5+ Reference Sheet Templates in Google Docs | Google Sheets | Word | Pages | Numbers | Excel | PDF

In today’s world of cut-throat competition, you need to have some edge over your competitors when you are trying to apply for a job. If you have worked somewhere previously, there are higher chances of you getting a job than a fresher. However, for that, you need to have a reference sheet ready, which is a document containing a list of names of those people who can elaborate on your professional experience for a potential employer.

reference sheet

4+ Reference Sheet Templates

1. Reference Sheet Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Word
  • Pages
  • Numbers
  • Excel

Size: A4, US

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In today’s world having just the knowledge of the subject is not enough. You need to be good at networking as well. It is obvious that a person who has some connections in a company has a higher chance of securing a job than a person who doesn’t. That is why you need a reference list. Create one in a jiffy by opening this sheet template in Word format.

2. Reference Sheet in PDF

reference sheet in pdfweb.stanford.edu
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 143.3 KB

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If the process of creating the reference sheet has left you all confused, then you might think of turning to a template to help you in that process. We too think that it is a wise decision and thus encourage you to download the PDF template that we have created for the purpose. If you want to start creating a reference sheet in Pages now, download this sample for reference.

3. Hospital Reference Sheet Template

hospital reference sheet templatechildrenshospital.org
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 73.2 KB

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For the purpose of evaluating a candidate, a reference list is usually used whereby a person is given a sheet where he has to grade the applicant based on his qualities. If you need a sheet template like them, you can give our site a search or just proceed with the one that we have already picked up for you.

5 Steps to Create a Reference Sheet

Step 1: Applicant Details

The first step would be to write the details of the applicant or the person who is referring. Write down his name, contact number, and email address. Also, mention his academic qualification and if he is applying for a job after having some experience in the field, then write that information down as well.

Step 2: Reference Detail

In the next section, write down the details of the person being referred. If there are several different people, then creating a table can prove to be useful. The necessary information that needs to be present in each case is the name, phone number, place of work, his position there, relationship with the applicant and the period for which he knows the latter.

Step 3: Views on the Applicant

This is the most vital section. Here the person or persons who have been referred to needs to put down his view on the applicant. If there are specific qualities that you particularly need to know about then you can create a table with the necessary attributes on one side and a place to write down the ratings on the other.

Step 4: Additional Notes

It might so happen that there is a specific quality that is unique in him that has not been mentioned in the options section. The person who has been referred might want to mention that. Even the company hiring might benefit from that unique talent. That is why this additional notes section needs to be present.

Step 5: Statement and Signature

Finally, there needs to be a statement that says that the information provided above is true to the knowledge of the person referred. This is, of course, an optional step that can be easily skipped. Also, try to include the signature of the person who is providing details about the applicant.

4. Assessment Reference Sheet

assessment reference sheetcms.gov
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12.6 KB

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If you need to make sure that you are hiring the best candidates, the best thing to do is use an assessment reference sheet. Find out the people who have been put in the reference list and see what they have to say about the candidate. If they feel that he would prove to be an asset in your company, only then hire them. Check out our reference list templates. There are several of them available on our site. We have other documents as well that can prove to beneficial for your company.

5. Customer Reference Sheet Template

customer reference sheet templatesierracredit.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3.4 KB

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Taking feedback is one of the best ways to find out what you need to do to improve your product. That is why it is worth considering creating a reference sheet. It might seem like a lot of work to you especially when you are having to handle so many different tasks at once. That is why we have prepared this reference list template that you can start using immediately.

6. Photo Reference Sheet Template

photo reference sheet templatecfnfleetwide.com
File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB

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