Mar 07, 2024
A curriculum vitae is one of the initial documents used by candidates who would like to apply for a particular position may it be in a company, academic institution or an organization. There has been a misconception regarding the similarity of a curriculum vitae and a resume. The difference between cv and resume is that a curriculum vitae is longer and more detailed than a usual resume.
This post is a collection of samples of curriculum vitae that you may use as references in writing your own curriculum vitae. Aside from that, we can provide you with downloadable samples of cover letter templates in the link provided.
Best Creative Fashion Curriculum Vitae Template
English Teacher CV Design
Professional Nursing Student Curriculum Vitae Template
Simple Pilot Curriculum Vitae Template
Creative Graphic Designer CV Template
Academic Curriculum Vitae Templates
College Student Curriculum Vitae Template
Undergraduate Student Curriculum Vitae Template
Medical Curriculum Vitae Templates
Medical Student Curriculum Vitae Template
Medical Officer Curriculum Vitae Template
Medical Representative Curriculum Vitae Template
1. Academic Curriculum Vitae
An academic resume / curriculum vitae may be used in the following academic processes:
- A student curriculum vitae may be used as a support to any application that a student is involved in. A few samples of the usages of a student resume / curriculum vitae are as follows:
- It can be used by a student applying for a scholarship grant from an academic institution.
- It can be used by a student who wanted to be a part of an academic organization.
- It can be used by applicants for admissions. You can also see more on Cv in Word Templates
- It can be used by transfer students should it be required by the new school where they will attend to.
- An undergraduate curriculum vitae is very essential for undergraduate students who would like to enroll in a graduate school. This specific kind of curriculum vitae highlights the competencies and achievements of an individual to assure that academic institution that he or she has what it takes to pursue a higher field of study and research.
If you would like to use a resume rather than a curriculum vitae in any of your academic applications, you may browse through our downloadable samples of Best Resume Formats in the link provided. Aside from that, you may also download our Administration Resume Template samples for additional references.
Accountant Curriculum Vitae Templates
Assistant Accountant Curriculum Vitae Template
Senior Accountant Curriculum Vitae Template
Accountant Executive Curriculum Vitae Template
Business Curriculum Vitae Template
Business Manager Curriculum Vitae Template
Business Administration Curriculum Vitae Template
2. Tips in Writing a Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A few guidelines that you may follow in writing resume / curriculum vitae are as follows:
- Be mindful on where you will use the curriculum vitae. It is very important that the content of your curriculum vitae is related to the purpose of its creation.
- Always be aware of your grammar and punctuation. It is very essential for you to impress the people who will look at your job resume / curriculum vitae and a part of it is from using proper formatting and wordings.
- Create a modern resume / curriculum vitae that is complete and precise. Do not put unnecessary information in your curriculum vitae so to not defeat the purpose of why it has to be made.
- Use a standard template as tips in creating a curriculum vitae so you will be sure that all the information that should be present in this particular document are already placed in your profile.
Aside from our curriculum vitae samples, our Free Resume Templates and HR Resume Format are also available for you to browse through and download.
Executive Curriculum Vitae Template
Executive Assistant Curriculum Vitae Template
Executive Chef Curriculum Vitae Template
Executive Director Curriculum Vitae Template
Free Engineer Curriculum Vitae Templates
Software Engineer Curriculum Vitae
Free Project Engineer Curriculum Vitae Template
3. Curriculum Vitae for Specific Industries
A few samples of curriculum vitae that are used in particular fields of expertise are as follows:
- A medical curriculum vitae can be used by individuals who would like to have a professional practice in the field of medicine. It can be used by medical students, interns, and even medical representatives and officers.
- An accounting curriculum vitae can be used by candidates who would like to apply for a job position in the field of finance and accounting. If you are applying for any job posts in this industry, feel free to download our accounting resume / curriculum vitae templates in this page.
Other than our samples of curriculum vitae templates, you may also want to download our samples of Accounting Resume Template and Resume for Freshers for references in creating these specific resume types.
Free Graduate Curriculum Vitae Templates
Fresh Graduate Student Curriculum Vitae
Graduate School Curriculum Vitae for Employement
High School Curriculum Vitae Templates
High School Student Sample CV Template
Free High School Teacher CV Template
Free High School Graduate Curriculum Vitae Template
4. What to Put in Your Curriculum Vitae
If you want to create a functional resume / curriculum vitae , here are a few items that should be included in the document:
- Your name and basic information
- Your educational attainment
- Your experiences in the professional field/s where you have been a part of
- Your skills and qualifications
- Other information which you think may help in your job application
If you would like to have guides in creating a resume which is also widely used in various job applications just like a curriculum vitae, we can provide you with a variety of Professional Resume Template and Internship Resume Template samples.
Free International Curriculum Vitae Templates
International Standard Curriculum Vitae for Job
International Experience Curriculum Vitae in PDF Format
Nursing Curriculum Vitae Templates
Modern Nursing Student Curriculum Vitae
Nursing Assistant Curriculum Vitae / Resume
Free Graduate Nursing Curriculum Vitae Template
One Page Curriculum Vitae Templates
Free One Page CV Format Template
Free Teaching Curriculum Vitae Templates
Teaching Assistant Curriculum Vitae Template
Free Teaching Job Curriculum Vitae Template
5. Why Use Our Curriculum Vitae Templates?
Some of the reasons why it is suggested for you to download and use our curriculum vitae templates are as follows:
- Our curriculum vitae templates are formatted to fit the standards of specific industries. Though we can provide you with generic curriculum vitae samples, you may also download our free templates that are directly related to the field that you are practicing.
- The curriculum vitae templates available for download on this design website are editable. You can always deduct or add information like headings and content depending on your qualifications and the things that you would like to give focus on for your application sample.
- Our curriculum vitae templates are professionally structured. The outlines are based on a generic resume format and all the font sizes and styles are readable and applicable to be used for this corporate document.