19+ Awesome Animal Drawings

“Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness”. You cannot bring proficiency in any person just by forcing him/her. Especially drawing is something that has to do a lot with one’s innate ability and passion. If you are that aspirant who wants to make it big as an artist, these floating drawings of animals are for you. They not only show the build of the animals but also try to express their character.

animal drawings

Beautiful Squirrel Drawing

 Beautigul Squirrel Drawing

Practicing Helps. But you ought to have something concrete to practice. Here is something with so much of life that you will actually touch it for petting it.

Drawing of A Bulldog


A Cute drawing of a Bulldog. The artist draws it just like the real animal. If you draw more animals than people, you can keep this doggy immediately in your collection.

Bright Charcoal Drawing of Dog

 Bright Black Color Dog Drawing

Animal drawing is a source of joy that keeps the artist’s face glowing. See this lifelike drawing of an Dog which was drawn using Charcoal on toned paper.

Horse Drawing by Pilar Larcade


Here is the drawing of a horse face with nose band, terret, brow band, cheek piece, throat latch, rosette, etc. A Wonderful drawing by gifted hands of talent.

Dog Drawing by Austin


Is it really hand-drawn? To make us believe, Austin, the artist of this Abstract drawing gave the details that it was drawn on Strathmore series 400 paper using an HB pencil. Everything including the fur, eyes and the belt looks so realistic.

Elephant Illustration Drawing


Though there is less similarity between the real animal and this image (because people cannot see an African elephant this way), you can use this to know how to start Animal drawing.

Dark Charcoal Drawing of A Dog


Though you are never taught things in a traditional way, you can very much become a Traditional artist. Here is the know-how. Drawing of a Dog using dark charcoal.

Creative Elephant Drawing


Flora & Fauna are always great sources of inspiration for drawing. Look at this Elephant drawing. An idea transformed into a beautiful result. Even if you are a local crafter, you can use this.

Awesome Pug Drawing


The artist has taken a patent on the idea. But fortunately, you can get inspiration from this. Now the finished one is very much in front of you; all you need to have is the time to practice.

Wild Leopard Art with Pencil

 Wild Leopard Art with Pencil

What all you could do with a few art pencils? Of course, a lot. See this Pencil drawing. In addition to the commissioned drawings, you now have another drawing of a Wild Leopard drawn using pencils.

Pencil Sketch of a Squirrel


Wolf Drawing by iMikeOakheart

Wolf Drawing by iMikeOakheart

Tiger Art with Ballpoint Pen

 Tiger Art with Ballpoint Pen

Black & White Horse


Pencil Art of Dogs

 Pencil Art of Dog

Giraffe Art by Jayna Pavlin


Conceptual Pug Drawing

 Conceptual Pug Drawing

Wildebeest Art by James W Johnson

Wildebeest Art by James W Johnson

Traditional Art of Dog

Traditional Art og Dog

Wild Cat Drawing

Wild Cat Drawing

Little Red Color Squirrel

 Little Red Clolor Squirrel

Colorful Drawing by Atomiccircus

Colorful Drawing by Atomiccircus

Head Shot of a Growling Bear

 Head Shot of a Growling Bear

Kitty Drawing by Gabby


Puppy Drawing by Sarah Batalka

 Puppy Drawing by Sarah Batalka

Pencil Illustration of an Adorable Pug


Blue Color Horse By Boyan Dimitrov


Pencil Sketch of a Tiger Head

 Pencil Sketch of a Tiger Head

Wild Dogs in Blackc & White Color


Now your lovely drawing book can be your canvas. After all, if your drawings can bring smiles on people’s faces, what else do you want? These drawings are speaking up for something that is less spoken of. They are all about entangled and endangered species that we need to protect for the generations to come.