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37+ Useful Summary Templates – DOC, XLS, Pages, Numbers, Google Docs, Google Sheets, PDF

Want to make sure that any paperwork you need to complete for work, school, or institutional compliance is done easily and quickly? If yes, the best mode of action is through the use of pre-made printable templates. And if you need a template that will help you create a rundown of a piece of literature, study, or set of instructions, then you would most likely need a summary template.

In this article, we specifically discuss the use of summary templates and also provide downloadable examples of each type of summary template. All printable templates listed on this template collection are available as PDF templates. You may also see summary report templates.

What are Summary Templates?

As its name implies, summary templates are informational documents that outline how to make a brief synopsis or an abridgment of a lengthier piece of literature or a set of instructions. There are different kinds of summary templates depending on the type of information, data sets, or action that one wishes to shorten. You may also see executive summary.

Summary templates are mainly used to help increase a reader’s or a person’s grasp and understand a specific material or topic. For instance, discharge summaries are created to instruct patients and their significant others about the things they can and cannot do after patients are discharged from a hospital or healthcare facility.

If you want to make sure that you provide and/or get the most important points of a topic, event, or action plan, you may need a summary template to help guide you when preparing for that actual process or end goal.

Different Kinds of Summary Templates?

As mentioned earlier, there are different kinds of summary templates. We have listed a few of them below and have also included various tips on how to write and design them. Browse through the different summary samples listed below and familiarize with each kind of summary templates. This way you will know where to look when the times comes that you will be needing a specific summary template. You may also see project summary templates.

Discharge Summary Templates

Discharge summary templates are usually used by physicians and anyone in the healthcare profession when they are releasing a patient from a hospital or any kind of healthcare facility. A discharge summary will include healthcare instructions on what the patient can and cannot do once they are discharged. And if a patient will continue to receive health treatments on an outpatient setting, the discharge summary will include a basic care plan that his or her future caregivers will be able to read and implement from their end. You may also see sample project summary templates.

A medical discharge summary is vastly different from a medical report template even if these two documents can be used in the healthcare field. What sets them apart is that medical discharge summaries will include teaching points that the patient can use once he or she is allowed to leave the hospital.

Note that in this list article, we are talking about discharge summary templates that can be used by anyone in the healthcare setting. Other forms of discharge summaries like the ones used in military organizations and private employment are not included here. You may also see summary report samples.

Information to Include in a Discharge Summary Template

If you are tasked with creating a discharge summary for a hospital or clinic, you may also need to follow different standards that your state, country, or health service organization requires. In most cases, the pieces of information that should always be shown in a discharge summary template are listed below:

Server Checkout Summary Template

server checkout summary template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Summary Report Template

summary report template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Executive Summary Report Template

executive summary report template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Change Order Request Summary Template

change order request summary template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Pages
  • Numbers
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets

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Marketing Plan Executive Summary Template

marketing plan executive summary template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Project Summary Report Template

project summary report template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Commission Summary Template

commission summary template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

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Budget Summary Template

budget summary template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Pages
  • Numbers
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • PDF

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Clinical Discharge Summary Template

clinical discharge summary template

Dictation Discharge Summary Template

dictation discharge summary template

Blank Discharge Summary Template

blank discharge summary template

General Format Discharge Summary Template

general format discharge summary template

Purpose of Using Discharge Summary Templates

Creating discharge summaries is a must for all attending physicians in the hospital setting. But, often, this task is given less importance due to the amount of work that physicians have. So whether you are a hospital administrator or the director of a small health clinic, you should make sure that this step is properly done by anyone in the healthcare team and institute it as a hospital policy.

To help increase compliance, we have listed the main benefits of using discharge summary templates that you can share with your team and, hopefully, encourage them to create well-written discharge summaries. You may also see free executive summary templates.

1. To document the entire healthcare process.

One of the main reasons for instituting the use of discharge summaries is so that they are used to document the entire hospital admission process. It may not be as comprehensive as the patient’s medical health record but it is complete enough to be of use to the next person in the healthcare chain whom the patient will deal with. You may also see meeting summary templates.

For example, a patient who was discharged from a government hospital after having an appendectomy will no longer need to see the doctor who operated on him on a follow-up visit. The patient, instead, may just visit his local health center and receive post-operative care from there. The local doctor will know what to do and what treatment plan to follow since he or she has read the patient’s discharge summary without having to dig up the patient’s entire health record.

2. To ensure the patient receives continuous care.

Another reason for using discharge summary templates is that they allow a patient or anyone who has previously sought for healthcare assistance to receive the same level of assistance at another healthcare facility. This is especially important for patients who need to be monitored throughout the recuperation phase. This allows the patient to receive the same level of medical and nursing care plan without needing to be at a hospital.

