9+ Hostess Resume Templates

A hostess is a female employee hired by a company to do tasks concerning the assistance of clients or guests. Their male counter parts are called hosts and may or may not have the same following functions, depending on the company they are working at.

hostess resumes

Hostesses are commonly seen in the hospitality and service industries as these are where their expertise are very much needed. They can work on a variety of fields that can either be based on sea, air, and water.

Should you want to apply as a hostess and haven’t started writing your résumé yet, you may take a look at our sample résumé templates we have in store for your reference.

Restaurant Hostess Resume

restaurant hostess resumelivecareer.com
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Size: 18.9KB

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Air Hostess Resume

air hostess resumebestsampleresume.com
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Size: 20KB

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Hotel Hostess Resume

hotel hostess resumelivecareer.com
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Size: 19.5KB

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Event Hostess Resume Sample

event hostess resume samplelivecareer.com
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Size: 18.9KB

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Hostess Resume Example

hostess resume exampleresumes.livecareer.com
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Size: 24.6KB

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Cashier Hostess Resume

cashier hostess resumeresumes.livecareer.com
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Size: 21.5KB

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A Growing Demand

As more services in different industries are consumed by a growing number of clients, it is important for businesses to hire hostesses to assist the needs of this rising market.

A hostess is usually hired on the following establishments and businesses:

  • Hotels
  • Resorts
  • Other leisure and gaming facilities
  • Airlines (air hosts/hostess are more known as cabin crews or flight attendants)
  • Luxury cruises
  • Restaurants

Though the job functions of hostesses are interrelated no matter what industry they are currently at, be sure to have these qualifications or at least be ready to acquire and provide them once required by a certain work circumstance:

  • Good work ethics
  • Great customer service
  • Exemplary communication skills
  • People adaptability
  • Resilience to different cultures
  • People relation skills
  • A warm personality
  • Ability to provide the needs of guests the fastest time possible; and
  • Ability to properly listen and follow instructions

You can also take a look at sample hostess résumé and flight attendant résumé samples our website offers for your respective references.

Basic Hostess Resume

basic hostess resumemonster.ca
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Size: 21.5KB

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Professional Hostess Resume

professional hostess resumeresumes.livecareer.com
File Format
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Size: 28.7KB

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Party Hostess Resume

party hostess resumelivecareer.com
File Format
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Size: 20KB

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Hostess Manager Resume

hostess manager resumeresumes.livecareer.com
File Format
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Size: 23.6KB

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The Face of the Company

Hostesses must always look pleasant and properly groomed all the time as it is a part of their job. They are considered as one of the company’s frontline staff and must represent the establishment they are working at the best possible way.

Certain uniform standards may be implemented and criteria for selecting hostesses may be more critical, especially in terms of physical appearance, as it affects the overall look of the employee once sent out in the field.

It is also great and advisable for hostesses to know at least two or three more languages other than their native tongue as they will be serving clients from different parts of the world. If this is not possible, a good command in the English language is either needed or recommended.

Give Your Best

If you are applying for a hostess post, always make sure that you are giving your best in providing services to your company’s clients. You are there to help them and assist them every time they need assistance. Make sure that they have everything that they need, especially if it is a part of the product or service package that they have acquired from your company. Also, be sure to have a wide range of product knowledge as you need to answer their inquiries most of the time.

Companies may also open internships for hostess jobs for applicants who are already on their legal ages, depending on the country where they are working. Take a look at our internship résumé templates, if you wish to apply in the said position and want to start creating your own résumé. Remember, all our résumé templates here are free for you to download, modify, and send out to prospective employers.

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