curriculum vitae samples. Feel free to download any of our accounting curriculum vitae and business resume templates, especially those that are suitable for the specific job position that you are applying for.

Free Accounting Clerk Curriculum Vitae Template

accounting clerkdayjob.com
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Size: 106 KB

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Free Accounting Assistant Curriculum Vitae Template

accounting assistantdayjob.com
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Size: 44 KB

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Sample Accounting Graduate CV Template

sample accounting graduatemonash.edu
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Size: 381 KB

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Free Financial Accounting Curriculum Vitae Template

financial accountingcimaglobal.com
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Size: 56 KB

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Free Accounting Faculty Curriculum Vitae Template

accounting faculty curriculum vitaebusiness.fsu.edu
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Size: 42 KB

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1. What and How to Write a CV for an Accounting Job

Drafting a curriculum vitae is a long process. Here are some things you need to keep in mind in writing a curriculum vitae to make it streamlined and easier to read:

  1. Assure that your career objective is related to the job application.
  2. Focus on and highlight your experiences in the field of accounting.
  3. List down your ability to execute the systems and processes that are needed in the accounting industry.
  4. Be specific with the roles and responsibilities in the accounting positions you previously held.

Other than our accounting curriculum vitae in word samples, we can provide you with other kinds of Curriculum Vitae Formats from our business archives.

2. What Essential Skills Should You Include in an Accounting CV?

To begin with, your technical skills applied in your day-to-day tasks should be highlighted among others. However, what you add to your CV should not be limited to that. Here are some other essential skills you could focus on in your accounting resume template:

  1. Knowledge on payroll, bank reconciliation, and other documents needed by the accounting department
  2. Ability to identify and use accounting blank spreadsheets
  3. Ability to monitor customer accounts
  4. Knowledge of the processes involved in checking delivery notes
  5. Ability to accurately hand and record purchase invoices

While these curriculum vitae cannot be limited to accountants per se, you could check out these specialized Education Curriculum Vitae if you’re an accounting professor. Modify the sections to add your experiences in education and in accountancy firm, and then you’re good to go.

Free Chartered Accounting CV Example

chartered accounting examplemarmerpenner.com
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Size: 84 KB

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Free Student Curriculum Vitae Template

student curriculum vitaecareerservices.colorado.edu
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Size: 640 KB

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Free Accounting Manager Curriculum Vitae Template

accounting managerresume-resource.com
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Size: 410 KB

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Free Accounting Professor Curriculum Vitae Template

accounting professorscu.edu
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Size: 58 KB

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Simple Accounting Supervisor CV Template

simple accounting supervisoruibk.ac.at
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Size: 81 KB

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3. How to Answer Accounting Interview Questions

If your accounting curriculum vitae cover letter impressed your prospective employer, you will mostly likely be called for an interview. Here are a few guidelines that you may follow in answering accounting interview questions:

  1. Talk about your extensive knowledge and expertise in accounting.
  2. Add the additional information you didn’t include in your CV. Showcase your other qualifications, including your learned hard skills (accounting software certifications, typing skills, etc.) and soft skills (teamwork, leadership, etc.).
  3. Familiarize yourself with accounting systems as there is a high chance that you will be asked with a thing or two about those.
  4. Use technical accounting terms and keywords, if necessary.

Your role will change when you move up the corporate ladder. That entails you updating your CV. For lawyer accountants and managers, these Legal Curriculum Vitae Examples and Manager Curriculum Templates should be useful for you.

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