3. To reduce the risk of hospital readmissions.

The use of discharge summaries also, in effect, help decrease hospital readmission. This happens because patients and their caregivers are able educated and given a list of things to do to help hasten recovery once they are at home. When armed with the right knowledge and tools, patients and the healthcare team can work together without having to be in proximity to each other. You may also see marketing plan executive summary.

4. To comply with hospital audits.

Another lesser-known purpose of using standardized discharge summary templates is that they are mandatory for compliance hospital or clinic audits. These audits are usually done by government organizations and private firms to help elevate the level of care that patients receive. You may also see sample marketing plan executive summary.

Hospital Discharge Summary Template

hospital discharge summary template

National Standard for Patient Discharge Summary Template

national standard for patient discharge summary template

Nursing Home Discharge Summary

nursing home discharge summary

Pediatric Discharge Summary Template

pediatric discharge summary template

Psychiatric Facility Discharge Summary Template

psychiatric facility discharge summary template

Article Summary Templates

Another type of summary template included in this list is an article summary template. From its name alone, anyone can deduce that this kind of template is used for outlining or recapping any kind of article. You may also see create a executive summary.

Article summary templates are especially useful for those who are tasked to summarize lengthy scholarly articles, published studies, reviews of related literature, thesis proposals, and even scientific journal entries. Also, this kind of summary template will mostly include a set of questions, word/phrase prompts, and tips on how to best summarize a specific article.

In the collection of article summary templates compiled below, we have different types of summary templates for summarizing journal article, scientific articles, research article, newspaper articles, and even nursing literature articles. Choose the correct type of summary template for the kind of article that you are tasked to read and summarize.

Blank Article Summary Template

blank article summary template

Journal Article Summary Template

journal article summary template

Newspaper Article Summary Template

newspaper article summary template

Sample Article Summary Template

sample article summary template

Importance of Article Summary Templates

Creating article summaries can easily become a loathsome task especially if the source article you are reading does not interest you. A solution to this soul-sucking task can come from the use of article summary templates. We have listed a few more benefits of using article summary templates and how they can help your school and study life easier. Read on…

1. They help streamline the article summary creation process.

If you are a student or if it is your job to create article summaries, using summary templates will help you organize the entire summary creation process. This is essential if you want to just follow a simple framework and base all your articles from that. Most article summary templates will also ask you to answer a set of questions about the article you have just read. And if you have already familiarized yourself with this set of questions, you will learn how to look for the answers to these questions while you are reading the article – making it easier to write down an article summary once you have finished reading.

2. They help you save time.

In connection with the previous item, the use of article summary templates will then help you save time when creating an actual article summary. To illustrate, if you are creating article summaries for school, you do not have to repeatedly read through an article just trying to understand what the article was all about. The article summary template will have already provided you with cues on how to write the summary while you are reading. And, in effect, you will have spent lesser time in writing the article summary. This time saved could then be used for more studying or for other extracurricular tasks. You may also see differences between summary and synopsis.

3. To standardize article content.

Writing article summaries is a task often done by people in the academia. Students may need to summarize the books and research papers that they have read in order to complete a course. Professors may require the use of the same article summary template to help increase fairness in evaluating the different outputs that they receive. You may also see free executive summary templates.

4. They help make an editors’ and reviewers’ job easier.

In the same vein, professional academic and scientific literature reviewers and editors also benefit from the use of article summary templates since they will just need to read the article summaries. The different institutions that they are in may institute the use of an article summary format that all article submissions should follow. By doing this, reviewing and editing research journal articles, scientific journals, and studies can be done easily and quickly.

5. To create a better reference material.

Students are not the only ones who need to use article summary templates. The academic and scientific world also relies on easily accessible sources to base any future studies. Researchers and librarians, for example, also need to summarize scientific case studies and journals to create reference materials for their specific jobs. The use of article summary templates will then help them do their jobs better. And when they do their jobs better, other people can benefit from it too.

So those are the top advantages or using article summary templates. So if you are specifically looking for a template that will help you in doing your article summarizing homework, feel free to download any article summary template found in this article. You may also see executive summary business plans.

Nursing Literature Article Summary Review

nursing literature article summary review

Research Article Summary Template

research article summary template

Academic Article Summary Template

academic article summary template

Science Article Summary Template

science article summary template

Template for Article Summary

template for article summary

Bid Summary Templates

The next type of summary template included in this list are bid summary templates. These printable templates are needed if you want to create an accurate summation of an action plan or proposal plan to achieve a certain goal. Some bid summaries will include the creator’s objectives and plan of action written in an essay type of document while other bid summaries may include illustrations and graphs to showcase different elements of the bid process that its creator wants to showcase to the person reviewing the bid.

