10+ Funny and Cool Wallpapers Which are Worth Keeping
Wallpaper and screensavers are used to make your screen worth an appeal. It adds beauty to the screen as well as it makes it interesting to look at. Almost everybody uses wallpapers knowingly and unknowingly. What makes a difference is a choice. Funny and cool wallpapers are trendy. You can also see Funny Backgrounds. The type of wallpaper you choose for your computer, laptop and mobile talks volume about your personality. It shows the mindset you have and also the current mood you are dwelling in. if a person keeps the funny wallpaper related to the food we know he/she is a foodie. If a person keeps the wallpaper of the dog we know that the person is a dog lover. Every wallpaper defines you and tells a little story about you. It gives a sense of what type of person you are. You can also see Coolest iPhone WallPapers. There are a different type of personalities in this world. Their language, likes and mindset are different from one another. But there are few “global wallpapers” which is liked and adored in all parts of the world because they define us and the type of person we are. They are relatively funny in their own good ways. Have a look at these funny and cool wallpapers and try relating it yourself, your siblings or your friends. And if this is making you smile, we have found your personality here.

Poke Falling Ship Funny Wallpaper for Free
The poke falling ship is incredibly funny. It relates to your social media life as well when unknown people poke you over unnecessarily.
Octopus Funny Cool Wallpaper for Desktop
This funny wallpaper of octopus looks beautiful. The cute faced octopus has the cigar in one of his arms. He looks confused and funny.
Download Street Fighter Funny Wallpaper
This street fighter wallpaper narrates the story of an angry modern day woman.The woman in the picture is seen hitting the clothes in the washing machine with force. This wallpaper is best suited for your angry mood.
Ghost Playing with Kid Cycle Funny Wallpaper Download
This wallpaper of the ghost playing with the kid’s cycle looks funny. The kid in the wallpaper seems to be unaware what ghost are and is seen smiling in the picture. This wallpaper is best suited for kids.
Burning Breath of Cat Funny HD Wallpaper Download
The wallpaper of fire burning breath from the cat’s mouth looks artistic. This wallpaper is photoshopped and can inspire you in different manners.
This wallpaper featuring two cute kittens holding the gun in their little arms looks so cute that you would actually want them to bring home. You can set this delightful wallpapers as your screen saver which will make you go aww every time you see them.
Humor Funny Tissue Paper Wallpaper Download
This wallpaper depicting the tissue paper artistic design is full of humour. Next time whenever you will see the tissue paper it will remind you of this wallpaper. Give it a try on your screens.
Star Wars Funny Snacks Wallpaper Download
Star wars is an epic opera space franchise.There are series made on it and carries a huge fan following. If you are one of them, you must try this wallpaper on your screens.
Have you imagined anybody farting a rainbow? Well, this funny cartoon does. This funny cartoon rainbow wallpaper is for all those people who thinks out of the box.
Aliens Playing Snooker Funny Wallpaper Download
This wallpaper featuring two aliens playing snooker, smoking and drinking will remind you of the Hollywood Scifi movies. If you are a person who has unbelievable thought process. Give it a try to this wallpaper.
Cartoon Fight Cool And Funny Wallpaper
This wallpaper of cartoon fighting with each other is worth a watch. The positions of both the funny cartoon will awestruck you for a moment. If you are into animation field this wallpaper can inspire you.