10+ High School Resume Templates, Examples, Samples Format

High school resume templates provide a great resource for students. They help the students to present their talents, skills, and achievements to draw the attention of the hiring manager. They help to project the student’s extra-curricular activities and volunteer exposure. These resume samples are highly useful for students who have a little or no experience. To know more about high school resume and to find their varieties, one can search Google using Resume Templates, Student Resume Template, or College Resumes.

impressive high school resumes

High School Resume Template


Impressive Resume For High School Graduate

impressive resume for high school graduate
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Size: 8 kB

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This resume for high school graduation presents the student’s name, address, email id, objective, education, work experience details, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular involvement and leadership details, honors, and awards as well as volunteer experience details. You may also see Resume Objectives.

Resume For High School Student With No Experience

high school student resume no experience
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Size: 5 kB

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This resume for presents the candidate’s name, address, contact number, email id, education and experience details, achievements, volunteer exposure details, interests, and activities as well as computer skills. You may also see Free Resume Templates.

Resume Template For High School Student

resume for high school student template
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Size: 8 kB

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This resume formats template for high school student presents the candidate’s name, address, contact number, skills and knowledge details like organization skills, capital markets, accounting and mathematics, and team building and achievement details.

Impressive High School Student Resume For College

impressive high school student resume for college
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Size: 181 kB

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This high school resume for college presents the candidate’s name, email id, contact number, address, education details, experience details, activities, and skills.

1. How To Write A High School Resume?

The high school resume should present the objective statement which highlights the student’s capabilities and should demonstrate these abilities. It should provide achievements, commendations, awards, and volunteer services which help to make the resume more worthy. It can also present sports participation, club participation, and any activity that can project student’s team-leading capabilities. You may also see Simple Resume Template.

One may mention the supervisor or other higher authority’s testimonials to make the resume more valuable. One can present trainee, apprentice, or temporary jobs that one has undertaken. One can write hobbies that are related to the job as well. The resume should be prepared in a professional manner to impress the hiring manager. You can also see Modern Resume Templates.

Job Resume Template For High School Student

job resume for high school student template
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Size: 5 kB

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This job resume for high school student presents the candidate’s name, address, email id, phone number, resume profile, education details, experience details, relevant high school studies, honors, awards, and memberships.

Impressive High School Internship Resume Template

impressive high school internship resume template
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Size: 145 kB

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High School Student Resume for Job

high school student resume for job oriented0a0a
File Format
  • PSD

Sample High School Student Resume

sample high school student resume
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Size: 5 kB

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2. What to Include in a High School Resume?

The high school resume should contain the full name of the candidate, his communication and permanent addresses, and contact information like phone number and email id. It should include the education details including the year of passing and marks percentage. It should highlight various activities, skill set details, work experience details, and leadership exposure as well. You can also see Entry Level Resume Templates.

The resume should contain career objective of the student, extra-curricular activities, and honors and awards which will help to make the creative resume more valuable. Students with no work experience should include details like interpersonal skills, achievements at school or college level, hobbies as well as interests which are relevant to the job.

High School Diploma Student Resume Template

high school diploma student resume
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 66 kB

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Impressive High School Student Resume

impressive high school student resume
File Format
  • PSD

High School Student Counselor Resume

high school student counselling resume
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 310 kB

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3. Do’s and Don’ts of High School Resume

Some of the Do’s and Don’ts of the high school resumes are –

  1. They should be presented in a good format and readable font which make them more pleasant to read.
  2. They should contain keywords as much as possible to get the candidate shortlisted.
  3. The objective statement should be prepared in a professional way to catch the eyes of the hiring people.
  4. Using bullets can make the resume more readable and informative.
  5. Do not forget to review the resume or get it reviewed by others to check for spelling or grammatical mistakes.
  6. Do not use irrelevant email id which may give a bad impression.
  7. Do not lie on the resume.

There are enormous varieties of high school resume samples and templates are available on the internet and one can download them easily using Google. They are easily editable and one can use them with great ease. These samples are sure to help the students to build highly powerful resumes.

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