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2+ Holiday Announcement Templates – PDF

Holidays are always in store in working calendars. In a year, almost every month has a holiday or two that allows people to rest and loosen up from the daily grind of a full working day. On holidays, most offices do not operate. Employees get to be paid double whether they work or not, depending on the company’s rules and regulations. It must be announced to all the employees for them to be prepared for those non-working days.

A holiday announcement is a short letter announcing a holiday to the employees. It is usually a notice for the employees not to work on that day, although it is optional for them to work with pay. Holiday announcements, just like any other announcements, are written in its simplest language. You may also see announcement letter templates.

Holiday Announcement Sample

holiday announcement sample

What To Include In A Holiday Announcement

The very first thing to do when writing announcements are to gather information. There are kinds of holidays people in the office should take note of. First, the national holiday. It is the kind of holiday that is celebrated all throughout the country. If the head of the state declares that day as a non-working holiday, you have to follow it. The same goes for company holidays if the head of the company declares a day as a holiday. Get the facts straight and once you do, begin writing. You may also see promotion announcement letters.

Pick the most important information and the right words when writing the announcement. Some of these include the day of the holiday, the reason why it is celebrated if it is a public holiday or not, and whether employees get the option to work. If employees go to work on a holiday, you are obligated to pay them double or more than double for the work they do. This is also known as a holiday premium. Some employers use the no work-no pay scheme while others give their employees pay if they are present the day before the holiday. You may also see sample wedding announcement templates.

Keep the language simple and the whole announcement short. A length of 200-300 words would do for a holiday memorandum. Every employee should get the gist of the announcement right away. Refrain yourself from using deep words. After writing everything, edit what needs to be edited before circulating it through email. You may also see write a letter announcing a new product.

Most employers write about public holiday announcements. Most employees enjoy public holidays. How you write the announcement matters to them. It should always be right, credible and accurate. You may also see meeting announcement templates.

Types of Holidays

A holiday is a holiday. In the corporate world, holidays take on a different mode. When schools suspend classes, the corporate world is much less tolerant of it. The first type of holiday is the regular holiday. This kind of holiday has a fixed date, such as New Year’s Day and Christmas Day. These times are for family celebrations and gatherings. It is expected that most people don’t have work on these dates. You may also see retirement announcement letter templates.

Another kind of holiday is the special holiday. With special holidays, people are given the option to work or not. However, some companies declare a no-working day and some require their employees to render a few hours of work. Special holidays can be moved as per the mandate of the head of the state. Not all businesses are corporate in nature. Some businesses are geared towards public services such as media outlets, call centers, shopping malls and fast food chains. You may also see business announcement templates.

People who work on holidays get overtime pay from their companies. While it is good to spend the holiday resting and regaining energy, some people opt to be more productive and earn more when the need arises. The basis of the pay is the number of hours and employee rendered and the type of holiday he worked in. Regular holidays pay much better than special holidays. You may also see death announcement templates.

Office Holiday Announcement Sample

office holiday announcement sample

Sample Holiday Announcement

sample holiday announcement

What To Do On A Holiday

Holidays are great opportunities to relax and loosen up. For students, it is those days where they can hang out with friends and get off stress from school. For regular workers, it’s a temporary sweet escape to the otherwise hectic and pressure-filled work life. These are just some things you could do on a holiday:

1. Take people out to dinner.

Work has the tendency to take over a person’s life and imprison them in a draining routine. You get up and prepare for work, do what you have to do in the office, and go home. Sometimes you miss dinner with your family because you feel tired from work. Every holiday, make it a point to treat them out to dinner and catch up. It makes them feel happy. If they don’t like fancy dinners, you can stay at home and cook for them. That saves up a lot of money if going out for dinner is not an option. You may also see printable birth announcement templates.

2. Get a massage.

Tired muscles need some relaxation. Get yourself a massage on a holiday. It helps you feel better, especially if you have been feeling muscle pains due to so much work. An hour of massage will do. It is a much-deserved treat that you can get for yourself on a short holiday. You may also see PSD graduation announcement templates.

3. Go back to the craft you once loved.

Make use of your holiday by doing the craft you once loved. It is a trip down the memory lane, and an opportunity to rediscover the suppressed passion you once had for that craft. You can sharpen your skills again and be good at it. You may also see wedding announcement templates.

4. Invite a friend over.

A holiday is much better when you have a friend to spend it with. Invite a friend in your place and spend some time talking about life and eating everything you want to eat. Make it a bonding time to keep your friendship strong. You may also see employee announcement templates.

5. Read a book.

Reading a book on a holiday does so much to the imagination. It makes your mind active by imagining what you read. It takes you to places you would not expect yourself to be. A book is always worth the read when life gets boring or hectic. Choose books that you are completely comfortable reading. A life hack in buying books is to go for secondhand ones. Some people sell their books online for cheaper prices than its original price in bookstores. Make sure it is in good condition. You may also see party announcement templates.

6. Have a movie or series marathon.

With the availability of internet, you can easily download movies and television series on your computer and have a marathon. Once in a while, your mind needs something new to see aside from the work you do. A good television series with a tightly-written plot can make you think and expect what’s going to happen. If you want to relax and laugh a bit, an excellent choice of romantic-comedy movies can help. You may also see moving announcement card templates.

Watching most of the episodes and finishing about four movies a day is an enough diversion. This saves you time and money. If downloading is a hassle for you, there are several video streaming services available online if you want to watch movies and series. You have to pay on a monthly basis for a subscription. These sites are legal and do not cause harm on your computer once you start using them. You may also see free announcement templates.

7. Go on a long drive.

Another good way of spending the holiday is going on a long drive away from the city. Getting lost is a big possibility, and it is there that the most memorable adventure begins. Long drives are best spent with friends who are willing to be tagged along. You may also see moving announcements.

8. Hit the beach.

For beach bums, taking a dip on a holiday is an excellent idea. Even if it is a one-day getaway, make the most out of it. The sea offers a relaxing and soothing sensation no other form of vacation can do. It is also the time to get some fresh air and spend a few days away from the bustling metropolis. Refresh your mind before going back to work again. You may also see anniversary announcement templates.

9. Stay at home.

Staying at home can make you do things. First, you get to sleep a lot without an alarm waking you up. Sleep lets you get back all the energy you lost and refreshes your mind. Second, you can do all the household chores that you have not been able to do. Clean up your room, arrange furniture and other things in your house, and clean the bathroom and toilet area. It takes so much energy, but doing chores on a holiday saves you from the mess it could accumulate in the future. So many things could be done at home. It makes you even spend less than the usual expense that you have. You may also see announcement flyers.


Holiday announcements are important in letting the employees know that they do not need to work on that day. When it comes, make the most out of it and do productive things to make it worthwhile. You may also see engagement announcement designs.

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