Bid summaries, as its name suggestions, are usually used in events or situations where there is a contest on who can best implement or provide for a certain project. This is the reason why bid summaries are sometimes called bid proposals, tenders, or proposal plans. Construction businesses, outsourcing companies, and contracting firms usually use bid summaries when they want to show interest in acquiring a project from different government agencies or other private firms.

Things To Include in a Bid Summary Template

If you are tasked to craft a bid summary template for your own organization or company, always make sure to include most of the pieces of information listed below.

Simple Bid Summary Template

simple bid summary template

Blank Bid Summary Template

blank bid summary template

University Bid Summary Template

university bid summary template

Contract Bid Summary Template

contract bid summary template

Food Service Bid Summary Template

food service bid summary template

Government Bid Summary Template

government bid summary template

Informal Bids Summary Sheet

informal bids summary sheet

Investment Summary Templates

For those who have a new and promising business idea but lack the optimum amount of money to see this idea into fruition, you may need to look for investors or contact your local bank for a loan. In either of these cases, you will also most likely need to create an investment summary. An investment summary is a printed document that will contain detailed information about a business plan, asset, piece of real estate, or any income-generating source that will help convince other people to fund this business venture.

How to Write an Investment Summary Template

There are different ways to create and format an investment summary document. But since most investment summaries can be troublesome to create, the use of investment summary templates is a much-preferred method for creating them. And to help you in creating your own investment summary template that will surely catch the attention of any prospective investor, we have listed the most important items to include in your investment summary.

1. The type of investment project.

The most important piece of information that an investment summary should include is the type of investment product or property you wish to get funding for. This could be a new software program, a piece of real estate, a new invention. Make sure to write this clearly on your investment proposal so that any future investor would understand what they using their money for.

2. Relevant market research.

Another important part of an investment summary is the market research. As an entrepreneur who is seeking funding for your product or service, you should make sure that you have studied your market or audience well. By including results of your market research, you will save your investors the time in conducting this market survey on their own. Also, this shows that you know what you are doing as a business owner since you are already sizing up your possible competition and your target market.

But remember, a having a good market research study is only half the battle. You need to carefully and creatively present this piece of information on your investment summary in a way that your investors will easily understand. To do this, you may incorporate graphs and charts into your investment summary template.

3. Your business’ financial status.

A business’ financial report and corresponding status is another piece of information that most investors will look for when they read investment summaries or proposals. As an entrepreneur, you should include this piece of information in your investment proposal as a sign of goodwill. These investors already know that you do not have enough money to fund this new venture. But what they are looking at is how you have managed your finances as a business in the past. This allows them to make a more accurate guess on how the business’ finances will be managed if they indeed agree to give you the funds.

4. The people behind the business.

When creating an investment summary, you also make sure to include the names of the business managers or the entrepreneurs who have submitted the investment summary themselves. This allows any prospective investors to know more about the people behind the business. A certain degree of trust needs to be established before an investor agrees to lend you money. Also, by knowing the background of the people running the business, they can conduct their own background checks and know if a person is a reliable entrepreneur or not.

5. Exit strategy.

Another important information to include in an investment summary is your planned business exit strategy. A good exit strategy will include detailed information on how an entrepreneur intends to act for various predictable and unpredictable economic conditions. This may include bankruptcy, natural disasters, and other force majeure incidents. Investors will also look for a good exit strategy plan where they can safely and easily recoup their investments without compromising the financial state of the business.

Simple Investment Summary Template

simple investment summary template

FLIP Investment Summary Template

flip investment summary template

Investment Property Summary Template

investment property summary template

Sample Investment Summary Template

sample investment summary template

One Page Investment Summary Template

one page investment summary template

Are You Ready To Write Your Own Summary Template?

Creating summaries for any type of article, bid, investment, or endeavor is made much easier if you rely on summary templates. The different examples of summary templates that we have included on this list just prove that. Use the different downloadable templates embedded above as your guide to creating the best and most comprehensive summary templates that you and your organization may need. You may also see sample executive report formats.

There are more types of summary templates available aside from the few examples we have compiled above. Feel free to browse through this website for more business articles and free templates that you can use for school, for work, or for your own business. Also, if you found this article helpful, do not forget to bookmark it for future reference and to share it with your friends and colleagues on social media.

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